Monday, April 16, 2007

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My new wig! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today the temps are in the upper 70's! I think spring is here!

Today I am feeling even better - although I am still working on gaining my stamina. My mind knows what I want to do, but my body says 'maybe not'. I went to my blood lab appointment and all my numbers are still in what they consider acceptable range. I had thought I would go to a few stores after my appointment, but I decided to go home instead. My heart has calmed down considerably today, for which I am very thankful!

This afternoon Pastor Doug came over. We had a nice visit and as always he said a lovely prayer.

Carolyn and I went to Sam's Club so I could pick up a cake to take to school tomorrow. I wasn't able to take a treat on my birthday since that was one of my 'down' days so we will celebrate tomorrow. It will be nice to see the students and staff - and to talk with them about Special Friends Prom, which is this weekend!

I have a busy weekend coming up, so I am hoping that I remain healthy and continue to gain stamina this week. My friends Carol, from Topeka, and Sharon, from Denver, will be visiting. We are having friends over from 'the old days' on Friday night and then going to Special Friends on Saturday night. I also have a wedding shower on Saturday afternoon and a luncheon on Sunday. Whew! You can see why I want my stamina back!

Take care everyone!


Di said...

I got tired just reading about all you have going for this next week-end. It all sounds like lots of fun, so I hope and pray your stamina will allow you to enjoy every single minute. We will be praying, as we always do, for a wonderful week and and even better week-end for our dear Jacque.
Hugs, di

Stephanie said...

I LOVE the new wig! It looks so natural on you. You're going to be the hostess with the mostess this weekend. Whew! Enjoy and your family and friends. God is able, Stephanie

Diane Muir said...

Love the wig ... no really! It's awesome! Ah ha ... so you're the reason Doug booked out of there and bumped a meeting with me. I think I'll tell him tomorrow that I spy on him and know where he goes all the time! (hehe) Love you!

Melanie D. said...

The wig is AWESOME. I hope it feels better than it did, because it just looks awesome.

Expect a few comments about people answering the phones to cover when other people have to be gone from work (and I know that you know what I mean) and perhaps other bizarre comments. You are dearly missed and much excitement will be enjoyed tomorrow.

Woo hoo!

Krista said...

Your wig looks great! I hope it is comfortable and easy to deal with.
You are so busy and finding all of the great places for dining. You should make a book of your favorite dining establishments. Your reviews would be taken seriously.

cko said...

That is about the CUTEST wig ever! It's like it was made for your face! =) My mom told me about it, but I'm glad you posted a pic. I'm so impressed with your technological skills!
Sounds like you have QUITE the busy weekend coming up. Hope this beautiful spring weather sticks around. Enjoy all of your fun events to come! Thinking of you...

Love Courtney