Tuesday, January 16, 2007

2 Weeks

I have now been in the hospital for two weeks. Enough already! My pulmonologist is still ill, so I saw the same associate as before. I feel great - even look great according to the doc this morning - but here I sit. Seems they decided to do the little cath in the lung cavity to release the air, but my blood was too thin due to the cumadin the cardiologist is giving me. Now they have to wait for my blood to thicken. I asked if I could go home to wait for this to happen and he said yes, if it was still too thin tomorrow, but not today. Can't remember why - I was so bummed I think my mind turned off.
I did test positive for c-diff - the intestinal illness I had - caused by my antibiotics killing off the normal 'flora' of the intestine. It is fecal to mouth transported, so people have a pretty slim chance of getting it from me considering what a hand washing fiend I am. One of my students at school teases me and says I am rather 'Monkish' (for those that don't know, Monk is a TV show about a guy with obsessive compulsive disorder). Being a school teacher I have become obsessed with keeping my students and myself as healthy as possible, so hand washing is our front line of defense. Luckily my classroom has a kitchen and a restroom so it is easy for all to clean up after a cough or a sneeze. My mom's sisters love to tease me about the time they were visiting my home and asked to help in the kitchen. In my best teacher voice I said 'Yes, first wash your hands and then you can...' I furthered my o/c behavior this morning by requesting disinfecting wipes and spent quite a bit of time cleaning my room. Let me tell you, after two weeks it was due! If I stay diarrhea free until Thursday I can be considered off isolation. BUT I HOPE I AM NOT HERE ON THURSDAY!!!!!
The doc asked me to walk around in my room as much as possible today (can't go in the hall because I am in isolation). They will take an x-ray tomorrow and check my blood levels again. Maybe, with luck, I can have the procedure tomorrow and go home.
Last night Mark arrived just as my supper tray did. The food just didn't cut it, so Mark kindly went to the cafeteria and got a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of bean soup for me. It tasted heavenly. I know my taste buds are still off, but surely someone could figure out a way to get food to hospital patients that was hot and tastey.
Thanks again for your continued prayers. I so appreciate it.


Melanie D. said...

Amazing how there are so many people who feel they get sent home too quickly from the hospital...and then there's you. I hope you get sent home very soon. I made the mistake this morning of telling Brenna I was up to see you at the hospital yesterday. She was UPSET! I told her we'd visit Miss Jacque as soon as she's home and that no kids are allowed in hospitals. She didn't take it well but that at least appeased her for now. Expect muffins and a visit from a 3-year old as soon as you are home! Take care and do those laps around the room today - don't get dizzy!

Be glad you missed it - this morning Laidlaw could get no school buses started so our kids straggled in as moms and dads got them here. Cold and grumpy - you know how they love to be off-routine!

Di said...

I agree with Melanie........so many people complain about being pushed out and you would give your right arm to be released!!!!! Go figure.
Sounds like the grill cheese and soup hit the spot. Transporting food from the kitchen to the rooms must lose a lot!!! I always feel bad for our elementary children because the lunches they eat everyday are made at 7:00 a.m. and transported to our school and held in steam tables until 11:30. Yummy!!!!!! I guess that explains why in 30 years of teaching I have only eaten school lunch 2 times.
Have fun with those laps around your room. We continue to pray!
We love you Jacque, di

Patty Stone said...

Well, let's see if this works today. We aren't sure if the bus will show up for job sites. If not, we will make them work really hard here. Jamie was just here for English and sends good wishes to you. If you are still up there tomorrow (I hope not!) I'll stop to see you after chemo.

Cathy said...

Hi Jacque,
On Sunday, both Adie and my Emily called to tell me you were in the hospital, and Carol did the same yesterday. You have lots of friends! I just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Cathy Bollinger

Carol said...

Waiting for the news you are home and coffee will be just a few short steps away.
Two weeks is a long time to be gone from home but you want to be at your best when you come home.
You are in my prayers and thoughts.

Krista said...

I have been out in the Millard Schools for the past couple of weeks and I think about you when I walk in a door. I know you are anxious to get back at it and I know the kids miss you!
Do you need a good book to read? I have several for you to chose from when you get home! I'm hoping that will be tomorrow. Let's see now, books, Dutch Letters, a selection of tea and what else? Your wish is my command!

joanie skar said...

Just want to let you know that we are thinking about you and praying for you. Hope tomorrow is your lucky day and you get to go home. Sending you a big hug!! Love ya and God bless. Joanie and Al