Saturday, January 13, 2007

Funky day

It is cold and wintry out today with more snow on the way tomorrow. Since it is a weekend, cold and snowy, the docs aren't as quick to come in (I can't blame them) but it is now 4:35 and I haven't seen my pulmonologist's associate today. I just want to know what the x-ray of my lung from this morning looked like and if there is any improvement. I have the feeling the lung hasn't inflated any more, but I am hopeful the inflammation is at least a little less. My heart has now been in sinus rhythm since yesterday morning, so that is encouraging!
I am not feeling my best today. I am running a low grade fever and having some problems with my stomach, again.
When the aide brought my lunch in I asked him stand away from me, pick up the lid and look to see what it was on the tray, as I wasn't sure I could face it. He looked and went "Uhm..... Uhm....I'm not sure." I had to laugh. He looked at the sheet on the tray and told me it was sweet and sour chicken. I asked him to take it away - I knew I couldn't look at it. Mark was planning on bringing me a steak dinner tonight, but I don't think I am going to be able to handle that. Darn! (However, the Zio's Pizza was divine last night.)
Two steps forward, one step back. I just need to keep remembering how I felt a couple of days ago and not get discouraged.
Stay warm!


Peg said...

Hi Jacque
I'm going to try this again, real wizard on this end????? You sound great! When can I come to visit?
Our lucky hair is ready if needed.
Take care Peg

Unknown said...

Keep your spirits up Jacque. Things will turn around soon and you will be home with your family.
Praying for you daily.


Carol said...


I am glad that I was able to talk to you this morning. I thought there was something going on next door as things were just not what they should be, but all told me to mind my own business, I will not next time.
Let me know when I can come for a visit.
You are in my prayers and thoughts daily, as you have been for the last few years.
I so admire your strength!

Di said...

I was hoping that Outback Steak would do the trick and make you feel better. Sounds like your tummy wasn't quite ready. Maybe in a day or so.
I am praying that tomorrow they will give you some good news. At least your heart is cooperating (so glad that tube is out I am sure). We love ya dear friend!
Hugs, Di

cko said...

Zio's always hits the spot for me too! Hopefully your stomach will be able to handle more soon; can't blame you on the hospital food though. (green beef, blech!)
Keeping you in my thoughts, along with many others, and praying for your speedy return home. "Come on, Lung!" We love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping and praying that you have improved today and will be able to go home tomorrow. I know you're looking forward to that. Even though you're not feeling good, you always have such a great positive attitude. We know God is surrounding you with love and strength from so many friends and family. Take care!