Monday, January 8, 2007

Fingers Crossed

Keep your fingers crossed! I may have the procedure tomorrow (Tuesday) to close the lung lining. My pulmonologist said everyone reacts differently to the procedure. Some have very little discomfort and some have great discomfort. With that in mind, I don't know if I will be able to update this for a few days - or if I will want company tomorrow evening. Maybe give a call first (402-354-3832)
I did have a couple of questions answered, though, that you might have also thought of.
1. Where will I be when the procedure is done? In my hospital room.
2. How does he know when the infection is gone? The xrays and cat scans show this
3. Where does the fluid go once the lining has been sealed? Once the lining is sealed, the fluid will not be produced anymore.
I also had a bout of atrial fib in the middle of the night that was disappointing as I had no irregular heartbeat the entire time I have been hospitalized up until this episode. Sigh.
I would appreciate prayers that I am one of the people that has limited pain, that the procedure is successful and that the source of the a fib is discovered and corrected.


Di said...

Hi Jacque,
I am encouraged that Tuesday might be the magical day. I will be praying 24/7 that you are one of the lucky ones who has minimal pain after the procedure.
Keep me posted on how you are feeling or if you want company at all. I think I get my hair cut and colored tomorrow so I might not make it up. I will call just to hear your voice!
Stay strong. I know you are.
Love, Di

JustAnotherDay said...

Hopefully tomorrow will be the day for you! My family and I will keep you in our prayers.


(Matt's) Courtney