Friday, May 18, 2007

Goodbye Seniors

Today was the senior open house at my old classroom. It was great seeing my students and many of my co-workers. I wish I would have asked Melanie to send me some pictures from it - maybe I can post some next week. The students did a great job of hosting their party - they always do. Afterwards I stayed and had lunch with my coworkers (cafeteria hot dogs - yum?) and then hashed over some details for next year with Melanie. We will graduate three seniors this year between the two rooms and she and the new teacher will gain eleven freshman. Oh my. It will be a very diverse group, too, so they will have their hands full - especially with a new teacher and a couple of new paras! Melanie has asked for prayers to find good paras - and I think SHE needs prayers for lots of stamina and patience!

My morning started out rather hectic. As I was getting up I remembered I needed to go through my pictures to give to the seniors. When we had water in the basement a few weeks ago from the torrential rains, things got moved around, so I couldn't find my box of photos. I solicited Mark's help before he left for work and we finally found it (with just a little grumbling). Then I took my shower and got ready for my rehab exercise class - jumped in the car and started for class. About a mile down the road I remembered I hadn't taken my meds so had to return to the house. Back in the car I was thinking about the open house at school and realized that it started at 10 instead of 11 as I had thought. This meant I would have to cut my rehab class short so I could get home, shower, dress and get to school on time. Needless to say, by the time I got to my rehab class my blood pressure was a little on the high side!

It feels so good to exercise - especially under the watchful eye of the therapists. I am hooked up to the heart monitor the whole time and they check blood pressure and oxygen levels through out your exercise regime. Right now I do ten minutes on a recumbent bike, ten minutes on a nu step and ten minutes on a treadmill. They keep upping the resistance and speed - which is a good thing. After using the machines we do exercises with dumb bells and stretching. The class ends with a 15 minute 'lesson' in all the different aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle. I am one of the 'youngsters' in our group - and everyone is very nice. It is a pleasant way to spend part of one's morning, although I can feel myself starting to think 'Darn, I need to go to class this morning'. It isn't that I don't like the class - it is just the getting ready, getting there, etc. If it were a bit closer maybe I wouldn't mind so much.

After my busy day I am rather tired. Tomorrow is another busy day so I will stop blogging for today and wish you all a great weekend.

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad everyone made it to the party yesterday. I'm also so glad it's over! Now we just have Fontanelle Forest, bowling, finals, graduation, more finals, grades, progress reports, pack up my room and biggie. ;-) Thanks so much for all of your help, it really did make a big difference! You are awesome! Enjoy the wonderful weekend.