Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blood Work Better

Blood work looked pretty good. The platelets are on the rise, the red blood cells are high and the white blood cells are low. I have no idea what all that means, except I don't need a transfusion. I showed the nurse and PA my ingrown nail on my big toe and now I have a podiatrist appointment this afternoon. I have been complaining about this toe being sore for months, and all I have been told is 'Yea, your chemo does that to your toes'. Guess I should have been more vocal.

Matt will be here around dinner time. I am sure he will be tired after his long drive. He didn't leave Minneapolis until noon or so. He had some friends over last night and he had to clean up the house before he left.

Greg has a new part time job at Nebraska Furniture Mart in the warehouse! It is holiday temporary, with the hopes it goes into permanent after the holidays. I am so excited! Why, you might ask? Well, for those of you who don't know, NFM is a HUGE furniture, electronics, appliance megastore. It is an amusement park for adults who like to shop - and Greg will have a discount! Who Whoooo!


Katie Brenneman said...

Nothing beats a day at a retail 'amusement park' and congrats on the great bloodwork news!

1anonymousmom said...

YAY on good blood news!

Rosebud said...

Glad to hear the blood work looked good. Hope you're feeling better and I bet having your son there helps lift the sprit..hugs..rosebud