Thursday, January 11, 2007

Busy Day

I have had a busy day. My heart is still being very erratic, which both my cardiologist and pulmonologist say could be due to the procedure I had two days ago. My pumonologist took out my chest drain today (hooray!) even though he didn't want to initially. He said this morning's xray showed top of my lung had 'dropped down' and he wanted to reposition the tube and keep it in so the lung could re-inflate. I was SO bummed. But when he tried to reposition it, the tube was twisted and blocked, so he pulled it. He may have to put a little catheter in if the lung doesn't inflate on it's own, but he said it would be much less intrusive, so I think this is a good thing - and my side feels SO much better! I could use some 'inflation' prayers!
My pulmonologist said my lung is very inflamed, which means the procedure was working. This inflammation is what they think could be causing the heart problems. You know, if it isn't one thing it is another.
This morning, after the tube had been pulled and my IV with heart medicine removed (I'm getting that by mouth now) I was able to go to the restroom without two carts full of tubes and a nurse's assistance to maneuver the carts. I could actually go all by my little lonesome! Score! It is experiences like this that make you appreciate the little things in life!
I had a little breakfast and a little lunch today, so I am on the mend in that area, too. It is nice to feel half way healthy again!
Thanks for your continued prayers!


Patty Stone said...

Sounds like things are looking up. I'm so glad. (That should put a song in your head!) I updated the choir on your progress last night. They all send prayers and good wishes. You are frequently in my thoughts.

Di said...

I have been on pins and needles all day waiting for an update. I can see why you did not have a chance to write. They kept you very busy today. Glad some tubes are coming out and you are feeling a bit better. Keep smiling, as hard as that has to be right now.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. Good riddance to the tubes! Hopefully you are getting good things to eat! If you are still there and up to company I will come this weekend--unless we really get tons of snow. Hang in there! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

slbair said...

Okay, I did one comment and somehow lost it; I told you I was technologically challenged. This just proves it. Hospitals are certainly humbling experiences. Doesn't seem like you get to sleep very much. I have had you added to several prayer chains. I'm still at work and taking a break to read you blog. Hang in there. There will be better days ahead.


MeganW said...

Sounds like things are looking pretty good! We miss you and can't wait to see you again!!!
Megan Weber :)