Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, Monday.....

Today I am feeling rather run down and tired. I didn't sleep well again last night - the beeping transmitter again - so that could be part of it. I also suspect my cancer treatment is letting me know that it is in my body - causing a few aches and pains. Tylenol helps - but boy I hate to keep popping pills.
I did manage to go through all my get well cards and Christmas cards this morning. It was nice to reread each one as I sorted them. You have all been so supportive - and I am so appreciative. I also found checks and gift certificates that got lost in all the confusion of my health issues. One of the checks was for my son, Greg, so it was a nice surprise for a college guy to have some found cash!
My cardiologist's nurse called today to report my monitoring company is again reporting some heart concerns. My heart beats too slowly at night while I sleep and has skipped around a few times (short bursts of A-fib) both yesterday and today. I felt the skips but was happy they didn't go on and on as before. It has been hard for the doctor to regulate my medicines to get that exact combo needed to maintain my heart (not too slow nor too fast). But I am encouraged it hasn't gone totally crazy since the med changes! Let's pray that continues!
Today, I also was able to get some correspondence done, and made myself walk up and down the flight of stairs to the second level to do some computer work a couple of times.
Last night I was thinking I sure wasn't any better - but then realized I had stood to get ready for bed (rather than relying on a chair by my sink), laid down in bed without having to 'suck air' for three minutes, and even could lean over to give Mark a goodnight kiss. All small things - but huge in the big scheme of things. Small steps, Jacque. Small steps.
Take care everyone.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Didn't you just love sitting in your comfy chair today watching the snow come down in those squalls? It was so pretty if you weren't out in it!
You are making progress. We all know if from reading your daily news. Go back and read it all and see how far you have come! It probably seems slow to you but you have come a long way! Hang in there and take it easy! One tiny step at a time...remember the tortoise and the hare story?