Friday, January 12, 2007

Late post

Sorry this is so late in the day. I was hoping to hear from my pulmonologist before I updated, but it is almost 2:30 and he hasn't come back in to report on my x-ray. My heart is back in sinus rhythm (yea!) so that makes me very happy. Now, if my lung has shown improvement in it's 'dropping down' I will be closer to heading home.
For those of you who aren't in the Omaha area, we have been having unseasonably mild weather. So much so that we were lured into a false hope that it would remain that way. Well, winter temps have arrived and we should be getting some snow over the weekend. It would be nice to be home for the snowfall to be able to snuggle under a throw in a chair by the fireplace.
Keep warm!


Unknown said...

YEAH!!! Good to hear about the heart! My fingers are crossed for the lungs now!

I hope you get home to sit by the fireplace for the cold weekend. That sounds like a good plan!

Keep us posted on your progress.

Di said...

We are thinking positive thoughts that the Drs. tell you it is time to go home!!!! It sounds hopeful.
Hope the next time we talk you are at home in your comfy leather chair by the fire!

Melanie D. said...

Getting ready to go home. Thought I'd check in before I do. Please call me if there's ANYTHING I can do. I hope you're home soon - and snuggled up in your easy chair. It's time for you to be home. And I think you will be.

Take care and enjoy your weekend - if at all possible. :-) We are looking forward to seeing you next week!

cko said...

What a relief that your heart's gone back to "sinus" mode--gotta love the medical jargon... Now "dropping down," I can understand that. =)

I hope hope hope you get to come home before the snow. I'll pray for a good report!