Thursday, May 17, 2007

Busy Fun Day

Melinda was voted off of American Idol. Hmmmm. My friend Melanie, in yesterday's comments, was probably right - she was more Mo Town than pop idol. I know we will see more of her.

The Granite City saga continues. If you remember, I sent an email to the manager of the Omaha restaurant and the corporate office. I received an infuriating email from the manager stating that we had got off on the 'wrong foot' and that he hadn't meant to be sarcastic but instead was trying to 'make light' of the situation. WHAT? What did he find to make light of? The fact that my mother in law hurt herself? Now that is funny - huh? But worst of all - he was lying! He was sarcastic and rude. He not once asked Carolyn if she was OK. He didn't even identify himself until I asked for the manager. He was guarded and confrontational. He was, in short, a jerk.

I then received an email from corporate giving a very fine apology for the manager's behavior. I emailed this CEO back, thanked him for his response and told him that the Omaha manager's email was also out of line. I also emailed the manager and reamed him, again. Today, I received another email from the CEO, profusely apologizing - agreeing that the manager's response was not satisfactory - invited us to dine on the manager's nickel (when hell freezes over!) and said he was sending the district manager to Omaha to speak with him about this incident. I wrote the CEO back, declined the invite to dine at the manager's expense (I doubt I ever darken the doors at that particular facility unless this manager is no longer there) and told him that knowing the CEOs agreed he was in the wrong and were going to deal with it was enough. Hopefully this jerk of a manager will have learned two lessons here. One - to be humane if someone is injured on his watch and Two - to accept responsibility for his actions. The CEO responded again inviting us to call him personally and he would arrange for us to dine at a different facility - which we would never do - but it was a nice gesture.

I got to go play teacher this afternoon. Melanie was out of the building today making school visitations and tomorrow is our classroom's Senior Open House. Since there would be two teacher subs, plus a para sub she hoped I could volunteer my time to help set up - which I did gladly! The kids bake cakes, make punch, decorate the classroom etc. and then host a party for the seniors. School and district staff members are invited to this celebration as well as students from the Young Adult Program. It is a great opportunity for our students to play hosts and practice entertaining skills. I helped the students frost the cakes (they will decorate them tomorrow) and arrange and decorate the room. Now tomorrow I will return to enjoy the party! Should be fun!

1 comment:

Diane Muir said...

WELL! Good for you. It's hard to believe that people will make such a production out of an apology. When that is all that is needed. The stupid manager is just that ... stupid. It's so much easier as a manager to just say, I'm so sorry ... we will fix it and then make plans to get it fixed. Makes the customer happy, relieves the pressure in your own mind and keeps a customer. I know, I've done this! Stupid, stupid manager.