Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stress Test

If you have tried to post a comment on my blog and haven't been able to, please try again. I have been having some problems with it - but hope I have it fixed now.
I had my heart stress test today. It wasn't pleasant - to say the least! - but it is done. The initial results show no problems - thank you God - and I am now waiting for the results of the pictures taken using the radioactive injections (with all the x-rays, cat scans and now this test - I bet I glow in the dark). I should hear on this portion of the test in the next day or two. Your prayers have gotten me this far - I appreciate your continuing on my behalf.
I feel pretty good today! I still have a reduce air flow on my right side, but the tightness has subsided and I have noticed I don't become out of breath quite so quickly. I know I am still far from 100%, but I am feeling more and more normal each day. I know I owe these improvements to the steroid regime I am on, so I worry a bit when my dose lowers this Friday. I know I can't stay on a high dose forever - but my, it has been nice! I go from 3 pills a day to two pills a day for a week, then one pill a day until I see my pulmonologist.
I am again setting my sights on returning to work. If I continue to improve, I am shooting for this Monday to start back half days. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Poor Melanie, my co-teacher, and my sub Kathy, have been putting out all kinds of 'fires' with students on my caseload. Melanie said she is pretty sure there is a full moon going on - and if you are a teacher you will know what I mean by this. I just hope I have the stamina to deal with it all. The half days will help - and knowing I have such a supportive staff to work with. I am just going to have to approach how I handle things a little bit differently for awhile.
Matt and Courtney are coming from DesMoines to visit this weekend. I was hoping we would all get together with Greg, too, but he is heading up to Wisconsin for a leadership conference with his fraternity. Travel prayers for all would be appreciated! :-)
We are half way through the week and things are looking up. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

Jay went to a Sig Ep leadership conference while he was at Kearney and loved it! Hopefully your son's extracurricular activities will be tamer than I'm afraid the Kearney boys were. I will pray for his safe return and that he has as much fun as Jay did (it's been 8 years now since he went). I hope you also have a nice visit with Matt and Courtney, that will be great to have them with you. I hope this post works. I'm always so wordy and my last 2 or 3 posts have been denied! I'm so glad that you're home and feeling well. We'll look forward to a visit Friday, barring any virus/cold/flu issues.