Sunday, May 20, 2007


Chemo is tomorrow so I would appreciate prayers!
Last night we had an experience at a new local restaurant (the original started in Lincoln) that restored my faith in management. We went out with our dear friends, the Brabecs and O'Connors, to Lazlo's. It happened to be Steve's birthday. Now, if you don't know Steve, he is a real pied piper when it comes to mingling with people. He loves to banter and have fun. While we waited for our table to be ready he, Chris and Mark sat at the bar and Bonnie, Diane and I sat in the waiting area. Well, as the guys waited, they bonded with the bartender, Jeremy - who just happened to be one of the owners. Jeremy, told the guys his recommendation for supper was the BBQ combo - baby backs and rainbow chicken. When we tried to order this our waitress said she had never heard of this combination, so the guys called Jeremy over. Jeremy explained to the waitress (who was a very good waitress, but was fairly new to the establishment) how to write it up - she called it the 'Jeremy Special' - and we were set. Let me tell you - it was delicious! In fact, when we return I may just get the Rainbow Chicken -even though the ribs were tender and finger licking good! Since it was Steve's birthday they let us pick out a couple of desserts (the apple cobbler was divine - and I don't usually like that sort of thing) - and Jeremy even sent a 6 pack of their brewery beer home with Steve. We had a wonderful time laughing and bantering with Jeremy, the waitress and staff and look forward to going back! There is a certain restaurant manager that could take a few lessons from Jeremy!

Last night, right before the Brabecs and O'Connors came to our house (for appetizers) my heart decided to show me who's boss. I am not kidding - just minutes before they came I felt my heart start to whir. I took my blood pressure with my digital machine and sure enough - I was out of rhythm and my pulse was going up. Sigh. I kept checking it every few minutes and finally took one of my recovery pills. This brought everything back to normal, but darn! I had even considered trying a small wine once everyone got here since I hadn't had any issues for awhile. :-( I am not sure what made it do this, but I was at a shower earlier in the day for my nephew Jeff and his wife Shannon's baby. I had a cookie I thought was dipped in vanilla bark but maybe it was white chocolate? Or, maybe I overdid during the afternoon (pulled some weeds and washed off the patio furniture)? Or, maybe my blood counts are down? Or?, Or?, Or?......who knows.

It was nice to see Jeff and Shannon. They live in Littleton, CO and have just bought a new home. They get possession of their house next month but plan on having it remodeled before they move in. I got to see before pictures so it will be fun to see it all spiffed up. Shannon is due in June and I can't wait to meet the new little Anderson boy!

I don't think I have told you that Matt and Courtney have picked a wedding date! It will be July 26, '08. Courtney was able to get the venue she wanted for her reception (the Art Center in Rochester, MN) so it looks like they are good to go. They are in Rochester this weekend doing more planning. The summer of 2008 is when the Anderson reunion is, so I hope the planners pick a time not too close to the wedding as I would love to attend the reunion this time. I wasn't able to go 3 years ago due to Mom's health and last year my health got in the way.

Better go so I can get some things done. We are meeting Mark's step mom, Joyce, and her husband, Sam, for dinner. Two nights in a row of no cooking! Life is good.

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

I love Lazlo's! Yum.

I hope all is well today for you - and that this week goes by quickly without too many symptoms.