Friday, June 15, 2007

A Better Day Five

Day five after chemo. Normally, this is the day I am in great pain (in my joints and legs), very tired and in general - blah. However, I went to cardio rehab this morning and fared fairly well. I stopped at the grocery store and went to Panera to pick up some soup for lunch. I took a little nap, emptied the dishwasher and vacuumed the main level. All in all, not a bad day. Diane stopped by and brought me a little present (a serving plate I had been eyeing at Cold Water Creek) and we visited between my yawns. My knees and hips do hurt a bit, but not nearly as bad as I have experienced in the past. My appetite isn't 'normal', but that's OK. I am hoping that this 'better day five' means the climb back up will be quicker than normal. I have a lot planned for the weekend, so am keeping my fingers crossed that it is!

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