Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nothing New

Nothing new today. Cardiac rehab - ironing - nothing too exciting.

My niece, Anne, came by last night and 'shopped' through some of my 'career' clothes that I don't need any more now that I am retired. It is nice to be able to give them to someone rather than just dumping them at the Goodwill. She is working a new job in Lincoln that has a different dress code than where she use to work, so hopefully these will help extend her wardrobe a bit. Her dad, Al, and Liz came along, too, so we had a nice, albeit short, visit.

I told you that Courtney, Matt's fiance, has a second interview in Minneapolis this Friday. Our God daughter, Kaitlin, had a second interview today (she just graduated from K State this summer) here in Omaha. She has a third interview next week so we are excited for her! If she is offered and accepts this job she will be in the same predicament that Anne is in. The company's dress code is business dress, so she will need to start building her professional wardrobe, too.

Matt and I are going to run some errands now. Enjoy the beautiful weather!


nikkis30by30 said...

Sounds like you are feeling a little better today! This nice "cool" weather helps. I find that, thank God, life is happier around here the last couple of days too!

Melanie D. said...

Isn't it great to have a nothing's new day? I'm thinking that if you were ironing...sheesh! Then again, I hate ironing!!!

Stephanie said...

Hi Friend!
Just stopped in to say a quick hello and to thank you for thinking of me and praying for us. I'm getting a break from ironing while school is out for the summer. Sounds like a stress free day for you. Hope tomorrow is just as snug. God is able, Stephanie

Melanie D. said...

Jacque...where are yoooooooouuu?!?!