Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The pain medications have been a Godsend. Other than being tired from them, I feel fairly well. I also have very little appetite - but I force myself to nibble on something every few hours. I know this too shall pass. So far - no nausea problems. Hopefully this will continue, but I won't hold my breath until the week is done. Thanks to you all for your continued support!


nikkis30by30 said...


I am glad that they have found something to take away the pain. I, once again, agree with OM..... it's the cancer getting its ass kicked. Agreed?

Hope that you are getting enough rest. Don't push yourself too hard, babe!!! Take advantage of rest!!! My mom always used to tell us as kids that one day, we'd be sad that we COULDN'T take a nap. I thought she was crazy. Now, I know what she was talking about. And.... my kids think I am the crazy one when I say it to them!! LOL!!

BIG HUGS!!! Love ya!!!

Melanie D. said...

Okay - so I'm glad that the meds are working. I'm glad your tummy is being good. I'm glad that you posted today. What a great way to keep us all up on what's up with you. I hope that the nausea just stays away!