Thursday, June 28, 2007

Surgery Postponed

I spent the entire afternoon at the hospital waiting for Mom's surgery to start. My brothers, Alan and Bert were there, too. After she was hooked up to an IV and had blood drawn the surgeon finally came in to speak to her before he got started. He flipped back the sheet on her leg and said in an alarmed voice 'What is this?' Mom had a nasty raised rash on her leg below the knee they were going to operate on. He stated it was cellulitis and he couldn't operate until it was cleared up. Mom was very disappointed - but we want her to get better - not worse! We got her something to eat in the hospital cafeteria (it was 4:00 in the afternoon and she hadn't eaten since last night) and then Bert took her back to Lincoln. I got home in time to make a quick dinner (thank goodness for the frozen, bagged pasta meals) for Mark.

No phone call, as of this writing, from my oncologist. I really would like to speak to him, so if I don't hear anything tonight I will try his office tomorrow.

Greg, our youngest son, came home last week and told us he was going to change his major. He has decided he wants to go into law inforcement. Now, mind you, this will be the fourth change Greg has made since he began school three years ago - as Mark says, a different major for each year. He started out in performing arts, then computer science, then exercise science and now criminal justice. I know that police work is a very honorable career, and I am thankful there are those who are willing to do this dangerous work, but as a mom I am not thrilled that my baby has made this decision. Physical therapy sounds so much safer! However, it is his life, and if that is truly what he wants - so be it. His dad asked him if he thought he could shoot someone if he had to and he said yes. I reminded him that he couldn't shoot a bird or a bunny rabbit, but he said 'those are innocent animals and they aren't pointing a gun at me.' Ok, I'll accept that. I also asked how he knew this is what he wanted since he had thought he wanted three other majors, to which he said 'Yea, I thought about that.' But, a degree is a degree, so he has other options if police work ends up not being his choice once he graduates. As Mark also said, Greg is a smart guy, so whatever he picks he will do well in. Sigh - too bad we parents aren't able to select our children's careers!


Jeanne said...

Ok, you probably would have guessed that I would leave a comment about Greg wanting to be a police officer. Troy has been on the Omaha Force for almost three years now. I know I am not a mother of an officer but being a wife is about the same. People always ask if I am scared for him. I tell them no. I cannot live everyday worried something is going to happen. The only time I really worry is if I am watching the news and something is going on in his district or if I wake up at 2:00am and he is not home yet.
For Troy - this is such on honorable career, I am so proud of him. Most people respect officers - it's the criminal's that do not.

nikkis30by30 said...

I don't know what I will do if one of my kids tells me they want to be a cop or firefighter or military. Well.... yes, I do.... I will support them, just as you are with Greg. I agree, it is a VERY honorable career. And who knows, maybe he won't be a street cop. Maybe he will be a detective!! There are lots of positions he could take that still have a lot of crime solving, etc., that won't put him in harm's way, right? Look on the bright side!

I hope you get ahold of the oncologist today. I hope that all of our prayers are being answered and that's what's taking so long.... God is working HARD for you!!!


Midwest Beach Girl said...

As a recent grad, I only have to say this. At least he is still thinking about his career choice. I know MANY people who stayed with a program simply because they did not want to start again. This left them with a degree that they do not use and an education that is not helpful. Thank God that he has the desire to find something he loves!!

And keep us updated on the oncologist conversation!