Monday, January 22, 2007

A good nights sleep is a wonderful thing. My first night home I decided to go cold turkey after 18 days of a sleeping aid called Ambien. This pill isn't supposed to be addictive, but my body sure did miss the assist. Needless to say, between not taking the Ambien and a weird (probably medicine induced) tendency for my throat to close off every time I was drifting off to sleep, made for a very sleepless night on the couch. I could tell yesterday afternoon, as I dozed in my chair, that the odd (and scary) throat closing feeling was gone, so looked forward to a good nights sleep. We went to bed around 10:00, and once I got comfortable, I slept like a baby until 5:00. Heavenly. You know, the most recent change I made with meds was not taking the Ambien for a night. Do you suppose I developed a strange reaction to it? Hmmmm......
I get stronger each day and look forward to my Friday appointment with my pulmonologist to see if there has been any improvement in my lung inflammation and the air pocket. I notice I still can't walk and talk without getting short of breath, so obviously I have a way to go, but I keep reminding myself what a weak little kitten I was on Friday - and that makes me realize I have accomplished more than my impatient mind thinks.
Food continues to taste good and I can tell my appetite is slowly returning. Yesterday I put a 'Krista' roast (a cut of meat inspired by a PEO friend whose brother is a grocer in Iowa - so cool to have your own signature product) given to us to try by our friends the O'Connors before all this health silliness started. Diane also gave me Krista's recipe, which was excellent - I will include it below. Now before anyone scolds me, putting this roast on was the ONLY thing I did of any consequence all day. Mark finished the meal off with baked potatoes and asparagus. Delish!Carolyn, Mark's mom, joined us for supper and helped get it on the table and clean up. It feels so odd to go sit down while everyone else is working away in the kitchen - guess I will try to enjoy it while I can.
Here is the recipe:
Krista Roast
In a shallow covered pan:
beef roast (I don't know what the regular name for this cut would be. It is well marbled and flat - not like a rolled rump)
3 cubes beef bouillon dissolved in 3/4 cup hot water
Misty's or Lawry's seasoning salt - both sides (I just did one side)
Onion salt (I used powder) & black pepper
Shake red pepper flakes over the top (Krista likes a lot - I did just a little)
Put in roaster, cover and cook all day with lid on at 225 degrees
Moist, tender and delicious!


Melanie D. said...

I can tell you're feeling better as your notes have moved on from medical notes to recipes! I'm so happy that you're home and doing okay.

Last night I thought of you - I had soda after supper (a Jaccque no-no) and was up way too late last night. I guess I'm getting old?! ;-)

Your note about sliced cheese made me laugh. I call the 2% slices fat-free because they are not nearly as enjoyable as the deli-style ones that are so yummy. But thanks for the hint anyway - I'm always looking for ways to cook healthy food that tastes decent.

Please don't take my rantings about work to heart. I'd be venting whether you were here or not. It's that time of year, I think. I'm not shoveling quickly enough to keep from getting buried! I had a big pep talk with the students in WIN this morning, tried to convince them they should work hard and be good so that 10 years of Mrs. Nielsen's hard work doesn't crumble around us. It seemed to affect them. We'll see if it lasts through the end of the day! Good thing my paperwork day went through for tomorrow and I'm all set for that! Plenty to do to keep me busy.

Joyce said...

Yea!! glad you are home and those boys are waiting on you for a change. I've never been in a hospital for more than a week myself, but have certainly had my husbands there enough to make up for it over the years.
Wish I was closer so I could come and help you out and wait on you.
the big news in the Phoenix area is the snow down to north Scottsdale, and there is snow on our Superstition Mtns just a few miles east of us which is beautiful to look at but I don't have to shovel it. Hugs for you from here.

Cheryl said...

So happy to hear that you are home and doing better. Please please please let me know if there is a single thing I can do for you. Happy to help, my friend.

Krista said...

Glad you are home and enjoying some pampering there. I feel so famous to have my name in print with the roast thing! Too funny! Thrilled that it was tasty for you.
Enjoy the comforts of home and get stronger for your appointment this Friday. I'll be hoping for the best for you!
Krista Roast....I mean.....Krista

Kaitlin said...

YAHOO, I can tell that you are finally feeling a bit better. This is such great news. I hope that things just continue to become even better. If I would have known you were having a Krista roast for dinner I would have come home. =) Love you Tons!