Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Special Honor

A blogger friend, Gina, has honored me with a Blogger Reflection Award. Gina is a beautiful, young breast cancer survivor who is presently being treated a second time for a different (not reoccurring) breast cancer diagnosis. She writes so intelligently and has wonderful insight into the whole horrible process we go through to kill the beast .
Thank you, Gina, for this honor.
First, here are the award details:

This award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who, when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.
Here are the rules:

1. Copy this set of rules.
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Put the award icon on your site.

I have many people's blogs that have been a comfort and encouragement, so this is difficult. But, I will stick with the rules and only pick five.

I met Stephanie on the bc.org discussion boards. Stephanie is a constant encouragement and radiates God's love and steadfastness. She has been dealing with her father's recent diagnosis of cancer along with her own metastatic breast cancer disease. I know we would be friends if we lived in the same city. Gina nominated Stephanie, too, but I think she deserves double awards.

Stephanie with her handsome twin sons

Terri is a Houston belle who has entertained me greatly as she has gone through her chemo treatments. She is a playwright and her creativity and humor shines through her posts. Her deep faith is evident in her responses to people on bc.org and her tilt towards silliness is a breath of fresh air.

Terri - Reading 'Hair Preview 2008'

Rosebud is a sweet, funny woman, who has managed to get through all of her breast cancer treatments with much grace. She has not allowed her chemo or radiation treatments to slow her down or interrupt her life - she enjoys every moment. Today was her last radiation treatment - she is officially done. Congratulations, Rosebud!

Rosebud going 'commando'

Annette is an Omaha friend, and has a different health cross that she carries. She has Pulmonary Hypertension, a rare disease, that quickly robs it's victims of the air needed to sustain life. Annette has valiantly walked hand in hand with this disease while maintaining her optimistic outlook through many ups and downs. She is such a wonderful role model for a life well led in spite of diversity.

Annette with her husband

Melanie was my lifesaving coworker last year and is now my friend. Her blog is a reflection of today's young working moms. It is both poignant and fun - and allows me to reminisce about a sweet and lovely (albeit hectic) time of my life. It was Melanie that convinced me to start my blog, and for that I am very grateful.

Melanie and family

Those are my five. I know some of you (Diane) are sighing with relief that you don't have to think of five people to nominate, but that doesn't mean that I don't value your contribution to my blogging world. I so appreciate you all.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Almost forgot!

I almost forgot to post! No, it wasn't because I was having such a wild and eventful day. I just was dabbling in this and that and just forgot.

Started my day at cardiac rehab and while I really didn't want to go, it was so good for me and I do feel better once I am done. I ran by Sam's Club on the way home to check prices on things for an Anderson aunt and uncle thing going on in Lincoln this weekend, then stopped by a produce stand. Otherwise I have been home tap, tap, tapping away on my computer or yakking on the phone - two things I seem to excel at.

I managed to get a decent meal on the table (yes, the Krista roast) and Carolyn joined us. After the supper dishes were cleaned up I wandered out to check out my two tomato plants and picked off one little cherry tomato. The cherry tomato was suppose to be an Early Girl, which I thought was a regular sized tomato - but obviously it isn't - or someone switched the labels. There are lots of tomatoes on both plants, and I figure they will all ripen at the same time rather than conveniently spreading this process out. Mark is slaving away on the yard weeding, so I dead headed the roses and now I am enjoying a bowl of ice cream. Life is good - albeit humdrum. Fortunately, I like humdrum!

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Started the day by going to church. Today was a celebration in the arts - and it was interesting, but didn't feel real churchy to me for some reason. The rest of the day I have pretty much just sat and rested - still a bit out of sorts. I did head over to Krista's house to pick up a few of her yummy roasts. I think I will throw one in the oven tomorrow - mmmmmm.

Last night we went to Lazlo's with Steve and Diane and Steve's sister, Allison, who is visiting from Florida. The owner, Jeremy, was there again and as usual, made the evening extra fun. The food was as delicious as last time. If you get the chance, try the apple cobbler with caramel and ice cream. It is covered in walnuts and is SO good.

Tonight, Carolyn is taking us to dinner at La Mesa. Matt will be home from DesMoines and Greg is joining us, too. I think we are going to try the new one in Bellevue. It is nice to not have to think of something to prepare for tonight's meal!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Not a Bad Day

Not a bad day, for the Saturday after treatment. My main problem is a super sensitive elimination system (if you know what I mean) that can decide to calm down any time, now! Otherwise, I feel pretty well.

So far today, the only thing I have accomplished is doing the laundry and straightening up the house - slightly. I may wander out this afternoon to run some errands - or I may nap. We will see which urge wins out.

Friday, July 27, 2007


My day started off with me feeling rather blah, but by late morning I was feeling better. I finished up Harry Potter (which was a good read) and did some ironing. I am now contemplating taking a shower and getting on with life - or maybe taking a nap - we'll see :-). All in all, the side effects were less this time, so for that I am grateful.

Matt is heading to DesMoines to spend the weekend with Courtney. Matt said Courtney was giving her notice at work today, so hope that goes well. He will be home one more week before he heads up to Minneapolis. It has been nice having him here - it will seem quiet around here once he is gone.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Side Effects Land

Absolutely no new news today. I am tired and out of sorts and have done very little that could be construed as productive today. I am now down to the last 240 pages of Harry Potter - which Matt tells me I will soon not be able to put the book down until it is done. One more icky day and then I begin the climb back up out of side effects land. Can't wait.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter

Harry Potter. This book has basically been my day. I went to cardio rehab then came home to read. Unfortunately, I am prone to getting sleepy when I read, so my day was read, nap, read, nap. I am now half way through the book. It has been a good read - but I am anxious to be done with it. I hate the suspense.
Today is the day my side effects from chemo start to kick in, and so far it hasn't been too bad - just tired and a little achy - along with the bleeding nose and scalded-like skin on my hands. I am experimenting with my Neulasta shot. I had them give it to me in the stomach rather than my arm. I am in the hopes it will cause less pain in my neck and shoulders. So far it seems to have helped - time will tell. I am also taking supplements that I read about on my discussion boards that are suppose to help with the neuropathy - L-glutimine and folic acid. I asked my onc about it and he said they haven't been proven to help, but they wouldn't hurt anything, so to go ahead and try them. Again - time will tell.
Not much else going on. Even after my many naps today I am bushed. I haven't been sleeping solidly through the night lately, so I am sure this contributes to my being tired - and lets face it, chemo has a lot to do with it, too. Hopefully all my little snoozes won't interfere with getting a good nights sleep tonight. Wishing you all a lovely night's rest.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More Pictures!

More pictures! Chris sent pictures from our trip to Minneapolis and I snapped pics of Mark and Steve with their new baby - so here we go!

Dave Koz playing over David Benoit's shoulder -Chris didn't use a zoom on this-we were this close!

Pianist, David Benoit.

Kelly Sweet - a new recording artist - with Dave Koz.

Dave Koz's new CD has a movie theme. He is dressed in Casablanca style and played As Time Goes By.

This final pic has Dave dressed as Austin Powers and a very pretty -TALL - gal dancing to the theme song from the movie. This concert was awesome - he is a real showman and there wasn't a dull moment.

Now for the new baby - a 1970 Viper Red, Dodge Roadrunner. Mark took me on a spin in it last night and I gave a squeal when we got on the interstate and he shifted gears. Oh - My - Goodness! As we left our house and were cruising down Harrison Street, the SUV next to us slowed down and kept pace with us. I finally looked up and the guy gave me a nod and a thumbs up. Later, as we were looking for an open Dairy Queen (all the ones near us had closed for a company picnic), the same thing happened with a bunch of teen guys. Their windows were open, like ours, and they shouted 'Pop it! Pop it!' I had no idea what they meant so I smiled and turned to Mark to relay the message - Mark just smiled. I guess popping it means popping the clutch and revving it. Who knew? While looking for a DQ we went by Steve's office and his car was there. We ended up hooking up with he and his daughter, Kaitlin, at Brewsky's. Matt met us, too. We parked the car WAY out in the parking lot and then sat on the patio so we could see it. It drew a number of people who walked or drove by to check it out. Pretty cool Here are the pics from the Brewseky's parking lot:

Mark & Steve

Mark & Steve

I am feeling pretty good today, albeit a bit tired. I had trouble falling asleep last night - I am sure due to a combination of my huge nap during my chemo treatment and the steroids they gave me. Then I woke up at 4:45 and couldn't fall back to sleep. I may kick back in a bit and take a little nap. I have to go in to have my Neulasta shot this afternoon and I just HATE it but it keeps me from having low blood counts, so I will endure it. Sigh. Enough whining. So far I have managed to fritter away the entire morning with out reading my book. Maybe after my nap, shot, and groceries I can find some time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Second Monday Post

I got the pictures of the Shrimp Boil from Courtney, so thought I would post
them today, this is my second Monday post.

Jacque, Mary, Don, Diane, Steve, Bonnie, Chris, Mark

Matt, Courtney W, Mike, Courtney O, Greg, Jaime

Greg and Jaime posing with the shell scrap bowl

Matt & Courntey W

Courtney O
Greg & Mark

Steve, Mark and stogies

Searching for washers in the dark (washers is a game similar to horse shoes)

Don't forget I have another post down below from today - it has happy news in it!

Happy Dance!

Today, I am doing the happy dance! My oncologist, is back after an extended health issue (he had to have a foot amputated) and it was so good to see him. He is quite the trooper - still in a wheelchair and hopping around on one leg to do the exam. Hopefully, for his sake, he will be getting around on his new prosthesis soon - it has to be exhausting to hop! Now, on to the happy dance! I had a lazy radiologist! The 'new' spots he reported on my last scan were actually the old ones from four years ago. Now, I would LOVE to give that guy thirty lashes with a wet noodle - but hey - I am THRILLED that they aren’t new spots! This means that my scans were ALL good news! Whew!

Yesterday was as I predicted. I didn’t leave the house once - unless you count when I went out in the street in front of our house to look at Mark and Steve’s new baby - a ‘70
Dodge Roadrunner in Viper Red. They went over to somewhere in Iowa yesterday - maybe three hours away - and drove her home. Mark was a big ball of sweat when he got home as there is no air conditioning in it and it was one hot day. He also had a horrible backache - he thinks from sitting for so long. But the car is a pretty thing. I will try to post pics sometime this week.

Chemo was very uneventful. In fact, other than the first hour and a half that I started reading the 7th Harry Potter book, I slept!

Yes, I am a Harry Potter fan. I love the books and I love the movies. Courtney and Matt are also fans and we didn’t see much of either one this weekend as they were holed up in their rooms reading. They both managed to finish it in two days. It will take me a couple of weeks to read as I usually only read at night - but I may use this week to read it since it is a ‘down’ time for me anyway. I am anxious to see how it ends - and, NO, I don’t want to know the outcome is until I read it! Greg wants to borrow my book when I am done, so that will be good incentive to get it done, too.

I have purposefully kept my week simple. I don’t have any plans and don’t intend to make any. Just rest and drinking lots of fluids. I hope you all have a much more exciting week planned!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Don't Wake Me

Zzzzzzzzz..... Oh! I'm sorry! I guess I dozed off there for a moment. I have had a whirlwind of activity the last few days and I am really dragging! Today I plan on sticking close to home and just resting!

Friday, I rode along with Diane as she took her friend, Kathy, who had been visiting from North Carolina, to Atchison, KS to hook up with her friend, Cindy, who she was going to visit for a few days. We shopped at
Nell Hills, a really adorable 'home emporium' filled with beautiful items. It was a quick trip - shop, lunch and then headed home.

The reason we didn't spend more time in Atchinson is because Mark and I had a wedding reception to attend that evening - for a business associate's child. I have to say, I think it was the nicest reception I had ever attended. There were 300 guests at the
Scoular building. The tables had BEAUTIFUL arrangements on them - from the tall vases with the sprays on top to modern candelabras with sprays on the bottom as well as smaller arrangements. I am a real flower lover, so I really appreciated these lovely arrangements.

There was a jazz duo playing during the hor'dourves portion of the reception (which were very tasty and were being served by constantly circling wait staff) and a lovely buffet meal was provided complete with pasta (it was an Italian wedding), baked chicken, jumbo cold shrimp and beef tenderloin roast. For dessert there was the normal wedding cake, but there was also a huge table with a chocolate fountain and just about anything you could think of to dip in it, and another table laden with cannoli. Once dinner was over, a 10 piece band - the
Confidentials - played for the dance. It was quite the 'doings'.

Yesterday, we spent the entire day getting ready for our Shrimp Boil party we hosted last night. We first experienced a shrimp boil in Ames, IA. Matt's friend, Ben's, dad promised Ben a boil if he would study hard the month before his LSAT test and not party. We tagged on to the celebration and brought appetisers and desserts. Ben's dad had perfected the recipe and process so shared it with us. Their boil consisted of shrimp, crawdads, sausage, potatoes & corn. You cook this in a huge turkey fryer pot with onions, lemons and many, many spices. It was yummy and fun! For our wedding anniversary this year I gave Mark a turkey fryer kit. It was inevitable that the shrimp boil would follow!

We tweaked the recipe a bit by substituting crab legs for the crawdads. As far as we mid-westerners are concerned the only good crawdad is in your bait bucket. Preparing for and cooking the boil was quite the process - but well worth the effort! Needless to say, we spent the day shopping, cooking and cleaning. Mark took the outside chores and Matt and Greg helped me inside. It is so nice to have such capable young men to help - I know I couldn't have done it without them! My camera went on the fritz, but our friends Courtney and Mike had theirs, so I will post pics as soon as they send them to me. If you are interested in the boil recipe - let me know!

Matt's fiance, Courtney, is here for the weekend. She will be heading back to DesMoines sometime this afternoon. The advertising firm she works for used her for a model for an Iowa State ad campaign that is to appear in the US Weekly News and World Report magazine. So if you see an IA State ad with a pretty dark haired girl standing in front of the Parthenon, that is Courtney!

Jaime, Greg's girlfriend, is getting ready for a trip to Korea. She is going to an adoption convention for people who were adopted out of Korea. She is flying by herself, but will meet up with other people she has met at similar conventions that have been held in the US. She is nervous, but really looking forward to it. It will be her first time to visit her 'land of origin'. We are excited for her and will enjoy hearing about her adventure.

Tomorrow is my next chemo treatment and I am really not looking forward to it. The neuropathy in my feet and legs has gotten worse and I am feeling more tired with each treatment. I know that the treatments are cumulative, and that I should expect the side effects to worsen - but that doesn't mean I have to like it! Dr. Silverberg will be back (yea!) so it will be nice to run all my concerns past him. Your prayers are appreciated.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Fun Day

What a fun day! I hosted a luncheon for my classroom coworkers - Melanie (my co-teacher), Donna (one of our paraprofessionals), and Timaree and Kathy - the two gals who were my long term subs when I could no longer teach. Natalie, another para, was invited, but got sick this week so wasn't able to come :-(. It was so nice to have a chance to visit with everyone. I am so appreciative of everything that they have done!

OK - tip for the day. Did you know that pesto has pine nuts in it? And did you know that people who are allergic to tree nuts are also allergic to pine nuts? Wouldn't you know, that the recipe I made today had pesto AND pine nuts. And, wouldn't you know, that Melanie is allergic to tree nuts! Now, I knew that she was allergic to tree nuts, so I was intending to hold out her portion and not sprinkle in the pine nuts - however, I DIDN'T know that pesto had pine nuts as part of the ingredients and had included it in my pasta's sauce. Luckily, when I made mention of making her a separate portion, Melanie said something about pesto having pine nuts (she wouldn't have realized pesto was an ingredient until it was too late) so I ended up making her a turkey sandwich. I am SO thankful we had the pesto conversation or we would have been taking her to the hospital! YIKES!
Here is the picture of the cupcake centerpiece and a picture of the group. You can't see their faces very well because of the light from the windows, but you can get the idea.

Donna, Melanie, Kathy & Timaree

The following is a picture of our night last week with our friend, Betsy, from Pennsylvania:

Jacque, Mark, Betsy, Steve, Diane

I may not get a blog written tomorrow as I am heading down to Nel Hills in Atchinson, KS with Diane and her long time friend, Kathy, who is visiting from the Carolinas (I can never remember which one). Nel Hills is a beautiful shop full of wonderful decorating things for the home. I will get home just in time to change clothes to head to the wedding of one of Mark's business associate's child. It will be a busy day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Early to Bed

I am whipped! I went to cardiac rehab, then came home and did a little housework and laundry. I took a small nap in my comfy chair, then went to Sears, Sam's Club and Kohl's with Matt. I dropped Matt off at home and headed to the grocery store. I had a long list and about half way around the store I could tell I was running out of steam. I made it home - but could hardly move a muscle. In all my traipsing around I had lost track of time and when I arrived home it was 5:30 - and I had NO ideas for supper (yes, I know I was just at the store, but I was getting things for two specific entertainment venues and tonight's dinner was far from my brain). Mark saved the day by scrounging through the freezer and finding burgers to grill. I sauteed some mushrooms and cut up tomatoes - about all I could handle at that moment. I got my second wind after supper and managed to clean up the kitchen and do a few things for a luncheon I am having tomorrow. I KNOW tonight will be an early to bedder - no question.

PS - for those that usually write me at school - I think I have been dumped from the system, so.... my email address is jacqniel@cox.net.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Much Perkier!

I am MUCH perkier today! I got up early and used the cool hours of the morning to dead head my deck's potted plants and the roses. I couldn't believe how lovely it was outside. My neighbor's tree gave me wonderful shade and the birds were chirping away. It really was beautiful. Now it is very toasty outside - hard to believe it is the same day!

I went to lunch with friends Lynne and Annette at the Market Basket. I have to say, I was disappointed in my meal. I ordered a grilled crab sandwich, which according to the menu was a 'delicacy' of this restaurant. I did not enjoy it at all - only ate half of it and that only because I was so darn hungry - and found the homemade potato chips rather soggy and tasteless. But, the company was good and that more than made up for it.

I left lunch and headed to Cupcake Island - a cute little bakery that only makes cupcakes! Last week at my PEO meeting we were served mini cupcakes from there and they were so cute and tasty. I was just going to order cupcakes for a luncheon I am giving this Thursday to pick up another day, but the gal said I could just put them in the fridge and they would be fine, so decided to save myself a trip and went ahead and bought them! I am going to copy the centerpieces from the Luis Palau luncheon - the site used a clear plate on the bottom, a glass in the center with a flower in it, a glass plate on top of that and then filled the plates with cupcakes. I will try to remember to take a picture so you can see what I mean - a bit hard to explain.

It is so nice to want to do things. I am a little tired this afternoon, but nothing like the last two days. Such a good sign! This Monday is my next chemo, so I want to get as much done and enjoy myself as much as possible!

Stay cool!

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Sloth

I am still very tired today. I forced myself to go to my cardiac rehab class and went to the grocery store, but otherwise I have been a sloth. I took a nap right before lunch and have been fighting another one all afternoon. I have the feeling tonight will be another early to bedder. I have a busy week starting tomorrow, so hopefully my energy will return quickly.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I Am Cheap

Sorry I have been absent for the past few days. The reason I haven't posted is because I am cheap. Mark and I went to Minneapolis over the the weekend with our travel buddie couples - the O'Connors and Brabecs to go to a Dave Koz concert. I took my laptop along fully expecting to write my blog at least a couple of times while we were gone. BUT the lovely three star, four diamond hotel we stayed in (the Soffitel) makes you pay $10 bucks for internet!!!!!! Ridiculous! Sorry if I worried anyone - I could just think of many ways to spend that $10.00!

Minneapolis was great fun - lots of good food, shopping, music and friends. We went to IKEA (a mega mall of affordable items for the home) and Mall of America. I learned how to 'make' eyebrows and eyelashes at Sephora since mine are slowly biting the dust. We all found items to purchase from shoes to shirts, candles to makeup. We pigged out at Fogo De Chao (a meat lover's paradise) and had a low key dinner at a nice local restaurant called the Copper Bleu.

This morning we left the Brabec's and O'Connors at the hotel (we drove seperately) and went to see Matt and Courtney's new digs-to-be near St. Paul. You might recall that they are going to live in Courtney's aunt and uncle's home as they are out of the country for the next four years. The house is beautiful and huge. We teased them about what a let down it will be when they have to move out and face reality of what a freshly graduated law student and art director can afford. We also saw William Mitchell School of law where Matt will be attending this fall. It was a lovely building - hopefully next time we visit we can see the inside, too.

On the way home from Minneapolis I slept pretty solid until we got to DesMoines (about a 4 hour trip) and this is after I had a good night's sleep. I feel like I could go to bed right now, but I am trying to stay up to watch John from Cinncinati - a weird show on HBO that Mark and I got hooked on. Hopefully, since I got so much rest today, tomorrow will be just a normal day for me and I won't need any more catch up time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nothing New

Nothing new today. Cardiac rehab - ironing - nothing too exciting.

My niece, Anne, came by last night and 'shopped' through some of my 'career' clothes that I don't need any more now that I am retired. It is nice to be able to give them to someone rather than just dumping them at the Goodwill. She is working a new job in Lincoln that has a different dress code than where she use to work, so hopefully these will help extend her wardrobe a bit. Her dad, Al, and Liz came along, too, so we had a nice, albeit short, visit.

I told you that Courtney, Matt's fiance, has a second interview in Minneapolis this Friday. Our God daughter, Kaitlin, had a second interview today (she just graduated from K State this summer) here in Omaha. She has a third interview next week so we are excited for her! If she is offered and accepts this job she will be in the same predicament that Anne is in. The company's dress code is business dress, so she will need to start building her professional wardrobe, too.

Matt and I are going to run some errands now. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I had a lovely day. I attended the Luis Palau luncheon with five friends - thank you Martha for arranging our tickets. Dr. Palau was a wonderful speaker and I had no problem listening to his message of hope to women in all areas of spiritual need. I again encourage you to attend the festival this weekend at the Qwest Center. It is geared towards children and young people and I know that any one who attends will not be disappointed.

My PEO meeting was fun last night. 20 is usually our magic number of attendees, but last night there were 28! It is such a nice group of ladies.

Oreo started sneezing again this morning. Makes me think it must be allergies. Sigh. I hate to even think what we will have to do with an allergic cat. Hopefully not more steroid shots, as her weird behavior after the last one wasn't pleasant (wandering the house, yowling and 'talking'). The thought of giving her allergy pills isn't very pleasant, either! It's a good thing we like her......

I took a little cat nap when I got home from the luncheon and my stomach is growling smelling the BBQ pork roast I have slow cooking in the oven. The weather is absolutely gorgeous - hope you are enjoying it!

Monday, July 9, 2007


Another tired day. I went to cardiac rehab, took a nap and ran a couple errands and I am bushed. Matt helped me a bit with getting supper ready and now I feel like I could take another nap. Chemo is cumulative, so I am sure each time my tired days will increase.

We had a little rain early this morning and may have some more tonight. We are in a drought right now, so this moisture is great. It has cooled down a bit, too, which is welcome.

Tonight is PEO and my friend Joan is picking me up. I am glad, as it sounds good to be chauffeured. Tomorrow I will be attending the evangelist Louis Palau's luncheon at the Mid America Center. It should be a wonderful experience. If you live near Omaha and have a chance to attend his festival this weekend, I highly recommend it. So much time, energy and money has been put into this festival and it is free to the public! I fear that people might be discouraged by the crowds and not attend. Prayerfully, those who really need this ministry will have the desire to attend and God will pave the way for them.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


It is HOT outside. Yikes!

The concert on the Riverfront last night was pleasant, but not nearly as good as last year's. The artists just weren't the same caliber (in our opinion), the crowd was not as big - and in all, a bit disappointing. It was still good people watching, even though the heat toned down some of the fancy dressers. Saw lots of sharp outfits as well as loads of 'what were you thinking?'.

While we were at the concert, Matt cleaned the carpet in the living room and our bedroom. Thanks, Matt! He is presently going through some of his 'treasures' in the storage room. As a kid, he collected sports cards and sports paraphernalia. He has Wheaties boxes, figurines, etc. Add to that newspapers from special days (the whole newspaper - not just the story), old Boy Scout magazines, etc. and he has quite a stash. I told him he doesn't have to take all his treasures with him, yet, but to just whittle some of it down!

Today is a lazy day. Church and grocery store shopping was about all I could handle. I am having some intestinal issues this afternoon, so I will just be lazy and hope tomorrow is a perkier day.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

It's Saturday Night

I woke up feeling pretty decent. Matt and I ran a couple of errands and I started to feel a bit peaked. Decided I might have a yeast infection, brought on by the antibiotics, so stopped and got a prescription filled to get rid of that. I now feel OK - just really tired - which seems to be the story of my life on chemo.

Tonight Mark and I are going to the Riverfront Jazz Festival. We are meeting friends for supper at Malara's before we all head to the concert. It is extremely HOT today, so it will be a bit steamy to be sitting outside at a concert, but hopefully we can find a shady spot. I love these concerts - and it is such a great people watching evening - one of my favorite past times. Some people come dressed to this to the NINES - gals with high heels and beautiful dresses, guys with straw hats and suits, while others come looking like they are going to the county fair - or worse - walking the street looking for business (sorry - but it is true). All in all, a very satisfying place for a people watcher. Everyone is usually very pleasant and friendly, so it makes for a nice evening.

Friday, July 6, 2007

'Fraidy Cat

This has been one of the the better day fives after chemo. I am tired. I am achy. But all in all - I don't feel too bad. Yeah!

Took Oreo to the vet. She was her normal 'fraidy cat self, and while there wasn't a kleenex box to hide behind, she tried very hard to make her self small while having huge eyes at the same time. The vet isn't sure what is wrong with her - it could be allergies, a virus, an infection.... who knows. She gave her a shot of steroids and an antibiotic. Oreo was a little weird when we got back home - yowling and 'talking' - the steroids I am sure. Hopefully one or the other will take care of her sneezing.

Mark went with Steve today to DesMoines to a classic car show. He may be coming home with a car. He has been wanting one for years and this may be the time. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jazz on the Green

Day four after chemo is pretty typical - but not horrible. I am mostly tired and a bit achy. There is still soreness in my neck and shoulders, a restless ache in my legs and I am a bit foggy in the brain. I get hungry - but food doesn't sound good, or particularly taste good, so I just eat because I know I need to.

Kitty Oreo is still sneezing and the vet can't see her until tomorrow. We locked her out of our bedroom last night so she wouldn't wake us up with her sneezes. I am sure she was quite unhappy about that - she is a people kitty. Today she seems fine (other than the occasional sneeze) - she has been chasing a fly off and on the last hour.

Tonight is the first night of Jazz on the Green. This is held on the lawn of the Joslyn Art Museum in downtown Omaha. People bring chairs, coolers, and food and enjoy the atmosphere and the music. I am hoping to be able to go, but I won't make that call until later this afternoon. It will depend on whether my body will let me take a little rest or not this afternoon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

God Bless the USA

Mark is off watching the Ralston parade, Matt and Courtney are napping and Greg is at Jaimie's parent's. I am trying to rest/nap so I can be perky tonight, but as usual, when I WANT to nap, I can't. Oh well. I am feeling my normal day three punk - sore skin on shoulders and neck, chapped sensation on hands and thighs, achiness and tired. But I have gone to the store today, made a big fruit salad and cleaned up the kitchen - twice - so the day is not a lost cause. We are all converging at our friends the O'Connors later this afternoon for food and fun.

I hear life upstairs, so Matt and Courtney are awake. They are going to make bruschetta (one of my FAVORITE appetizers) to take to our festivities tonight. Yum!

Kitty Oreo has been sneezing up a storm since the middle of last night. Cats, I realize, are a lot like children. They wait for a day when the vets is closed to get sick - how is it they know these things?

Hope you are all having a great day!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lots of Errands

Spent the day running errands with Matt. He drove, so that saved on my energy level a bunch. We took his car in to be serviced, went to Sam's to get their roasted chicken (if you have never had their chicken it is awesome. It is huge and costs under $5.00. We bought it to make enchiladas for tonight's supper. My friend Diane gave me the idea to buy extra ones to pick and freeze for later use, so there is one in the fridge waiting.), went to lunch, shopped for groceries, and ran to get my Neulasta shot. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon cooking and baking. Matt picked the chicken and made the enchiladas (he wanted to learn how to make them) and I baked Texas Sheetcake and Pumpkin bars for our 4th of July meal tomorrow.

Matt's fiance, Courtney, is on her way to spend the fourth with us. She will head back to DesMoines on Thursday morning (she took Thursday morning off from work). She had an interview in Minneapolis last week and has been called back for a second interview. We are hopeful that she will get a job soon so she can be up in Minneapolis with Matt.

Tomorrow will be the day that my body starts to break down from the chemo. I had such a mild reaction last time (in comparison) that I am hoping this time will be even better. I want to enjoy the fourth!

It is too bad that the fourth is in the middle of the week, but, because of leap year, it is on Friday in '08! Have a great day off and Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 2, 2007

AaaAaaaaAa Fib

Went to bed last night feeling totally exhausted - still running the 99.9 temp - but could NOT fall asleep. I felt wired, like a had drank a cup of coffee, but to my knowledge I did not have any caffeine yesterday. In retrospect (which is always so clear) I should have gotten up and taken my pulse. This morning I woke up to A Fib. Now, also in retrospect, I should have taken one of my recovery pills immediately, but I believed my blood pressure machine, which said my pulse was normal. I am not sure why I trusted that thing, since it is usually wrong when I am in A Fib because it doesn't know how to count the erratic heart beats. Long story short, I went to cardio rehab where they hooked me up to the monitor and my heart was beating 177, so I spent my hour there laying in a lazy boy chair, taking my recovery pills - which since I waited too long only took it down to 128 - which is better than 177, but still not good. Boy did I just have a long run on sentence! My heart finally calmed down at 1:00, which was towards the end of my treatment.

Before my treatment this morning I saw Dr. 'Doogie' (after waiting for an hour for him in his little exam room - very boring) and he was all smiles about my results. This just reinforced the 'happy place' I had been since last night after speaking with Dr. Silverberg. He prescribed an antibiotic to hopefully take care of whatever is causing the temp and the funk. The infusion went fine - I slept through most of it.

Matt just called and he is about an hour away from Omaha. It will be fun to have him home for a bit. He has offered to help out around the house, so I have been making a mental list of things he can do if he has time. This will probably be the last extended time he will be home as we are sure once law school starts he is going to be ultra busy - and then he will get married next summer. Rather bitter sweet.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Questions Answered for Now

Dr. Silverberg called this evening (he tried earlier, but I was gone). He has reassured me and I have to say I am SO happy! He said as far as he was concerned I was responding well to the chemo. He said he thought the spots in my lungs were the same spots we have been looking at for four years - that he thinks my radiologist was perhaps a little lazy in checking my old scans - and he has a call in to him to reread them comparing to old scans. I realize that I may have new spots, but the fact that Dr. S doesn't think so at least gives me hope - and makes taking my treatment tomorrow so much easier! I am also thrilled as he will be back in three weeks when I go for my next treatment!

I am running a low grade fever tonight (99.9) - and I think I may have been for a couple of days, but I just didn't recognize it (I have been chilly all the time). This is reminiscent of a month or so ago when I finally got antibiotics and I felt better within a few days. I mentioned it to Dr. Silverberg, and he said to be sure to tell my onc tomorrow. I have been tired, achy and short of breath going up stairs or walking up inclines. My right lung has also felt tingly when I take a deep breath. I sure hope I can get some antibiotics and feel better quickly!

We went to Mark's Aunt Dorothy's house tonight for supper (why I wasn't here when Dr. S called). We had a nice evening visiting and a delicious meal. I felt a little 'punk' but it was still fun.

Eight Things About Me:

Omaha Mama tagged me with this 8 things meme. Eight things about me. Facts or habits.

*Each player lists 8 facts or habits about themselves.
*The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before the list of 8.
*At the end of the post, the person tags 8 people, then go to comment on the tagged person's blog, letting them know they've been tagged.

1. Graduated from high school in York, NE in 1971

2. Started my teaching career in January, 1976 in Logan, IA

3. Kissed several frogs before I found my 'prince' and married him in 1980

4. Had two, possibly three miscarriages before my first child was born. Was sure I would never have a child

5. Have two sons - Matt (24), Greg (21)

6. I can't believe that I am old enough to have two sons ages 24 & 21!

7. Was blessed to be able to stay home for seven years until boys were in school (did part time substitute teaching until Greg was born)

8. Don't keep my checking account ledger - just have an approximation in my head and check online every now and then to confirm. This drives Mark INSANE, but since we keep separate accounts, he can't say much. I found out recently that my dad did the same thing - so as they say - the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

OK, I am tagging the following people (and yes - realize there aren't 8 - Oh well):

Courtney - Just Another Day

Diane - I am the Oracle

Annette - Annette's Exciting Blog

Stephanie - Stephanie's Place

Terri - Chemo Girl Speaks Out

Rosebud - Rose Colored Chemo

Gina - No Surrender