Monday, May 14, 2007

Not Much to Report

Not much to report today. I went and exercised at rehab, took a teeny tiny nap after lunch, ran some errands, and that is about it. I thought I had a luncheon at school, but I had the wrong date. Dates have very little meaning to me any more. I am going to have to work on paying more attention! Luckily I didn't go to school - I spoke with coworkers there who set me straight - whew!

It is now almost 4:00 so I need to be thinking about supper. Chemo makes food just not sound good. It is not that I don't or can't eat, it is just that trying to come up with a palatable menu is next to impossible. Even if I let myself splurge and go to a fast food joint I am hard pressed to come up with one that sounds good. So, now I have to think about tonight's meal. Unfortunately, cheese and crackers wouldn't appeal to Mark, so I guess I had better get creative.

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