Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!!!!

True to my nature, I made the wonderful comfort food meal and then had to choke all but the taters and gravy down. What is with that? Hopefully, tonight's chili will have more appeal!
The side effects from the Aredia kicked in late afternoon yesterday and I suffered through body aches all night. Even my narcotics didn't seem to want to budge the pain. Everything settled down by this morning and I have kept on top of the pain meds, so hopefully I am due for a good night's rest. I should think it should start to dwindle and be gone by tomorrow afternoon (fingers crossed).
My biggest accomplishment today was driving myself to the store and getting the makings for the chili. I was pretty wiped out by the time I got home - Ladies and Gentlemen, steroids have left the building. I still feel pretty good, though, compared to the last few weeks, so I am not going to complain!
The chili is simmering on the stove and I need to go get the corn bread in the oven. We will lock the cats in the storage area and eat our chili in the great room while we wait for our trick or treaters to arrive. I am curious how many we will see this year!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New Shoes

I am riding the wave of my steroid high and enjoying it. I spent a quiet morning on the computer and watching TV (doing the minimal housework - emptying dishwasher and reloading), had lunch and waited for my shoes to arrive via UPS. I ordered some mule like, slip on, light weight tennies as all my shoes right now feel too heavy. It is hard to go shopping when you can't pick up your feet! I had also ordered a pair of casual pants and a pair of jeans in my new slimmer size. While it is nice to need smaller clothes, I don't particularly like how I have arrived there. I was thrilled as all fit great, so no returns and no need to keep looking!

Once my shoes arrived I went to Kohl's - I even drove myself! I was hoping to find another pair of pants in a different color like I ordered from Penney's, but Kohl's doesn't carry them in talls. A check of the shoe department for a similar pair of shoes on a different color was unsuccessful, too. Guess I will have to go to Penney's and hope the items weren't catalogue only. I could order again, but I hate the wait - I want immediate gratification.

I finished up my eventful day by stopping at Fareway to get one of their frozen cherry pies to keep on hand for Mark's birthday which is coming up (I may have mentioned this earlier when I made one for Carolyn's birthday). If you haven't ever tried one you are missing out. The brand is something like Village Peddler, or some such, but they are as close to home made as you are going to get with out making it yourself. They are pricey - $10 to $11 bucks, but are well worth it. I do a egg white wash on top, put on a crust protector and bake away. Mmmm -mmmmm - and I am not a pie eater!

Fareway also has awesome meat, so picked up a boneless turkey breast for supper. I am in the mood for comfort food. So in a bit I will peel some spuds, make gravy and green beans and wallow in the comfort.

Monday, October 29, 2007

No Chemo

Well, it finally happened. I wasn't able to do chemo today because my platelets are too low. This means I have to wait until next week. I realize, in the big scheme of things, it is not so bad. I should be use to not making plans, etc. but this inability to make even small future plans does get old. If I were truly able to plan I would, as I type, be sitting on a beach in Naples, Florida with my hubby and friends. But that was not meant to be. Don't worry, I am not going into a pity party - just saying how things are.

So, while I didn't have chemo, I did have the premeds, which always perk me up for a bit and the Aredia (bone strengthener). This will be a good week to see what type of side effects the Aredia gives me since that is really all I received. Dr. S gave me a prescription laxative and changed my breakthrough pain meds a bit, so hopefully things will improve on that 'end' (sorry, couldn't help myself).

I am also retaining fluids big time and was mad at myself when I realized I stretched out a new pair of shoes on Friday night when we went out to eat. Does anyone know if a shoe repair shop can 'un-stretch' leather? Dr. S also tweaked my diuretic, so hopefully my ankles and toes will soon return to normal. I should be able to stay out of the cancer clinic this week since I didn't have my treatment, so not receiving IV fluids three times in a week will surely help, too.

Dear Krista, friend and PEO sis, is bringing dinner by tonight. What great timing. Right now I am to the point that just about anything sounds good, but getting it made and on the table can be daunting. Where is Aunt Bea when you need her?

Tiny Post

A quick post to say all is fine, I was just so wiped out yesterday I slept most of it away. I will post more later after chemo.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wonderful Night

I had a wonderful night. Dear Lois, a friend from church dropped off a meatloaf dinner to be cooked when we like (we like tonight :-) - thanks Lois). Mark and I WENT TO DINNER at China Buffet - my first official outing in almost a month! I was hungry for crab legs and I can also do the Mongolian grill to control my salt intake (this is where you create your own stir fry dish and put what oils and sauces you want on it and they cook it to order). We then came home and Steve and Diane stopped by for a visit as did Greg! It was a nice evening.

Of course, things can't always be rosy. I awoke to a major case of constipation. It was a pretty wild morning - but I successfully birthed a baby (or so it seemed). I then had to wait while my body cleansed itself of all the laxatives, etc. I was freezing cold (96 degree temp) and pretty miserable. Mark and Carolyn nursed me through it and I am starting to get some zip back. Of course, this set my spine and hip off, so it is back on the narcotics - which got me here in the first place. I am going to be more proactive this time and have my ducks in order with the help of Carolyn's expertise. Yuck! A gal from my discussion boards has a drug she takes for her bone mets pain that I am going to run past Dr. S. It is worth a try!

Mark spent a busy morning taking care of me, cleaning house and doing yard work. He is presently 'watching' the Husker game with the cat on his lap, chair back in recline and eyes closed. Good for him!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Nice 24 hours

What a nice 24 hours I have had. The fluids and steroids from yesterday kept me perkier than I have felt in some time. My PEO sis, Cherie, brought over a wonderful casserole that Mark, Carolyn and I enjoyed immensely for dinner. After a good night's sleep I was back at the cancer center this morning for more fluids and steroids (precautionary due to the weekend). Finally, I was visited by two fine ladies from my church, Vikki and Mitsy, who besides spending time talking, also gave me communion and healing /prayer/anointment. It was lovely.

The next round of chemo will be this Monday, if lab work looks good. Your prayers are apprciated!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Well, it is a good thing I didn't hold my breath yesterday. By bedtime I was nauseated and vomiting. Spent the morning in Cancer center getting IV fluids, steroids and anti-nausea meds. Now I feel fairly well, again. I am going back tomorrow for more fluids in the morning - as a precaution. I am not sure how you can drink as many fluids as I do and still be dehydrated - but I manage - just talented, I guess :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The pain medications have been a Godsend. Other than being tired from them, I feel fairly well. I also have very little appetite - but I force myself to nibble on something every few hours. I know this too shall pass. So far - no nausea problems. Hopefully this will continue, but I won't hold my breath until the week is done. Thanks to you all for your continued support!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Overall Pain

Day two of chemo and I felt great this morning. However, as the day wore on my bones began to ache and now I am having a hard time getting comfortable. I think this is chemo related, as it is pretty much all over my body, not just the hips. On a good note - no nausea or vomiting - yea!

I took my new pain pill yesterday and it really did the trick - no achiness all night. In fact, I skipped the second dose thinking I would just take it later in the day like yesterday. Wrong choice, I see now. Hopefully pill two will give me some relief and the first one has done nothing.

My dear friend, Diane, stopped by with delicious soup from Wheatfields and one of their little sandwiches I love. Of course, by the time she arrived the aches were taking over so I wasn't able to eat much, but it will taste good tonight or tomorrow. She also brought me some thank you notes - I was completely out! Hugs to you, Diane!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Round Two

Round two of Carbo/Gemzar is done. As usual, today is a not so bad day. I have an IV anti-nausea med as well as a steroid before they start the chemo to hold back side effects. Tomorrow will be the telling day. Last round I ended up at the Cancer Center getting fluids (and unfortunately the hospital). They have me on the books for fluids tomorrow, and I can decide in the morning if I want to go in or not. I have learned that fluids are a GOOD thing and to not fight them. I try to drink bunches of fluids, but it just never seems to be enough.

My hips have been dealing me fits. I can't sit in my comfy chair right now, as it just irritates them. I have been trying all types of pain relief to no avail. Today I start the big guns - ocycontin. I am not thrilled, but I am tired of not being able to sleep. Hopefully I can get it under control and back off a bit. The nurses seemed to think I could.

Dear Lord, Please get me through this week of side effects as gently as possible. I also pray that the new pain med will help at it's lowest dose.
Lord, please direct these drugs to the cancer and lay your loving hands on me to heal me. I also pray for increased energy, return of my appetite and easier breathing.
Thank you Lord for all the caring people in my life. I am boundlessly blessed. Amen

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Matt headed back to Minneapolis before lunch. He had to swing by Des Moines to pick up Courtney who was having a girls weekend and attending a shower for a friend. It was great having him home!

Matt and Mark went to the UNO hockey game last night with Steve O and then met Courtney O and Kaitlin afterwards at a new brewery for some appetizers and a few beers.

I am not feeling well today. I am achy, short of breath and nauseous - not a good combo. Hopefully once I get through tomorrow's treatment and the week of side effects I will notice a big change. I certainly hope so! I was going to go to a PEO catered dinner tonight, but I knew it was not a good idea. Patience, Jacque, patience.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Dinner last night was delicious. Jaime, Greg's girlfriend, joined us and it was a very pleasant evening.

Matt helped me straighten my closet and change clothes from summer to winter. It is so nice to open the door and be able to find what I am looking for so easily. I have a few bags for Goodwill and much more room in there!

I am not feeling well today. My hips are aching and my stomach is a bit 'off'. I am sure it is signs that it is time for another treatment. I am not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to knocking out the cancer!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Birthday Dinner

I haven't accomplished near what I hoped today, but that is OK. Matt drove me to Fareway so I could purchase some items for my mother in law, Carolyn's, birthday dinner tonight. Fareway's meat is SO good. We are having New York strips - mmmmmmm.

No other news and I need to go start on dinner with a lot of help from Matt. :-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blood Work Better

Blood work looked pretty good. The platelets are on the rise, the red blood cells are high and the white blood cells are low. I have no idea what all that means, except I don't need a transfusion. I showed the nurse and PA my ingrown nail on my big toe and now I have a podiatrist appointment this afternoon. I have been complaining about this toe being sore for months, and all I have been told is 'Yea, your chemo does that to your toes'. Guess I should have been more vocal.

Matt will be here around dinner time. I am sure he will be tired after his long drive. He didn't leave Minneapolis until noon or so. He had some friends over last night and he had to clean up the house before he left.

Greg has a new part time job at Nebraska Furniture Mart in the warehouse! It is holiday temporary, with the hopes it goes into permanent after the holidays. I am so excited! Why, you might ask? Well, for those of you who don't know, NFM is a HUGE furniture, electronics, appliance megastore. It is an amusement park for adults who like to shop - and Greg will have a discount! Who Whoooo!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tired Day

I am having a tired day. Part of it might be the dreary day.

My friend and PEO sis (and fellow church member), Becky, brought by some homemade veggie beef soup and Great Harvest bread this morning. It looks yummy and I plan on enjoying a bowl as soon as I post.

Matt has fall break starting on Thursday and is coming home for a long weekend. It will be nice to see him!

To answer Rosebud's question on yesterday's comments - I don't really 'clean' - like vacuuming or dusting - I just got rid of any piles that have accumulated (mail, magazines, etc.) so he could see what there was to clean. Plus, I really do like to keep my house that way as much as possible - but when I was feeling so punky the piles took over!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Feeling Better?

People keep asking if I feel better and I have to stop myself from saying no. I want 'feeling better' to mean feeling like I did before all these liver and new chemo issues started. BUT - if I think back to last week on Tuesday - heck YES I feel better!

Today I spent the morning straightening the house as I had a house cleaner coming over to give me a bid. Mark had done a nice job of cleaning over the weekend, but there were piles of stuff here and there and of course I want the house cleaner to think we live exemplary lives :-). I would go through a stack and then lay down. Make the bed and then lay down. Do another stack and lay down. Now the house looks presentable (albeit dusty - Mark hates to dust) and I have a new house cleaner!

Tonight our friends, Lori and Jeff, are bringing us supper - so kind. After my busy day I am happy to not have to worry about coming up with something to eat! I can tell it will be an early to bed night. I tried to stay up till 9:00 last night, but just couldn't do it - I hit the hay by 8:30 and zonked right out. Then the dryer buzzed, the cat catterwalled and the phone rang - and you guessed it - the edge was gone and I couldn't get back to sleep for quite awhile. That's life.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lab Work

I had my blood work done today. My platelets are low - 54 - 150 to 400 is normal, but not low enough for a blood transfusion. Every thing else looks fairly good, considering. I go back on Thursday to have it checked again to make sure I am climbing, not descending. If they don't go back up I might have to postpone my Monday chemo - which I don't want to do. The nurse just encouraged me to eat and drink as much as I am able.

One small improvement today - I walked into the cancer center rather than riding in a wheelchair. I was a little tipsy, but I made it. Now this afternoon my hips and thigh bones are aching - probably from the 'exertion' of the morning walk. It is sad how quickly one's body can deteriorate! I took a little nap when I got home (20 minutes) and managed to get the dishwasher cleaned out and dishes put in. One small step for womankind.....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blogger Friends

Mark drove me to my friend Melanie's home this morning so I could give her and her cousin Nikki (part of our blogger group) their 30th birthday presents. Stacey, from Florida, was there along with her twin sister (and I DO mean twin!). They and some of their friends had spent a girl's night out, first eating at Spezia's and then going over to the casinos, renting rooms, etc. We were to all meet at Melanie's home this morning for rolls and coffee, but I just didn't have the energy to stay to visit - but Mark was gracious enough to let us talk in the drive for a bit. It was a nice outing.

Still horrendously tired. Tomorrow I go for blood work and I won't be surprised if I learn my red blood count is down. This is such a weird tired. But I have the week to recoup so hope for daily continued improvement.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Slow Going

I have been able to eat today, albeit just small amounts. I made myself sit up in a chair, rather than laying on the couch all day as has been my habit, until around three when I took a little nap. My biggest accomplishment today was emptying the dishwasher and loading the breakfast dishes. But hey, that is much improved over just laying on the couch!

My dear friend, Diane, ran errands for me today, which was greatly appreciate! She also brought me some tasty soup from Wheatfield's!

Mark and Greg were given tickets to the Husker game in Lincoln by our friends Dave and Judy - so they drove down to watch the team get spanked - royally. I think they still had a good time, though. :-)

My but this recovery is slow going. I know my doctor said to be patient - it would take a couple of months, but SURELY he was kidding! Right? Time will tell.

Thanks to all for your kind messages in emails, cards and blog comments. They are all appreciated!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel - but it is still quite a ways away. I was able to eat some breakfast - another good sign. Now if the fatigue would just subside, I would feel pretty good. Take care!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Icky Day

Today was not such a good day. Food has again lost it's appeal and I am achy still (but I am pretending it is better) and it is difficult to walk. Hopefully this too shall pass quickly.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

So Far So Good

So far, so good. I am achy - I realize now from the bone strengthening drug they gave me yesterday. Before it got masked by the Neulasta shot. Otherwise, tummy is cooperating and I have forced myself to have two solid meals today. I have even poked around the house, straightening and laundry. Feels good to feel better. I pray that I will continue to gain strength and desire to do more things each day. There for awhile my only desire was to sleep and stare at the walls - pretty disconcerting!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Chil's Baby Back Ribs

My second installment of new chemo is over. So far, I don't feel any worse for the wear. Tomorrow will probably be the telling day - but who knows? My dear friend and neighbor, Carol, picked me up after my chemo (Mark took me over his lunch hour) to take me home and I do appreciate her willingness to help out.

I got home in time for supper, which was baby back ribs from Chili's. I have been craving ribs and I knew tonight would be a good 'eatin' night because of the IV steroids I get before my treatment. I ate a half rack of ribs, cinnamon apples and a slice of banana bread my friend Lois dropped off earlier. My tummy was quite distended, but nice and full! I often wake up in the middle of the night because I am empty - I just can't seem to eat enough to make it through the night. Hopefully tonight I won't have that problem!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Race for the Cure

I slept like a log last night. I think I would have slept solidly through had the cat not knocked a basket off the dresser. But even with that, I used the restroom and slept until 6:00 this morning. Heavenly!

Today was Race for the Cure, and it is a tradition for the Brabecs, O'Connors and Nielsens to walk in it every year. Then we take turns making brunch for after the walk. I obviously didn't make it to the walk, but my family swung back and picked me up and took me to brunch at the Brabec's home. Chris planned, shopped and cooked the entire meal himself - it was delicious! I spent a lot of time in an easy chair, and listened more than talked, but it was great to be out and about doing normal things.

I am far from being back to where I was a few weeks ago, but I am home - and that is worth a million dollars. I am still not in a visiting mode- visiting just wears me out (I napped after this morning's excursion) so appreciate your understanding. I need to get through this next chemo and I have no idea how I will react to tomorrow's treatment. Love and blessings to you all.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


A quick post to apologize for worrying everyone. I have been in the hospital due to complications of my cancer. I am home tonight -I begged to get out - as Matt and Courtney are visiting from Minneapolis, I figured I could feel yucky at home just as easily as at the hospital - and be a lot more comfortable.
I would prefer no phone calls or visits at this time - I am not the best company - but I will try to keep you up to date. Please don't think my not writing means I am worse - it is probably just I am not in the mood right now!
I will have chemo again on Monday, so as always - your prayers are appreciated!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hanging in There

Asleep, awake. Asleep, awake. That is my life today. I am also not feeling the best, so will keep this short. I am hoping tomorrow will be better.

Received word that Pastor David Bronstad, of St. Michael's Lutheran Church died of prostate cancer. He was our pastor when we lived in northwest Omaha. He was a wonderful man and while he will be greatly missed, he left a wonderful legacy. He is also the father of a friend of our's daughters. My prayers to Erika and Kirsti - as well as all of his family.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Side Effects

My desire for easy side effects were dashed when I awoke at 2:30 this morning not feeling well. By 6:30 I was heaving and by 10:00 I was at my oncologists receiving fluids and anti-nausea medicines. My dear friend, Diane, drove me and then stopped and picked up my prescriptions and got some groceries for me. Thanks, Diane!

I do feel a bit better this afternoon, but it took some time for everything to kick in - but it did kick in.

Mark is back from his duck hunting trip to North Dakota. He got back around 4:00. He was feeling very guilty about being on his trip when I was feeling so poorly, but I told him I would have felt more guilty if he had missed his trip! It all worked out and he is home safe and sound. He had a great time.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Hi dear family and friends. Thanks for every one's encouraging wishes via comments, emails, cards and phone calls.

I had my first round of Carbo and Gemzar - my new chemos, today. Dr. S doesn't think I will have any horrible side effects and my nurse agreed with him. Hopefully they are both right! He chose not to give me Aredia, the bone strengthener, this time so he could get a truer reading on how I was handling the new treatment. I also don't have to take Neulasta, unless future bloodwork says I need it. This combo, Carbo/Gemzar, usually plays havoc on platelets rather than white blood count. I am thankful to, hopefully, get a reprieve from Neulasta! I go in next Monday for the second treatment of Gemzar only and will get my Aredia at this time, too.

During my treatment I also get fluids, an anti-nausea medicine, and a steroid. These three things have given me a little vacation from the nausea and weakness this afternoon. I actually was able to go out to the mailbox and check the mail (which was late and not there, wouldn't you know) and grab the paper. I know this doesn't sound like much, but this morning I had to sit down in the middle of hanging up clothes to drip dry from the washing machine because I was so nauseous and weak feeling! Gotta love those drugs.

Is anyone else's allergies acting up? I feel like a gooey waterfall in cascading down the back of my throat. Yuck! Add to that the sneezing and runny nose and I am a poster child for allergies. I am sure this doesn't help my funky stomach!

Wish I had some fun news to report, but since I haven't traveled far from my comfy chair this last week, I don't have any stories. I am in fighting mode and appreciate your continued prayers as I try to knock this beasty to the ground! Charge!