Monday, November 19, 2007

Still Mark

No chemo today due to low blood counts. Dr. Silverberg's P.A. indicated it might be time to switch treatments. We will meet with Dr. Silverberg next Monday to determine the next treatment options. Jacque will be meeting with a home health care consultant tomorrow to see what is available to help her move around the house a little easier during the day. We are watching the weather for Wed. night closely: Matt and Courtney will be driving in from St. Paul, MN. after school and work. The snow forecasts make us a little nervous. Hope you had a chance to enjoy some of today's 70 degree temperatures, it was very nice outside. Thanks to all who continue to support and pray for us.


Melanie D. said...

My prayers that your family can be together this week! I hope that the home health people can help with mobility. I know this cannot be easy for Ms. J - not being independent! Prayers for a better week.

Mimi in the Midwest said...

Remember being young and not worrying about the weather? I do. But now I know I didn't worry because my parents and in-laws were doing all the worrying for me. I heard a saying once that goes something like this- Go to bed and let God handle your worries, He doesn't sleep anyhow. The kids will be fine!!

Mimi in the Midwest said...

P.S. Thanks for the update, Mark!!!!

nikkis30by30 said...

Once again, thank you Mark!!! I hope that you can feel the power of the prayers headed in your direction, not to mention the love we all feel for you all.

Please, God, let Jacque feel better enough to be with her family and enjoy the holidays. Amen.

C & B said...

Daily you and yours are in our prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated. May your family time over the holiday be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Sorry she is not feeling well and that she couldn't do chemo today. I hope she feels better soon and can enjoy Thanksgiving.

Katie Brenneman said...

The weather forecast looks less bleak every minute . . . .I hope the stars and prayers align to give you both a great turkey day!

Midwest Beach Girl said...

My thoughts are with you and your family this holiday.

Unknown said...

We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lyle & Sharon

Mimi in the Midwest said...

Mark, tell Jacque to feel better! Real soon. (I'm a school teacher and she needs to do as she's told. Hm-m-m how does that work from teacher to teacher? I'll bet I'm older. So, as my big sister always said, do it because I'm the oldest.)

Rosebud said...

Mark, let Jacque know I stopped in to say Hi and to have a Blessed Thanksgiving. I'm one of her cancer sister from Breast Cancer. org. I hope she feel better soon and I'll be saying extra prayers for her...Hugs..rosebud

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your family... I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.

Miss Shapen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacque,

I have been checking in here lately since I have not seen you on the Humor board at BCO. I think about you often and I am hoping things improve very quickly.
