Sunday, November 4, 2007


I missed blogging yesterday as I was nursing a bladder infection and all the side effects I get with the antibiotics. Yuck. I didn't stray far from the couch, so there wasn't much to report, anyway.

Dinner at Famous Dave's on Friday night was tasty - even though I didn't taste very much of it. By the evening my appetite is shot - but I do graze most of the night in hopes my stomach will remain full enough to get me through the night.

This evening our friends the Brabecs and O'Connors are coming over for pizza. It has been quite awhile since we have gotten together as a group so it will be great getting caught up with everyone!

Tomorrow is my Gemzar treatment, if my counts are good. I will also be getting my flu shot, which always has it's own side effects for me, so I am not looking forward to that. However, I do so want to have the chemo so we can continue to stomp on the beast. Thanks for all your prayers. Oh, and thanks for all who have written me about special prayers that have been sent up on my behalf. You will never know how much they mean to me.


nikkis30by30 said...

There will always be prayers on your behalf, even after you kill the beast!! You are one special gal and you deserve nothing but the best!! We are all on your side. Together, we will defeat this!

Hope that tomorrow brings all it needs to. Try and keep us posted on the outcome, IF you are up to it!!!!


Mimi in the Midwest said...

Dear God,

I ask that you let Jacque receive a healing that we can only imagine. Amen

p.s. God,

Let her enjoy eating!!!

Di said...

Amen to that! You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow (as you always are). Hope the counts look good and you handle your chemo better, as well as the flu shot. Lots to look forward to!
The pizza and pie were wonderful but the company was the BEST. We love you all. Hugs, di

Di said...
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Midwest Beach Girl said...

Yes, yes. Specials prayers are said in Florida every night for you and for Little Bret. Go cancer fighters!