Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Odd Day

Another odd day. My blood pressure was extremely low all morning. It didn't matter if I ate something or rested for awhile - it just kept going lower. I felt very light headed and just crumby in general. I have absolutely NO idea what was going on. My throat did get quite sore last night and I ran a low grade fever - so maybe it had something to do with that. The fever is gone now, and while my throat is still sore I feel better, so hopefully tomorrow will be a normal day. I hate to waste any of my two weeks of 'good' time on being sick!

Even though I wasn't feeling well, I did manage to get the refrigerator cleaned out just in time for the movers to bring in the new one. We put the old one out in the garage for beverages and overflow. The freezer that was in the garage is going to Greg's fraternity. This afternoon I felt well enough to transfer items from the old freezer (which also contained everything from the inside freezer) back to the new and old fridge freezers. Mark and I decided we could do with out a big freezer, but I am going to have to do some serious whittling of food to make this work - things are really cramped right now. Or, maybe I will have to go get a small chest freezer. With just the two of us, whittling is probably a better plan. Right now there is a huge turkey and a small turkey - which we really don't need to keep hoarding. Guess roasted turkey will be on the menu sometime soon!

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

Bummer. Gone from fast, fast, fast, to low, low, low. Blech.

I hope that things recover soon and you can enjoy one great week. We are excited for your visit next Friday! I hope your heart is behaving by then.

Be pushy with those doctors if they are ignoring this - but I know you will!