Thursday, May 3, 2007

Day 4

I am feeling punky, but not horrible. My bones are achy and my skin on my neck, head and shoulders is sore to the touch. I am suppose to drink lots of fluids this week, but water tastes flat and juice is too sweet. I will just have to force myself to drink the water. The good news is no heart palpitations yet - AND I haven't had to take a nausea pill - two wonderful things!

I picked Greg up at the auto repair shop as his car wouldn't start for him yesterday. Of course, the repair shop couldn't get it to act up for them - which always seems to happen to Greg's car. He has needed new tires for awhile so Mark decided to go ahead and purchase them today since the car was in anyway. Greg has borrowed my car until his is finished, which would usually not happen as I like to have my car, but today I could care less. I have no intention of going anywhere, but maybe to bed.


Melanie D. said...

How about 1/2 juice 1/2 water? Ugh, that stinks when nothing is quite right.

I hope the nap helps how you're feeling and that tomorrow you are feeling better instead of worse!

Prayers for you.

JustAnotherDay said...

That is too bad you are not feeling well. Many prayers are coming your way to make sure you feel better soon!

Take care, Courtney