Sunday, January 14, 2007


Yesterday evening my funkiness (is that a word?) went from bad to worse with a higher fever and diarrhea - oh joy. Samples were taken (those poor nurses) and blood drawn to check for some antibiotic related malady. I have been put in isolation and feel like typhoid Mary, as anyone who enters must be gowned and gloved. There haven't been any results back from the tests so all I can do is wait. However, I do feel better - even though I am still experiencing diarrhea - and so far have been able to eat a little.
The weekend pulmonologist finally arrived late yesterday afternoon. He had been to see me in the morning, but I was gone for my x-ray. He said the x-ray showed no change - no better, no worse. I will take that. No worse is a good thing.
The weekend pulmonologist came in this morning and said he ordered an x-ray for tomorrow morning, and that there was a good possibility I might go home. He can't make that call since he is not my doc, but he thought it possible. I asked about cathing the lung and he said he didn't think that would be necessary - that it should resolve itself in time. Again, he isn't my doc, but it was encouraging anyway.
Joy of joy, I got to take my first shower in 12 days! Don't be alarmed, I figured out a way to stick my head under the faucet while balancing on a nurse's stool from the hallway to wash my hair, and the hospital has these nice packets of disposable body wipes that they heat in the microwave that do a fine job of cleaning. They just didn't compare to a shower. Mmm-mmmm-mmm.
Have a great Sunday, everyone. I appreciate your concern and prayers. God is good.


Unknown said...

Well the good news is you don't have to venture out into the snow. Sorry to hear about your isolation :(. Hopefully that won't last long, and I hope you get your appetite back for good food!

We are planning to meet for SFP tomorrow night so I will let you know what happens! Weather permitting I will come see you on Wednesday.

Hang in there!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sharon and Lyle

Carol said...


All are out shoveling,glad it is not you and me.
Sorry t hear about your isolation,let me know when I can come by for a chat or we will do coffee/tea when you get home.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Carol and Larry

Emily said...

Hi Jacque,
I just heard the news from Kristy, and I wanted to say that I am definitely thinking of and praying for you.

I hope you feel better soon! Miss you!

Emily Bollinger

Di said...

We sure liked what your week-end Dr. had to say. We hope the other Drs.' agree and release you very soon. Your cozy chair can't wait for your return, along with others of course!!!
We are praying and can't wait for the official word. You might hear us all the way from Papillion.
love, di

Krista said...

Glad you might come home to your own shower and familiar things of comfort! I'll be watching so I know when to drop off a bundle of tasty sweets!
Hang in there and know that many are thinking of you and praying for your release.

Melanie D. said...

The drama continues. Well - I hope that your symptoms subside and that you get a clean bill of health SOON. Thought of you a lot this weekend - we prayed for you at Sunday School today. That you would be able to get released soon. I didn't realize Nancy Parkening goes to my church. She was glad to get an update and was wishing you well. I hope to read good news tomorrow! Stay warm. Congrats on the shower! ~Mel

Carole E-S said...

Hi from California. We got the news from Donna/Monty. You & your family are in our thoughts & prayers. Keep that wonderful life attitude. We hope to hear you're home soon.

Carole E-S, the family & our prayer partners.

Joan said...

Hi Jacque:

I just found out about all your troubles via Amanda E. from Greg's facebook - amazing how "connected" we all are!

I sorry you are having such a rough time - hopefully, things are on the mend and you will return to civilization soon. Just getting to take a shower was heaven I'm sure!!

Once you are home and feel up to visitors, Cheryl and I will bring you some "good" food (chocolate perhaps??) to get you back on track.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.