Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day 2 after chemo

I feel very well today, but my voice is rather raspy (from the chemo called Avastin). I went today for my Neulasta shot and am now waiting to see if the heart palpitations start. So far, so good! I asked my oncologist yesterday about when I will have my next scan to see if the chemo is working. He said I have to have two more chemos. That puts my scan sometime the middle of June. I am anxious to see if this is working. I feel like it is - so I pray that I am right! My onc also said that in the near future he will start me on a daily pill, Femara, which is a hormonal suppressant. I would love it if the chemo treatments would beat the cancer down - and then be able to just do the Femara to keep it stable. Time will tell if this will happen.

Ran some errands today to get out of the house while the Maids were here (what a wonderful gift). I was at a fabric store getting material to make scarves (it is hard to find cotton scarves big enough to make a comfortable head scarf) and noticed the Junior League Jumble Shop - a light bulb went off - and I stopped in to see if they had scarves. I walked out with four pretty scarves for right around $10.00. Now I am ready to go hit similar places - much better than $20.00 for one at the department store.

Tonight the Unlimited Possibilities board will be at my house to knock out the thank yous from our contributors for the Special Friends Prom. It will be good to get this done!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you're still feeling good today and pray that tomorrow will be better than usual. Three down--that's good news! I hope we can get together next week before I leave.
Take care! Love, Donna

Di said...

Dear Jacque,
Praying that your side effects are minimal this time. Sounds like you had a couple of productive days. You sure keep pushing yourself, which is wonderful!!!

I was on Femara for awhile too. Anxious to hear how you do with it. I know a lot of people who have very little side effects (I just wasn't one of the lucky ones).
Hugs & Prayers, Di