Friday, January 19, 2007

Day 16

My pulmonologist was in, and since I am now off of isolation, I can start taking slow walks in the hallway. I have to have someone with me with a wheelchair so I can sit down if I become short winded to keep the air pocket from getting bigger. I haven't been able to do more than go to the restroom and walk between my chair and the bed for over a week (except for that fateful day I overdid it thinking I was following doctor's orders), so this is a huge improvement! It is amazing how quickly your body adjusts to no exercise and turns you into a weakling.
The doc also said that he will see me in a week, rather than next Tuesday, to give my lungs time to heal and hopefully show improvement before he takes another x-ray. His assistant was in earlier and I said something to her about the possibility of steroids to reduce the inflammation and she said she hoped it didn't come to that as the steroids would be strong and I could have some pretty bad side effects. So hopefully the inflammation will go away on its own. Prayers please! :-)
I hate to admit it, but I am feeling better not talking so much. It has to do with the inflammation in my lung lining. When I talk I use my lungs more, which just irritates the inflammation.
I know that things can change in an instant, but so far it looks like I will be heading home tomorrow. As I am sure you can imagine I am anxious, but also a little nervous. I think I will just pretend I am going home on Monday so I won't be disappointed with any setbacks. :-) Have a good day!


Joyce said...

Good news that you may be home tomorrow. glad for the "baby steps". My friend, Barb, in So. Carolina called today and will be here to see us the Feb. 14 for a week. She will add you to her prayer group list, cause she know how much I care for you and want you to be completely healthy again. We have a rainy day today..YEA!!! we need it to clean out the brown cloud hanging over the Phoenix area. We are going to John's on Sun. Sam's company left a few minutes ago, so we are tired.

Di said...

I am so happy to hear he is still saying Saturday for your day of freedom. Your little mini trips around the halls I am sure feels good.
Be thinking what you are hungry for as I am wanting to cook for you and your family. That is about all I can think of doing to help you heal.
We love you and are anxious to see you. I promise, I won't even ask any questions. Hugs, di

Cheryl said...

Wonderful news! I'll pray that it actually happens for you! You've been amazingly patient. will send up a bunch of prayers for you on Sunday! Since it's supposed to snow on Saturday night you might yet get to sit in your chair with a blanket and enjoy the snow! Blessings!

cko said...

Not ask questions?! I'm not sure if my mom is truly up to that challenge! =) You better get pads of paper ready to communicate...

Jacque, I'm so happy they're saying Saturday--finally a light at the end of the tunnel! Let the countdown begin!

It will be so good to have you home FINALLY!

Love Courtney

Diane Muir said...

Whee!!! THe comfy chair is almost yours! Kitties, blankies and hubbies ... sometimes it really is the simple things isn't it? Enjoy the peace!