Sunday, April 22, 2007

What A Weekend!

Special Friends Prom 2007
Jacque, Sharon, Carol

My wonderful subs - Kathy (Dec. - March) &
Timmaree (March to present)
A group ofmy students and student aid (in black shirt)

Sharon - shaking a leg



What a weekend! Carol and Sharon arrived Saturday afternoon/evening and we hosted a barbeque with two other couples, Karen and Dale, and Jackie and Dave – who were members of our card group from our distant past (I was going to say back in the dark ages – but didn’t want to offend any of our friends J). Saturday we went through my closet of ‘party clothes’ to decide what I should wear and to find something for Carol to wear to the Special Friends Prom. The three of us were in Sharon’s bedroom in our underwear as we tried on different outfits and we laughed about how things haven’t changed after 30 years.

After trying on clothes we headed to Village Point to have lunch at Mimi’s and to do a little shopping. While the ladies continued their shopping I headed off to my coworker, Michelle’s, bridal shower. It was so nice to see so many of the people I have spent my life with the past 11 years. Michelle received many beautiful presents and all the gals who put on the shower did a marvelous job.

After the shower I headed home to try to get a little rest before the prom. A phone call from one of the Prom’s student coordinators concerning who was going to pick up the flowers from the florist (that closed in 10 minutes) prompted a flurry of phone calls - but of course, no one seemed to have on their cell phone – so Mark graciously ran to pick them up (and the clerk kindly said she would wait for him).

At the appointed time Sharon, Carol and I were dressed and ready for the prom. Sharon laughed as she had not attended her high school prom so this was the first one she had ever attended. The theme this year was ‘Hollywood Premiere’ so we walked into the event on a red carpet. The place was decorated with movie posters and paraphernalia and had HOLLYWOOD in large letters across the stage. The students and mentors, as always, had a wonderful time and for once we didn’t have any ‘incidents’ that were cause for concern (examples: student running away, seizures, vomiting, over heating, etc.). Some unexpected monetary donations came in during the event, which made our evening even sweeter (Special Friends Prom is totally funded through donations). Two local TV stations even covered the event! Carol and Sharon helped man the check in table and were extremely helpful the whole evening. They even spent quite a bit of time ‘cutting a rug’ with the students! The pictures I posted today were taken by Carol.

Today Mark and I took Sharon and Carol to the Prestige for the Jazz brunch. We were disappointed that there was no live music today (they did have jazz playing over the sound system), and the food was OK, though not as tasty as I had hoped. But it was still an enjoyable meal and Mark was a good sport listening to all the ‘girl talk’.

The ladies left around noon – Sharon to catch her plane to Denver and Carol driving back to Topeka – and I headed for the Unlimited Possibilities Board luncheon. The Special Friends Prom co-founders hosted this as in appreciation for the boards work this year. They served a great tomato and cream pasta meal and we all relived the previous evening’s prom. We agreed it was a success and had run, for the most part, smoothly.

I had intended to go to my former student’s Eagle Scouts award ceremony, but when I climbed in the car after the luncheon my body said I had hit my limit, so I came home. I think I have pushed my body enough for one weekend.

Tomorrow I go in for tests to check my blood counts. I pray that they will still be within acceptable ranges and I won’t need any assistance in the way of shots to bring the counts up! I am so grateful that I had the energy to enjoy my fun weekend with my long time friends.


cko said...

What a COOL event! We saw the news story tonight on "Special Friends Prom," and it looked like a GIANT success! I watched for you, but I'm sure you were bopping around on the dance floor. =)
Thanks for posting pics -- you ladies all looked lovely! I definitely laughed outloud when you described the "what to wear" scene...too funny!
What a busy weekend -- sounds like you need to take some time to relax and recharge. Take care!
Love Court

Di said...

Our prayers were answered. You were able to enjoy this wonderful, memory filled week-end. It sounded like it all went so well, but I am sure you were exhausted. It must have been a good tired!! Take some time to rest and re-coop after your flurry of fun.
hugs, di

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to read about your fun weekend with your friends and the Prom. It was a lot for you to do, so I hope you're really resting this week. Special prayers for good report today!
Love, Donna