Thursday, April 19, 2007


Yesterday I was feeling SO good - I even told Donna at lunch that I really felt like I had turned a corner with my heart flip flops. In the afternoon I got brave and decided to try a piece of chocolate. I had ONE Milky Way Easter egg - which is about the size of a fun bar. At suppertime I felt nausea - which passed with eating a little supper. At bedtime my heart started racing, my blood pressure sky rocketed and I went into A Fib. Sigh. I had to take two of my recovery pills and an extra blood pressure pill to get it to calm down. OK, it might not have been the chocolate - but I haven't had the racing heart for quite awhile. Everything is fine today, but grrrrrr!
I have spent the day rearranging tables in my great room. I bought a little accent table at NE Furn. Mart yesterday, and wouldn't you know, it had to be put together. I tried, but Mark ended up having to do it - it had very minimal directions and was very confusing. I had asked the sales person if it needed to be assembled and he said no. When the warehouse brought it out in a box I said 'I was told I wouldn't have to assemble this' to which the warehouse worker said 'Doesn't surprise me - those sales people will tell you anything to get you to buy it'. Another growl.
I didn't like the table in the spot I was thinking, but after rearranging all the other tables and trunk I am satisfied. Now I have to move the new picture over the couch that Matt put up for me one weekend not long ago. Oh well.
I started riding my stationary bike today. My pulmonologist wanted me to start this long ago, but my cardiologist kept telling me to wait. Then I had treatment so haven't quite felt up to it. I will try to ride it every day (unless it is an extremely busy day like Saturday) to see if I can improve my breathing, strength and stamina.

1 comment:

Di said...

Can't wait to see the new arrangement in your great room. Isn't it funny, one new item will shake everything else up. It is fun though to mix it up a little.
Bummed about your tiny piece of chocolate. You must be extremely sensitive to that "bad" stuff.
I'm impressed that you were on your bike. Good Job!!!
hugs, di