Monday, April 9, 2007

Treatment Two

Treatment number two is down and it was uneventful. I even slept fine last night. My oncologist is out of town today so I saw his PA. She said that breast cancer patients are given a much lower dose of the Avastin than other cancers, so we don't have as great of side effects as other cancer treatments. She also said, if you are going to have side effects, they usually show up the second or third treatment as the chemical builds in your body. The main side effect is a bloody nose - not horrific - just in the tissue if you blow your nose. Between my allergies and the furnace being on the last week I am already having this symptom!

My red blood cells are a little low, so they will test them next week to decide if I need a shot to bring them up. Otherwise, my blood work looked fine. I go in tomorrow for the Neulasta shot - which helps my bone marrow produce white blood cells. If you remember, the last time my white blood cells remained within the normal range last time thanks to this shot.

If you have to have breast cancer mets, now is the best time in history for it. There are new treatments being added often and our prognosis is so much better than even a few years ago. My prayer is for remission until a true cure is found. But as I have said before - I will take remission!


Melanie D. said...

Woo hoo! Glad that things went okay and you didn't even have to lose sleep over it!

Things here are humming right along. Nothing unusual for a first day back - in fact, it was downright quiet! (Knock on wood!)

JustAnotherDay said...

Jacque! what a relief! I am SO GLAD this treatment went well for you! I will pray that it continues to go just as well!
