Friday, May 4, 2007

Pleasantly Surprised

I am pleasantly surprised today. Usually, day 5 after chemo is my worst day. However, today I feel about the same as I did yesterday! I am achy and tired, but I really feel fairly well. I am not ready to run any races or tackle any projects, but I certainly can't complain. The BEST news is my heart has continued to behave - thank you Lord! I am going to assume this is all due to the chemo working and beating down the nasty beast, as well as all the prayers said on my behalf. I so appreciate everyone's prayers.

I want to also say how grateful I am to Millard Public Schools for making my transition from school teacher to disabled person as simple as possible. Michelle Ellis, in Humane Resources, has gone out of her way to answer questions and to make sure we understand all the processes. Millard has policies in place that look out for it's employees - and I am very thankful for this. I have always been proud of being a part of MPS - and this experience has only fortified that feeling.


JustAnotherDay said...

YAY!!! I am SO happy you are feeling well! You betcha your chemo is beating down the cancer!

Love, Courtney

Krista said...

You are so fortunate that you worked in a district that cares about their people. I know one that wouldn't be as caring or considerate. Millard is to be congratulated for its humanity. I am glad you are doing so well too. Keep up the positive outlook.

Melanie D. said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Rain and all.

Makes me feel good that MPS is treating you well. That must take a load off of your mind. Remember - people first language. You are a person with a medical disability. Not a disabled person!