Friday, November 2, 2007


I spent the day resting so I could go out to eat tonight for Mark's birthday. His actual birthday is Tuesday, but Greg has to work and I might not be feeling the best, so we are going tonight.

I went all day with no need for my breakthrough pain meds! I will have them in my purse, just in case, but so far so good!

Have a lovely weekend!


Melanie D. said...

I hope you have a great night out! And a wonderful weekend.

Midwest Beach Girl said...

Happy Birthday to Mark! Hope you had a great birthday dinner and time with you family!

nikkis30by30 said...

I hope your dinner was pain (and med) free!!! Remember to wash those little pills down with some yummy chocolate. It helps. Just ask OM and MBG!!! ;)

Big hugs!!!!