Thursday, May 10, 2007

Keeping Me Guessing

All day my blood pressure has been on the high side. NO idea why. However, I just checked it and it is back to normal. I haven't got a clue.....

Because of the bp and not sleeping well last night I wasn't as perky today as I had hoped, but did manage to run errands, ride my bike, do a little house work and bake a cake. I also sneaked in watching the DVD 'Dream Girls'. The vocals on it are amazing. I am going to have to get the soundtrack. I was very impressed with Eddy Murphy and Jaime Fox - they did very well with the vocals! Of course, the women were phenomenal - Jennifer Hudson especially - what a set of pipes - it certainly didn't hurt her career to not make it to the top of American Idol - and Beyonce' is drop dead gorgeous!

Speaking of American Idol - LaKisha was voted off. This is OK, as I really think it will come down to Jordan and Melinda - but I have been wrong before!

Matt and Courtney are coming from DesMoines to Omaha for the weekend! I am sure we will discuss plans for the wedding, expenses and maybe even go look at a dress. In all, it should be a nice weekend.

Have a great Friday! TGIF!


Melanie D. said...

Sorry that your heart is being naughty. But just think, you said the words, "I worked out." So yay you!!!

Stay strong - but get some rest. Baked a cake? Really?

Di said...

What's the deal with your pressure? I know you would like the answer to that question for sure. You were productive even in spite of having a "tired" day. Have a great time with the kids. I know you will. hugs, di

Diane Muir said...

Are you kidding me with American Idol? You too? Good heavenly days. Max and I are obviously two oddballs ... none of that for us! {giggle}.

Have a great weekend!

Stephanie said...

Hi Jacque-
I haven't seen you on the board lately. I'm glad to see that you got to see Dream Girls! Happy Mothers' Day by the way! I had a ultra sound of my heart cause it was acting up too so I hope yours will settle down. Hope you're getting some rest and not over doing it. I've given up on my blog for a while. Hope to hear from you soon! God is able, Stephanie