Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Nothing Day

Today is a nothing day. Now, a nothing day is not bad. In fact, I like a nothing day now and then. A nothing day is when I have nothing I MUST do, so I can do what I want. My house was cleaned Tuesday because of our friends' generous gift of a housekeeping service, so all I have to do in that respect is do the dishes, which I have done, etc. I will go to the grocery store later, once I have my grocery list done, but...if I don't get it done today, there is always tomorrow. I have lots of little projects I could do - and I may - like finish straightening my closet (by the way, Mark was able to go to bed last night), some laundry or ironing - but again if not today....

It is amazing how quickly I have settled into being a stay at home wife. I can't say that I really like it, but it is doable. I suppose my mind is likening it to summer break right now. I am not sure when the reality will set in.

One thing I have found of interest to fill my time is an on-line breast cancer discussion board. It is an opportunity to speak with women who are also diagnosed with stage 4 mets breast cancer - and also women who are newly diagnosed with first time breast cancer. It is usually uplifting and gives me a chance to feel like I am making a difference in women's lives who are going through the same thing I am. I have laughed out loud reading it, cried and have become angry at some people's insensitivity. I am daily driven to prayer for these feisty, inspirational women as I read about their trials as they fight what we call 'the beast', and feel so much closer to God because of it.

I have to admit, I am already worrying about my chemo treatment on Monday. Today was suppose to be 'the day', but if you remember, I got it changed so I could enjoy Easter. Last night I had trouble, for just a little bit, falling asleep thinking about it, so I assume Sunday night I will not sleep much. My concerns, other than feeling yucky for a week, are with the new drug they will be adding and the heart meds that I am on which don't interact well with it. I would certainly appreciate prayers that I will do well on this new drug (as well as the others) without concern about drug interactions, that my heart will cooperate, and again, that the chemo will eradicate the cancer, but not do permanent harm to my body. You are all so appreciated!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you're enjoying being a part of the survivor website. I know you must be a tremendous help to others who are fighting the same battle as you. You have such an uplifting and positive attitude that I know is so comforting to others. God is truly working through you every day as you make a difference in so many lives. I'm so proud of you and blessed to have you as my friend.
Love, Donna

Melanie D. said...

I hope that your treatment goes as well as it has been thus far. I pray for perfection with all of your treatments. I'm glad you had a nothing day, to recharge and get ready for what I am sure will be a busy weekend for you. We're off to Doniphan on Saturday. Right now I'm just trying to figure out what to make for supper. I'm not feeling any inspiration for that. I can't believe it's going to be Friday - the week really has FLOWN. Just thought I'd let you know I'm thinking of you and still praying and praying.