Sunday, October 21, 2007


Matt headed back to Minneapolis before lunch. He had to swing by Des Moines to pick up Courtney who was having a girls weekend and attending a shower for a friend. It was great having him home!

Matt and Mark went to the UNO hockey game last night with Steve O and then met Courtney O and Kaitlin afterwards at a new brewery for some appetizers and a few beers.

I am not feeling well today. I am achy, short of breath and nauseous - not a good combo. Hopefully once I get through tomorrow's treatment and the week of side effects I will notice a big change. I certainly hope so! I was going to go to a PEO catered dinner tonight, but I knew it was not a good idea. Patience, Jacque, patience.


Anonymous said...

I just got home last night from Down Under and just had to get onto your blog to check in with you. You've had prayers going up for you from halfway around the world these past 2 weeks. We all missed you at the PEO social tonight! The food and fellowship were wonderful.

You're in my prayers tonight as you go in tomorrow for your treatment. I'll check in later this week to see if you're up for company.
Love, Donna

Di said...

All of your sisters last night were wanting to know how to help you. Many want to bring food over to you guys. Be thinking when that would work out for you and Mark.
We will pray that this treatment is gentle for you but powerful for the cancer.
love ya, di

1anonymousmom said...

hey girl,
still praying for u,