Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Scan Report

The verdict is in - and it, for the most part, is good news. The oncolgy nurse called to say she was relaying a message from Dr. Silverberg, who is now coming to the office to do paperwork, but is not seeing patients, yet.

Here is the message concerning my scans:

* fluid around lungs is less
* there is no fluid around the heart
* there is less activity in the bone
* there are new spots in the lung, but are too small to measure. We will keep an eye on them.

She relayed that Dr. Silverberg said that if the last bit of news made me nervous, he would call me. It makes me nervous, so I expect a call from him today or tomorrow. I assume the treatment will stay the same, but I will wait to see what Dr. Silverberg has to say when he calls. I have other questions that I forgot to ask the nurse - such as have the lymph glands decreased in size, etc.

The wait is over. The verdict is in. I am happy for the most part, yet a bit concerned. I will just put it in God's hands.


Melanie D. said...

Sounds good. Very good.

I'm so glad you are proactive though, to get info. about that lung. Stay on them!!!

Thank you for sharing - I rushed right home to see this today (from the zoo). I'm glad you feel good and will read tomorrow what Doc says.

Annette said...

Ok, I'm thinking that when push comes to shove, we take any kind of good news we can. And, it seems like a very good report. The potential lung problem can just be our new focus when we pray. Thank you so much for letting us share in the good report.

Rosebud said...

Glad to hear there was some good news..rosebud

nikkis30by30 said...

Oh I think this is all wonderful!! I anxiously await news on all of the ??s you have for the doc, but I am so happy that nothing has gone out of control!! More prayers sent your way for more good answers on your ??s.