Monday, October 15, 2007

Lab Work

I had my blood work done today. My platelets are low - 54 - 150 to 400 is normal, but not low enough for a blood transfusion. Every thing else looks fairly good, considering. I go back on Thursday to have it checked again to make sure I am climbing, not descending. If they don't go back up I might have to postpone my Monday chemo - which I don't want to do. The nurse just encouraged me to eat and drink as much as I am able.

One small improvement today - I walked into the cancer center rather than riding in a wheelchair. I was a little tipsy, but I made it. Now this afternoon my hips and thigh bones are aching - probably from the 'exertion' of the morning walk. It is sad how quickly one's body can deteriorate! I took a little nap when I got home (20 minutes) and managed to get the dishwasher cleaned out and dishes put in. One small step for womankind.....


Unknown said...

I truly marvel at your "upbeat" take on your daily trials. How I wish we could do more to make thing better for you?

Melanie D. said...

I think dishes would be the first thing I give up if I'm not feeling well. Wait...I don't do the dishes.

Never mind.

Prayers for your recovery. Small steps back. BTW - You Rock.

My pumpkin looks fab on my desk (our home computer desk). I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Rosebud said...

Keep plugging way gal..just take care and eat somethng..Hugs..