Monday, January 15, 2007


I am blogging right now out of boredom. My pulmonologist has bronchitis, so I saw his associate (the same one from the weekend). He hadn't seen this morning's x-ray, but said if it were his choice he would send me home to let the 'air bubble' resolve itself - but he knew my doc had a different idea how he wanted to treat it. He was going to consult with my doc and get back to me. I don't expect to hear from him until later today.
I haven't seen my cardiologist today, but I am still in rhythm, so assume she will be OK in releasing me. I am not going to count my chickens, though.
I asked the nurse to check the x-ray report from earlier today and she said it showed no change. Sigh. Guess it is better than its being worse. I would be more encouraged if I heard - looking a little better.
The really good news is that I no longer have diarrhea, and while I wouldn't say I had an appetite, I am able to smell food without being repulsed - and can even eat some of it! I have plenty of reserve, so there isn't a chance of me wasting away any time soon. Hopefully they will lift the isolation so people don't have to continue to gown and glove up to enter my room.
Yesterday, one brave soul braved the snowstorm and the isolation requirements, gowned up and came to see me (thanks, Beth). I had told Mark and his mom to stay home - hopefully Mark got some needed rest. Our dear neighbors snow blew our walks not once, but three times in the last two days. Thanks Larry and Carol (OK, Larry - but I am sure Carol gave you moral support :-).
I will close for now and wait to hear from my various docs. I don't know what to wish for since I know so little about lung conditions. I am just going to have to trust my docs. But I miss my family, my home, my students, my co-workers, my kitty - my life as I know it. Alright, enough wallowing. I will report as soon as I know anything different.


DonnaS said...

Is sounds like you need a joke right now, so I'm sending you one;

The crumbling, old church building needed remodeling, so the preacher made an impassioned appeal, looking directly at the richest may in town. At the end of the message, the rich man stood up and announced, "Pastor, I will contribute $1,000."

Just then, plaster fell from the ceiling and struck the rich man on the shoulder. He promptly stood again and shouted, "Pastor, I will increase my donation to $5,000."

Before he could sit back down, plaster fell on him again, and again he virtually screamed, "Pastor, I will double my last pledge."

He sat down, and an larger chunk of plaster fell hitting him on the head. He stood once more and hollered, "Pastor, I will give $20,000!"

This prompted a deacon to shout, "Hit him again, Lord! Hit him again!

Carol said...


I know how the diarreha can be and I am glad to hear that is better. Also I am sure you are glad about the food smelling better.
Sun is out today and that is good, cold but bright.
Shoveling is the least Larry/meself can do. I do dry his gloves and head band.

Melanie D. said...

Wallow on, Jacque! If you can't vent to friends and complete strangers in cyber space, then really...what is the point! Everyone was concerned and sent well wishes at our happy MLK mtg. this morning. You were missed. I spoke up and was 1/2 way loud mouthed in your absence (in honor of you!) :-) Talk to you later. ~Mel

Di said...

How dare your Dr. get sick???? Doesn't he know that many people are waiting for him to give the "word" to release you??? We are still remaining hopeful that it will be soon. We miss you.
My cold is a bit better so maybe soon I can actually come for a visit, instead of our phone conversations. (not that I don't love those too).
Love, di

Carol O said...

Hi there girlfriend: I am glad to hear that you are feeling better! Being bored means you are getting healthier doesn't it! LOL

The boys are home from school today, not because of the weather but because of MLK day. They are driving me nuts. I have to stop what I am doing and make breakfast, lunch, etc.! LOL I told them both to go up and pick up their rooms and bring down their dirty clothes so I could wash. Well, they brought down their dirty clothes but when I peeked into their rooms they were still disasters! I have done something wrong in raising my boys! They are slobs!! Of course you know that I was NEVER a slob!!! LOL

Can't wait to read the blog that you are going home. Hang in their
Love, Carol O.

JustAnotherDay said...

Jacque! I will say some extra prayers that you finally get to go home soon!

However, since you are lacking on things to do, I will have matt send over his admissions essay for you to proof read. That should keep you busy for a while!!

much love,


Unknown said...

I agree, you must be feeling better if you are bored! I hope your doctor gets better and comes and dismisses you soon!

In or out of the hospital I am planning to come visit on Wednesday.

I know you are disappointed you didn't get to attend the workshops today. Actually some were very useful. I didn't realize the construction wasn't done at MSHS yet. I'm sure you will all be glad when it is done! The big news for the day is Russell's principal of just two years, Brian Begley, is going to be the principal at Millard North HS. Know idea who will take his place at Russell yet.

Hang in there!

Beth said...

Melanie was not a loud mouth so had very good points and was a great addition to our very productive meeting today. You would have been proud. Did you know that when Melanie was single, she actuually planned meals for a week? What kind of single girl life is that!???!!! Seriously!

We did miss you though. I had such a nice time visiting you yesterday and didn't mind all the garb I had to wear. Glad I missed the diarrhea though!

Thought for the Day: ********************************
"Each of us has the opportunity to change and grow until our very last breath. Happy creating." --M.J. Ryan

Joyce said...

Thanks for the email today. I finally figured out how to do this. After 23 yrs in fourth grade, I work on that level at my old age....a lot easier. We are cold in AZ, and Sam froze golfing this morning at 34 deg. didn't stop him though. Hope you are home soon....I wouldn't want to have to come and cook for Mark again....been too many yrs. Love

Donna Goodman said...


Carol has sent me your blog and I'm just now figuring out how to reply. Why didn't they have computers when we were young?

I think I saw Mark at Hyvee on Sunday but wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. Didn't want to look like a fool.

You are in my prayers. God bless and take care:)

Just remember you are your own advocate, ask lots of questions. It used to be that nurses had time to be an advocate for their patients, not so some of the time anymore. As far as isolation goes, we flip a coin to see who HAS to get all gowned up. Just kidding. Hang in there! Maybe it'll be warmer when you get to go home!

donna goodman