Friday, October 26, 2007

Nice 24 hours

What a nice 24 hours I have had. The fluids and steroids from yesterday kept me perkier than I have felt in some time. My PEO sis, Cherie, brought over a wonderful casserole that Mark, Carolyn and I enjoyed immensely for dinner. After a good night's sleep I was back at the cancer center this morning for more fluids and steroids (precautionary due to the weekend). Finally, I was visited by two fine ladies from my church, Vikki and Mitsy, who besides spending time talking, also gave me communion and healing /prayer/anointment. It was lovely.

The next round of chemo will be this Monday, if lab work looks good. Your prayers are apprciated!


nikkis30by30 said...

More prayers than you can count and that is a promise. Seems as though the list for people to pray for gets longer and longer every day, but that is the only real thing to help.

Glad you are feeling good today. What a nice day to feel perky!! Sit on the porch and enjoy a glass of tea and some sunshine on your face. God is good!!

Annette said...

I am so glad that you've had the joy of such a good day! You are more than due!!

JustAnotherDay said...

I hope you continue to feel better! Have a great weekend! :)


Melanie D. said...

Yay! I'm so glad you've had a good day. Keep after the fluids, etc., no need to be Super Woman - right? :0) I pray that you have a peaceful, restful, healing weekend.

Rosebud said...

I pray you have an uneventful weekend with no problems. Rest and drink those fluids. Here's praying for you kid...Rosebud