Sunday, May 27, 2007

It's Not Raining

It's not raining. It was suppose to rain, but as normal in the Midwest, the weather changed it's mind. It looks like it could rain - but it isn't.

Wasn't that an exciting paragraph? Actually, to the Nielsen household it is great news. Poor Mark has been slaving away this weekend on our deck, power washing it, sanding and now staining. What had looked like a bust as far as staining due to the rain forecasted, may just get done since the rain is staying away. I wanted to take his picture as he worked, but he refused, so you won't get to see how nice the deck is looking. Maybe when it is all done and put back together I'll snap a shot of the finished product, since Mark is being camera shy.

I am tired today. I went to bed around 11:00 last night and woke up at 4:15 - then couldn't get back to sleep. I am one of those people that really needs a good 8 hour sleep to feel rested. I took a short little cat nap this afternoon, but still feel very groggy. Other than grocery store shopping and a few little jobs around the house I am just not accomplishing much today. Hopefully my pep will return soon so I can do something a little more worthwhile than sitting in my comfy chair.

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

We enjoyed some time outside this afternoon, the weather turned out just lovely. The shade in our front yard felt like just about the most perfect place on Earth today. I hope you were able to enjoy a little sunshine.

Yes please - post that deck pic. You know how I love remodel pics!

Talk to you soon - have a great Memorial Day!