Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Short Post

Today will be a short post. The side effects are starting to rear their ugly heads this afternoon - sore neck and shoulders, sore skin, achy, general feeling of blah ....

The only thing I have accomplished today was going to heart rehab this morning and stopping by a new spice store, Penzey's, to pick up some no salt spice combos. It is a nice store with some lovely spice combos if you are looking for something different. It is located just north of Jones on 72nd.

Tonight we find out who won American Idol. I am sure it will be Jordin - but we will see....

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

And it was Jordin! Not too shocking - but I thought the finale was great. It really wasn't fair to Blake - AI always ends the season with a cheesy ballad. He's not much of a cheesy ballad kind of a guy.

Hope you're hanging in there. The weather today matches your post from yesterday. A little cloudy. I hope you're on your way back to sunny soon (and the weather too!)