I am still sick. Today, my fever was down, but still low grade. I haven't been hungry - at all - and have been nauseous and even lost what little lunch I managed to get down. This afternoon I called my oncologists office to see if these symptoms might be due to my cancer treatment on Friday. The nurse said no, I probably just had a virus - but I am not convinced.
I did manage to get my pulmonologist's appointment changed to tomorrow instead of Friday to have my lung drained. Hopefully my cumadin level won't be too high. As much as I dread the procedure - I really want that fluid out!
So far today my heart has had one episode of A-fib - slowed down by the rescue pills. I have let my mother-in-law,Carolyn, and Mark (when he was home for lunch) do for me to try to keep it under control. It seems to have helped.
My co teacher, Melanie, had a very trying day. We have a classroom business where we make promotional buttons. In the confusion of my being hospitalized we forgot we had an order due tomorrow. Of course, one button didn't turn out right - and it was saved on my laptop at home. She had to come get my computer over her lunch hour so she could make the button. Today was also our reward pizza and a movie party (kids earn 'money' to pay for a monthly reward). She had to pick up the pizzas, get them cooked, find a DVD that worked (ours decided not to work today), etc. Add to that, that everyone had to work extra hard to make the buttons - she had quite a day. My sub from before I went back to work last month is now on a well deserved vacation. Timaree Yost has taken her place and Melanie says she has been great. I am so thankful for every one's help in this very trying time!
Thanks to everyone for your continuing to put me in your prayers. I know that set backs are inevitable. I pray for faith and trust.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Not the Best Day
I am feeling quite punk today. I am running a fever, I'm achy, my hip hurts, my heart isn't behaving, I'm not breathing well - wah wah wah. My doc called me back this afternoon and has prescribed a general antibiotic to cover the bases - so hopefully once I start that I will begin to feel better. I am anxious to get to Friday when Dr. T will drain my lung. Until then, I just have to buck up and deal with it.
I have spent my day in and out of sleep - very unusual for me - so something is at work on me. Part of it could be the cancer treatment I had on Friday. I have noticed that the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after the treatment are usually the worst days, as far as how I feel (which isn't really all that bad in the big scheme of things). My aches are different from the last two times, which makes me think that the treatments have taken care of the spots that use to bother me. Don't you think that sounds logical? I certainly do!
Take care. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be feeling better!
I have spent my day in and out of sleep - very unusual for me - so something is at work on me. Part of it could be the cancer treatment I had on Friday. I have noticed that the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after the treatment are usually the worst days, as far as how I feel (which isn't really all that bad in the big scheme of things). My aches are different from the last two times, which makes me think that the treatments have taken care of the spots that use to bother me. Don't you think that sounds logical? I certainly do!
Take care. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be feeling better!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Well, all was well this morning. I went down for a heart ultra sound and a chest X-ray. The tech said as far as she could see the heart looked fine. My cardio doc, Dr. Gangahar, came in and said she thought I was doing fine and she was fine with my going home if Dr. Thommi, the pulmonologist said it was alright. A little while after she left I was sitting in bed and I felt my heart start to race and go into A fib. They hooked me up to a monitor and called Dr. G., who had them administer a pulse slowing shot. Next, Dr. Thommi, came in and looked at the X-ray. He saw that I still have a liter of fluid on my lung (the ultra sound lady was right with her estimate of 2 liters). He said he would wait until Friday to drain it in his office (unless I need it done before that). If the lung refills, then he will put a temporary drain in. Doesn't sound like fun, but better than the procedure he did last month. That was NOT fun. He was OK with me going home today, but now we have to wait for Dr. Gangahar to decide if I get to go home. Talking is again a chore for me - not sure why, but seems to irritate the lung and the heart. Sigh.
Good news! The nurse was able to talk Dr. G into letting me go home! She was going to keep me here one more night, but the nurse told her I was back in rhythm and my pulse was in normal range, so she said OK, I could go home with a med to slow my heart if needed - since I can tell when it happens. Yea!
Dr. T said I should refrain from working this week, since just sitting in bed made my heart go nuts, but at least I won't be sitting in here! I am almost afraid to get up and start packing for fear I will start my heart back up again. But I guess if it is going to happen, I'd rather it did it here - so here goes. Say a prayer and wish me luck!
Good news! The nurse was able to talk Dr. G into letting me go home! She was going to keep me here one more night, but the nurse told her I was back in rhythm and my pulse was in normal range, so she said OK, I could go home with a med to slow my heart if needed - since I can tell when it happens. Yea!
Dr. T said I should refrain from working this week, since just sitting in bed made my heart go nuts, but at least I won't be sitting in here! I am almost afraid to get up and start packing for fear I will start my heart back up again. But I guess if it is going to happen, I'd rather it did it here - so here goes. Say a prayer and wish me luck!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My pro-time (how thin my blood is) dropped to 1.6 - with the help of a vitamin k tablet!!!! Yippee!!! Now I can have my lung drained. My pulmonolgist stopped by awhile ago and said he would be back in a bit to tap my lung. I asked if he would have to do the talc procedure, but he said no, he would need to drain it two or three more times before he went that route. Sigh - thank you Lord. PLEASE make my cancer treatments kick in and make this go away on its own!
The cat scan showed no blood clots and my heart and blood pressure have been behaving. I am hoping the doc will release me yet today. Keep your fingers crossed.
Last night's sleep was fairly non existent. Between having been given a diuretic, hallway noise and being hungry from eating a light supper, it was a short night. I was awake from 12:30 until 2:00 having a snack, watching TV and reading. I made myself 'pretend' to sleep from then until 4. I probably dozed during that time - but it certainly didn't feel like it. I finally got up at 4:00, showered and got ready for the day. I am groggy today, but napping has never been easy for me - especially in the hospital.
This morning an old lady stood outside my door and sang old time songs (Let me call you sweetheart, etc.). I would guess she sang 4 complete songs in a loud wavery voice. I am not sure what was going on - but hopefully she is the one who called out a good share of yesterday 'help, help me, help!'. If it was, this means she is not feeling so frightened today. I couldn't see her as my door was partially closed, but I just pretended she was caroling. It made me smile. She sounded so happy.
I am going to stop this blog right here and resume once the procedure is done. So the next paragraph will be post procedure....
As of 11:30 the procedure is done. It was grueling. The spot he had to tap was high up on the ribs. That area is inflamed and was very painful whether he was anesthetizing or pushing the needle and tube between the ribs. I made some noises that reminded me of when I went through child birth (just not so loud). When he pushed the tube in it felt like my ribs exploded under my right breast- like a bullet was shot from the inside out. It was so weird. I had a little scream for that one. My kind nurse let me squeeze her hand - I hope I didn't hurt her! I also had the overwhelming need to cough, which of course you aren't suppose to do - reminded me of having to refrain from pushing in childbirth - but not so intense. Dr. Thommi had to stop for awhile to let me calm my breathing and coughing. I found that by sitting up straighter I could stop the coughing. He was so kind and apologized over and over again for hurting me. He got 1 liter out and said he thought he got it all. He said it is so hard to tell the amount of fluid with an ultrasound - especially so high up in the lung. I have to stay in bed for 1 hour and then I can get up and move around. I am looking forward to walking and not gasping with every step!!!! I have to stay in the hospital overnight and if all goes well I will go home tomorrow. In the morning I have an ultrasound of the heart scheduled (to see if the fluid around it from last month has gotten better or worse) and another x-ray of the lungs. If they all look good they will release me. Prayers, please!
As I sit here typing I realized that my breathing has become so much better. Not labored at all. Hallelujah!
The cat scan showed no blood clots and my heart and blood pressure have been behaving. I am hoping the doc will release me yet today. Keep your fingers crossed.
Last night's sleep was fairly non existent. Between having been given a diuretic, hallway noise and being hungry from eating a light supper, it was a short night. I was awake from 12:30 until 2:00 having a snack, watching TV and reading. I made myself 'pretend' to sleep from then until 4. I probably dozed during that time - but it certainly didn't feel like it. I finally got up at 4:00, showered and got ready for the day. I am groggy today, but napping has never been easy for me - especially in the hospital.
This morning an old lady stood outside my door and sang old time songs (Let me call you sweetheart, etc.). I would guess she sang 4 complete songs in a loud wavery voice. I am not sure what was going on - but hopefully she is the one who called out a good share of yesterday 'help, help me, help!'. If it was, this means she is not feeling so frightened today. I couldn't see her as my door was partially closed, but I just pretended she was caroling. It made me smile. She sounded so happy.
I am going to stop this blog right here and resume once the procedure is done. So the next paragraph will be post procedure....
As of 11:30 the procedure is done. It was grueling. The spot he had to tap was high up on the ribs. That area is inflamed and was very painful whether he was anesthetizing or pushing the needle and tube between the ribs. I made some noises that reminded me of when I went through child birth (just not so loud). When he pushed the tube in it felt like my ribs exploded under my right breast- like a bullet was shot from the inside out. It was so weird. I had a little scream for that one. My kind nurse let me squeeze her hand - I hope I didn't hurt her! I also had the overwhelming need to cough, which of course you aren't suppose to do - reminded me of having to refrain from pushing in childbirth - but not so intense. Dr. Thommi had to stop for awhile to let me calm my breathing and coughing. I found that by sitting up straighter I could stop the coughing. He was so kind and apologized over and over again for hurting me. He got 1 liter out and said he thought he got it all. He said it is so hard to tell the amount of fluid with an ultrasound - especially so high up in the lung. I have to stay in bed for 1 hour and then I can get up and move around. I am looking forward to walking and not gasping with every step!!!! I have to stay in the hospital overnight and if all goes well I will go home tomorrow. In the morning I have an ultrasound of the heart scheduled (to see if the fluid around it from last month has gotten better or worse) and another x-ray of the lungs. If they all look good they will release me. Prayers, please!
As I sit here typing I realized that my breathing has become so much better. Not labored at all. Hallelujah!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Hospital Again
Ok, lets start out with the positives. I am thankful that I live in America - where health care is excellent. I am thankful that my doc is taking a pro-active stance. I am thankful that due to my last visit I was able to pack efficiently for this visit. I am thankful (and hopeful) that this will be a short (2 to 3 day) visit.
I am back at the hospital because my breathing has become more labored and my blood pressure went quite high. Thankfully the BP has calmed down. Everything about this is a quandary. Is it the lung? Is it the heart? Is it the meds? God forbid, the cancer?
I will be here for another major snowstorm. They are still predicting 6 -8" of snow, starting at 6 this evening. I have a better view from my new hospital room and two chairs rather than just one. The room is smaller, but seems to be fine - especially with two chairs (again the little things)
I had to leave for awhile while doing this blog. I had an ultrasound and the pocket of fluid on top of my lung contains up to 2 liters of fluid. WHAT? That is how much was in the whole plural effusion that started this whole thing - and they thought THAT was ginormous!!!! The ultra sound tech said she is working with a flat dimension, so can't judge precisely - but said it was big. No wonder I can't breathe! Next I have to have a CAT scan to make sure there isn't a blood clot in the lung - which I don't thing so - wouldn't it just be the fluid? Anyway, Dr. Thommi said, obviously, the talc treatment didn't work in that area. I don't know if that means he will do it in that area again or not. It frightens me because that is what got my heart all out of sorts the last time. I sure don't want to go through all of that again, if it can be helped. I will just have to pray and trust that my new meds will keep it stable.
The nurse just stopped in to say my pro-time is too high - 2.4 - so the tap won't be today. Sigh.
The good news is, everyone who sees me here says I look too healthy to be in the hospital. You know - this healthy look can be a good thing or a bad thing. What is bad about it is when you are in duress - you don't look it - so people don't take you seriously. But I feel fortunate that my body must be strong to be able to maintain when others would be crumpled to the ground. For this I am thankful. It must be the good Anderson farming (second generation) stock I come from.
My hospital number at Methodist is 402-354-3810. I so appreciated all the TLC I received when last hospitalized. I still have many magazines, books and snacks to enjoy while at the hospital. I plan on being out of here soon (please my dear Lord) so hold off on your wonderful floral contributions (I had a lovely garden the last time!). My tray is sitting outside my room and the smell is making me salivate - I can't have it until after my CAT scan - so hopefully it will be palatable.
Send up those prayers, friends and relatives! I am envisioning being home by Monday!
I am back at the hospital because my breathing has become more labored and my blood pressure went quite high. Thankfully the BP has calmed down. Everything about this is a quandary. Is it the lung? Is it the heart? Is it the meds? God forbid, the cancer?
I will be here for another major snowstorm. They are still predicting 6 -8" of snow, starting at 6 this evening. I have a better view from my new hospital room and two chairs rather than just one. The room is smaller, but seems to be fine - especially with two chairs (again the little things)
I had to leave for awhile while doing this blog. I had an ultrasound and the pocket of fluid on top of my lung contains up to 2 liters of fluid. WHAT? That is how much was in the whole plural effusion that started this whole thing - and they thought THAT was ginormous!!!! The ultra sound tech said she is working with a flat dimension, so can't judge precisely - but said it was big. No wonder I can't breathe! Next I have to have a CAT scan to make sure there isn't a blood clot in the lung - which I don't thing so - wouldn't it just be the fluid? Anyway, Dr. Thommi said, obviously, the talc treatment didn't work in that area. I don't know if that means he will do it in that area again or not. It frightens me because that is what got my heart all out of sorts the last time. I sure don't want to go through all of that again, if it can be helped. I will just have to pray and trust that my new meds will keep it stable.
The nurse just stopped in to say my pro-time is too high - 2.4 - so the tap won't be today. Sigh.
The good news is, everyone who sees me here says I look too healthy to be in the hospital. You know - this healthy look can be a good thing or a bad thing. What is bad about it is when you are in duress - you don't look it - so people don't take you seriously. But I feel fortunate that my body must be strong to be able to maintain when others would be crumpled to the ground. For this I am thankful. It must be the good Anderson farming (second generation) stock I come from.
My hospital number at Methodist is 402-354-3810. I so appreciated all the TLC I received when last hospitalized. I still have many magazines, books and snacks to enjoy while at the hospital. I plan on being out of here soon (please my dear Lord) so hold off on your wonderful floral contributions (I had a lovely garden the last time!). My tray is sitting outside my room and the smell is making me salivate - I can't have it until after my CAT scan - so hopefully it will be palatable.
Send up those prayers, friends and relatives! I am envisioning being home by Monday!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Didn't Get My Way
Well, I didn't get my way. My blood thinning level has risen to 2.3 - too high to do the procedure. If I get worse over the weekend I can call my doc - he is on call - and he said he could do the procedure at the hospital. He did double my steroids, so hopefully this will make me breathe easier over the weekend. If it gets better with the pills I might reconsider having the procedure and wait for awhile - I figure the less invasive the better. I will see what the doctor thinks. Anyway, I am scheduled for the procedure on Monday. I am going to take a wait and see attitude with taking Monday off - I hate to miss for many reasons - money being top of my list! :-)
For any cumadin users - the reason you are to take it at night is, if you need to get the drug out of your system for surgery (or procedures), if you take it in the evening you can withhold that evening's dose and be that much closer to having what you need done. Made sense once he explained it to me.
Omaha is expecting a 6 to 8 inch snowstorm Saturday night. Wouldn't you know we have plans to go out with our friends the Nielsen's and O'Connors. The Nielsen's aren't related to us, but when Mark and I first got married the guys had me convinced they were cousins. It wasn't until two years into the marriage I figured it out - long story. I am not so gullible any more (I hope).
Have a warm, relaxing weekend!
For any cumadin users - the reason you are to take it at night is, if you need to get the drug out of your system for surgery (or procedures), if you take it in the evening you can withhold that evening's dose and be that much closer to having what you need done. Made sense once he explained it to me.
Omaha is expecting a 6 to 8 inch snowstorm Saturday night. Wouldn't you know we have plans to go out with our friends the Nielsen's and O'Connors. The Nielsen's aren't related to us, but when Mark and I first got married the guys had me convinced they were cousins. It wasn't until two years into the marriage I figured it out - long story. I am not so gullible any more (I hope).
Have a warm, relaxing weekend!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Prayers, Please
I am seeking prayers again. Yesterday I noticed I was short of breath. I also, if you remember, gained three pounds overnight. Well, in the back of my mind, I knew this could mean the plural effusion (fluid in the lung lining) might have returned - but I was hoping I was wrong - and that I was just tired from my long day at work the day before. Today I was even shorter of breath - and by mid morning my heart started racing and going into Atrial Fib (irregular heartbeat). Sigh.
My pulmonologist doc was in Blair, NE at a clinic there, so Mark picked me up at school at noon and drove me up there - about a 45 minute trip. Well, in true Jacque fashion, nothing can ever be easy. They took an x-ray (had to do one twice as it didn't turn out), and then I waited for the doc to get there. He had an ultra sound done and found a big pocket of fluid at the top of my lung. They were all set to do the procedure, but when the nurses got out the equipment, my doc wasn't happy with the kit they had. So, I have to go tomorrow to his office to have the procedure done. As he was walking out, I asked him if he would like me to not take the cumadin (blood thinner) tomorrow. You should have seen his face. He turned to the nurse and asked if they had taken a pro-time (a test that checks how thin your blood is). He said they were suppose to have done one - that his nurses were suppose to call them to get a pro-time. (I had asked the nurse earlier if it would be a problem that I was on cumadin and she said she would ask the doc - which we both forgot). Anyway, this little hospital didn't have the easy pro-time machinery, where they just poke your finger, so I opted to go to my gp which is right next to my school - where I needed to pick up my car. My pulmonologist said my numbers couldn't be over 1.8. I was 1.8. But, my pulmonologist doc didn't like that I take my meds in the morning - I am suppose to take it at night. Who knew? So now I have to have my blood checked in the morning, again, before he decides if he can do the procedure. Does any of this make sense? Anyway, I would LOVE to have this procedure done tomorrow. I realize that if it doesn't, that means it is how it is suppose to be, but how nice it would be to breathe easier over the weekend - and not have a tap dancing heart.
Hence, my request for prayers. I suppose I should ask you to ask for God's guidance - which of course I want - but a request for His will to include doing the procedure would be wonderful (:-) I also have my third cancer treatment tomorrow afternoon, so prayers for that would also be appreciated. Hugs to all.
My pulmonologist doc was in Blair, NE at a clinic there, so Mark picked me up at school at noon and drove me up there - about a 45 minute trip. Well, in true Jacque fashion, nothing can ever be easy. They took an x-ray (had to do one twice as it didn't turn out), and then I waited for the doc to get there. He had an ultra sound done and found a big pocket of fluid at the top of my lung. They were all set to do the procedure, but when the nurses got out the equipment, my doc wasn't happy with the kit they had. So, I have to go tomorrow to his office to have the procedure done. As he was walking out, I asked him if he would like me to not take the cumadin (blood thinner) tomorrow. You should have seen his face. He turned to the nurse and asked if they had taken a pro-time (a test that checks how thin your blood is). He said they were suppose to have done one - that his nurses were suppose to call them to get a pro-time. (I had asked the nurse earlier if it would be a problem that I was on cumadin and she said she would ask the doc - which we both forgot). Anyway, this little hospital didn't have the easy pro-time machinery, where they just poke your finger, so I opted to go to my gp which is right next to my school - where I needed to pick up my car. My pulmonologist said my numbers couldn't be over 1.8. I was 1.8. But, my pulmonologist doc didn't like that I take my meds in the morning - I am suppose to take it at night. Who knew? So now I have to have my blood checked in the morning, again, before he decides if he can do the procedure. Does any of this make sense? Anyway, I would LOVE to have this procedure done tomorrow. I realize that if it doesn't, that means it is how it is suppose to be, but how nice it would be to breathe easier over the weekend - and not have a tap dancing heart.
Hence, my request for prayers. I suppose I should ask you to ask for God's guidance - which of course I want - but a request for His will to include doing the procedure would be wonderful (:-) I also have my third cancer treatment tomorrow afternoon, so prayers for that would also be appreciated. Hugs to all.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
One Month
Yesterday, I realized it had been one month since I was released from the hospital. With this in mind, I realize how far I have come in that time. I made it through my long day yesterday without any of the breathlessness of the last conference night (and that had happened just 5 days ago!) and didn't feel all that bad going home. Of course, the beautiful weather may have helped there! I also noticed yesterday that I could read out loud to my students for sustained periods of time without feeling the breathlessness of last week.
I woke up this morning feeling fine (other than fighting another bladder infection) and am looking forward to my day at school. My one concern is I have gained 7 pounds in less than a week - and haven't been eating all that much. I assume the steroids I am taking are playing a number on me. Grrrrrr! I will be stopping those soon, so hopefully this won't continue! I have noticed my face is getting a bit puffy - again the steroids. This too shall pass....
I woke up this morning feeling fine (other than fighting another bladder infection) and am looking forward to my day at school. My one concern is I have gained 7 pounds in less than a week - and haven't been eating all that much. I assume the steroids I am taking are playing a number on me. Grrrrrr! I will be stopping those soon, so hopefully this won't continue! I have noticed my face is getting a bit puffy - again the steroids. This too shall pass....
Monday, February 19, 2007
Good Day
Today was a good day! Over the weekend I had some lung issues - quite a bit of shortness of breath. Today my lungs were back to where they were last week. Not particularly good, but much better than this weekend. The problems actually began on Thursday evening during conferences. I am not sure what was going on, maybe I was just over tired, but I am grateful that I am better! Tomorrow night I have the make up conferences from last week. I pray that I make it through with plenty of 'air'.
In case you wonder, the lamp now has a shade, thanks to Carolyn - although it is slightly crooked. I put it on, so maybe Mark can do a better job than I. You have to laugh.
I also had a weird thing with a luggage cart I bought to haul my laptop in and out of school. The laptop bag was just heavy enough that I would really 'suck air' after carrying it in. My dept. head, Michelle, suggested I get a cart - which was a great idea! I went right after work and bought one. When I got it out of the cold card and opened up the support, two plastic pieces broke and popped off. I took it back and exchange it - and when I opened it up at home, the plastic piece cracked! Tonight, I stopped at a competitors store, purchased a cart that didn't have any plastic on it and returned the broken cart to the other store. Maybe I should just stop shopping for awhile. I seem to have a shopping cloud over my head. :-)
Take care - good luck with YOUR shopping!
In case you wonder, the lamp now has a shade, thanks to Carolyn - although it is slightly crooked. I put it on, so maybe Mark can do a better job than I. You have to laugh.
I also had a weird thing with a luggage cart I bought to haul my laptop in and out of school. The laptop bag was just heavy enough that I would really 'suck air' after carrying it in. My dept. head, Michelle, suggested I get a cart - which was a great idea! I went right after work and bought one. When I got it out of the cold card and opened up the support, two plastic pieces broke and popped off. I took it back and exchange it - and when I opened it up at home, the plastic piece cracked! Tonight, I stopped at a competitors store, purchased a cart that didn't have any plastic on it and returned the broken cart to the other store. Maybe I should just stop shopping for awhile. I seem to have a shopping cloud over my head. :-)
Take care - good luck with YOUR shopping!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Today is Sunday, and I didn't make it to church. I had every intention, but just couldn't get myself into the shower on time.
Mark and I spent part of the afternoon returning a floor lamp that we purchased yesterday at the Oakview Penney's. It was one of the things Mark went with me to get yesterday. I had a mall gift certificate that was burning a hole in my pocket. When he put the lamp together, the switch was broken. Drat. So this afternoon we took it back to Westroads - who I had called to make sure they had one in stock (Oakview didn't). I was put on hold for 10 minutes - which didn't make me very happy, but I managed to be civil to the clerk who finally picked it up. We exchanged it and while I ran more errands, Mark again put the lamp together - only to discover the glass touchier globe was not in the box! He called Penney's and they said he had to bring the whole kit and caboodle back - again. When I got home from my errands I called and spoke with a manager, and now we just need to bring the empty box in to exchange for the globe. Ya' think? Grrrrrrrr! It is a good thing I like this lamp! Mark's mom offered to get the globe for us tomorrow, so hopefully this will all be resolved then. How silly!
I am looking at a full week of work. 5 full days with one night. I pray for stamina, lung power and the good sense to pace myself!
Mark and I spent part of the afternoon returning a floor lamp that we purchased yesterday at the Oakview Penney's. It was one of the things Mark went with me to get yesterday. I had a mall gift certificate that was burning a hole in my pocket. When he put the lamp together, the switch was broken. Drat. So this afternoon we took it back to Westroads - who I had called to make sure they had one in stock (Oakview didn't). I was put on hold for 10 minutes - which didn't make me very happy, but I managed to be civil to the clerk who finally picked it up. We exchanged it and while I ran more errands, Mark again put the lamp together - only to discover the glass touchier globe was not in the box! He called Penney's and they said he had to bring the whole kit and caboodle back - again. When I got home from my errands I called and spoke with a manager, and now we just need to bring the empty box in to exchange for the globe. Ya' think? Grrrrrrrr! It is a good thing I like this lamp! Mark's mom offered to get the globe for us tomorrow, so hopefully this will all be resolved then. How silly!
I am looking at a full week of work. 5 full days with one night. I pray for stamina, lung power and the good sense to pace myself!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
All Is Well
My atrial fib was gone when I woke up this morning. My pulse never got that high - just around 101 bpm, and while I could tell my heart was beating irregularly, it wasn't going crazy like it did last Sunday - so for this I am thankful. I wore the beeping monitor all night, so I didn't get my normal sound sleep. I look forward to a quiet sleep tonight!
I had a pretty lazy day again. Mark and I went shopping for a bit this afternoon (I needed him to carry things - shopping is not Mark's favorite thing to do. In fact it rates fairly equal with having a root canal). But he was a good sport and I appreciated his help.
I haven't felt obligated to do much housework this weekend as the housecleaning crew will be here on Tuesday. Seems silly to clean just to have it cleaned in two days. I will pick up tomorrow and make sure everything is in order for Tuesday.
I rode my exercise bike for 15 minutes today, too, doctor's orders. It felt good - and I took it easy. It is hard to know how I should pace myself. Both the cardiologist and pulmonologist said to exercise, but to not overdo it. Neither explained what that would look like - so I just assume I if I don't get winded or my heart rate doesn't go too high I am OK. I am looking forward to the day I can walk and talk at the same time, and not feel winded doing normal everyday things. Hopefully my bike will help this improve!
Thanks for your continued prayers.
I had a pretty lazy day again. Mark and I went shopping for a bit this afternoon (I needed him to carry things - shopping is not Mark's favorite thing to do. In fact it rates fairly equal with having a root canal). But he was a good sport and I appreciated his help.
I haven't felt obligated to do much housework this weekend as the housecleaning crew will be here on Tuesday. Seems silly to clean just to have it cleaned in two days. I will pick up tomorrow and make sure everything is in order for Tuesday.
I rode my exercise bike for 15 minutes today, too, doctor's orders. It felt good - and I took it easy. It is hard to know how I should pace myself. Both the cardiologist and pulmonologist said to exercise, but to not overdo it. Neither explained what that would look like - so I just assume I if I don't get winded or my heart rate doesn't go too high I am OK. I am looking forward to the day I can walk and talk at the same time, and not feel winded doing normal everyday things. Hopefully my bike will help this improve!
Thanks for your continued prayers.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Health Improvements
I had the day off. I spent the morning being very lazy, napping in my chair and watching a movie. Then I headed to my pulmonologists appointment in the afternoon. My doc said the air bubble at the top of the lung is gone (yippee!). Also, the fluid in the lung is still there, but it has improved (yea!). However, there are pockets of fluid along the side of my lung in the lining - left over from the plural effusion that started this whole thing. The doc plans on waiting a month, rechecking it, then deciding if he needs to do anything, like drain it. He stated it is different than the original effusion, as the original fluid was free flowing from top to bottom and this is just pockets. I am to exercise for 15 minutes each day to see if this helps with both the lung fluid and the lining fluid. I had thought that since I was teaching I shouldn't overdo it with the exercise, but he said it needed to be 15 minutes solid - so I will start riding my exercise bike daily.
After my appointment I went to Old Chicago restaurant to meet my friends Diane and Betsy for an afternoon visit. Betsy is a long time friend that moved away years ago. She is living in Pennsylvania and was back in town for a niece's wedding. It was wonderful seeing her after all this time. She looked just like Betsy should look, and the years fell away as we visited and reminisced.
On Wednesday, I asked my cardiologist if she thought the wine I had Saturday night might have caused my heart issues on Sunday morning. She didn't think it was likely, but said some people were very sensitive to alcohol and suggested trying a drink sometime to see if I had the same reaction. Well, today I had one beer along with some yummy appetizers while visiting with Diane and Betsy. By the time I arrived home my heart was tap dancing. Question answered! No more alcohol for me! I will just enjoy virgin drinks from now on.
Enjoy your weekend. Too bad we can't have three day weekends every week!
After my appointment I went to Old Chicago restaurant to meet my friends Diane and Betsy for an afternoon visit. Betsy is a long time friend that moved away years ago. She is living in Pennsylvania and was back in town for a niece's wedding. It was wonderful seeing her after all this time. She looked just like Betsy should look, and the years fell away as we visited and reminisced.
On Wednesday, I asked my cardiologist if she thought the wine I had Saturday night might have caused my heart issues on Sunday morning. She didn't think it was likely, but said some people were very sensitive to alcohol and suggested trying a drink sometime to see if I had the same reaction. Well, today I had one beer along with some yummy appetizers while visiting with Diane and Betsy. By the time I arrived home my heart was tap dancing. Question answered! No more alcohol for me! I will just enjoy virgin drinks from now on.
Enjoy your weekend. Too bad we can't have three day weekends every week!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I am tired..... it was a long day. We had a motivational speaker at work this morning, Todd Whitaker, who did a nice job, but spoke for over 2 hours without a break. My bottom was tired and my muscles screaming by the time it was over. He also irritated me a bit as he would slip into a Missouri hillbilly dialect of double negatives and ain'ts. At first I thought he was just using it for effect (affect - I can never remember which one it is and I am too tired to care right now), but it was used so often I decided it was more the norm than when he used proper English.
Next, Melanie and I went out to lunch (a luxury we don't often get to enjoy), then I set up the table to sell our picture frames, and began conferences from 1:00 to 8:30. Melanie was a doll, bringing my office chair to our conference site so I would be comfortable, running clear across the school to retrieve things I had forgotten and running copies for my meeting, etc. Thanks Melanie! I held an MDT team meeting mid afternoon, had 3 out of 5 assigned conferences show up, and sat in on a couple of Melanie's conferences. I held up fairly well until the last parent of the evening. She was a very nice woman of an upcoming 9th grader - and she was having concerns about sending him to high school. I had to do a lot of reassuring and talking - which I have found wears me out (the talking - not the reassuring), especially when I am already tired. I don't think she noticed, but catching my breath kept getting more and more difficult as our conversation went on. At the end of the evening it was a struggle to schlep all my things back to my room, get my coat on and walk out into the 1 degree weather to climb into a cold car and drive home.
Right now, my PJ's feel wonderful and I am heading to bed as soon as I post this. Either I will sleep like a log or lay there awake - too tired to sleep. But, I made it through the day and I have tomorrow off, so life is good.
Next, Melanie and I went out to lunch (a luxury we don't often get to enjoy), then I set up the table to sell our picture frames, and began conferences from 1:00 to 8:30. Melanie was a doll, bringing my office chair to our conference site so I would be comfortable, running clear across the school to retrieve things I had forgotten and running copies for my meeting, etc. Thanks Melanie! I held an MDT team meeting mid afternoon, had 3 out of 5 assigned conferences show up, and sat in on a couple of Melanie's conferences. I held up fairly well until the last parent of the evening. She was a very nice woman of an upcoming 9th grader - and she was having concerns about sending him to high school. I had to do a lot of reassuring and talking - which I have found wears me out (the talking - not the reassuring), especially when I am already tired. I don't think she noticed, but catching my breath kept getting more and more difficult as our conversation went on. At the end of the evening it was a struggle to schlep all my things back to my room, get my coat on and walk out into the 1 degree weather to climb into a cold car and drive home.
Right now, my PJ's feel wonderful and I am heading to bed as soon as I post this. Either I will sleep like a log or lay there awake - too tired to sleep. But, I made it through the day and I have tomorrow off, so life is good.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day!

A visit to my cardiologist today left me very happy as I no longer have to wear the monitor! I will hang on to the device for the next week just in case I experience any symptoms - but what a relief to have that silly beeping thing off! My doc is happy with my progress and will see me in 3 months - other than for labs - unless I have any problems. Praise God! I have to remain on all my meds for approximately 6 months, when, if all is going well, she will begin to decrease them. A light at the end of the tunnel. How nice.
School today was fun. It was Valentines Day, of course, as well as one of my student's birthday. When it is a student's birthday he/she bakes a cake in our classroom kitchen to share with the class. The first time around not many kids wanted any cake, but this afternoon we had many takers - so we had two cake breaks today :-). Add to that the fact that Melanie and I have the best students around - and it makes for a great day.
Tomorrow, in the morning, we have a motivational speaker and then advisement conferences are from 1:00 until 8:30. Since I don't have to teach I think I will get along just fine having a long day. On Friday we have a comp day so I can sleep in and do my pajama thing again.
I have some wonderful parents that stepped up to the plate to help sell picture frames during conferences to raise money for our classroom activity fund and for Special Friends Prom (a prom designed for our special needs kids in the district). The frames are made by my brother, Bert Anderson, who is an artist out of Lincoln, NE. The handsome guy in the photo is my dad. If these sell well, we will offer them at the other high schools.
I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day. Hugs to you all.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Snow Dance Worked
My wish was granted - we have a snow day - and tonight's conference has been postponed until next week. So far I have gotten caught up with my correspondence, done some laundry, a little computer work for school, and baked a coffee cake. What I haven't done is gotten out of my p.j.s or taken my shower. I LOVE vegging in my pajamas. I don't know why, but it is a fact. Again, the joys of the little things.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I made it through another full day with energy to spare. I had to leave school early to go to my family doctor's office for a couple of tests, then was off to shop for Valentines presents. Tomorrow will be either a long day and evening of school and conferences or a day of being snowed in. I am hoping for the latter.:-) Snow Dance!!!!! The news channels predict between 3 to 6 inches continuing until noon tomorrow, so a day of rest may be in my future. All this will do is postpone the inevitable to a week from tomorrow - but that's OK. I will be one week stronger and only have one late night to deal with this week and next.
Today, during my tests, I asked my doc's PA why my skin would have hurt on on Saturday (and some on Sunday and today) and he said it sounded like I might have had a virus. This made sense, since Saturday I just felt out of sorts, my eyes looked puffy and tired and, as I said, my skin was tender. Perhaps this could explain away my heart incident, too. Since I had three students go home with fevers last week it stands to reason I may have contracted something but manifested it in a weird way. I am just happy that I feel better and seem to have regained my energy (I basically just sat in a chair yesterday - reminiscent of my activity level a few weeks ago).
Life is good. Don't ever doubt it.
Today, during my tests, I asked my doc's PA why my skin would have hurt on on Saturday (and some on Sunday and today) and he said it sounded like I might have had a virus. This made sense, since Saturday I just felt out of sorts, my eyes looked puffy and tired and, as I said, my skin was tender. Perhaps this could explain away my heart incident, too. Since I had three students go home with fevers last week it stands to reason I may have contracted something but manifested it in a weird way. I am just happy that I feel better and seem to have regained my energy (I basically just sat in a chair yesterday - reminiscent of my activity level a few weeks ago).
Life is good. Don't ever doubt it.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I tried to call my mom yesterday afternoon and didn't get a response. This isn't all that unusual, as she often is off doing something in her retirement facility, but I had a strange feeling about this, so called my brother, Bert. When I asked him what he was up to, he was sitting in an emergency room with our mom. He and his family had been visiting mom and she mentioned she had been having chest pains off and on during the day. Bert wisely packed her off to the hospital, where tests were run, nothing conclusive found and she was sent home, being told to contact a cardiologist on Monday.
Last night I awoke at 3:30 - to my heart racing. I got up, rehooked up my monitor and sent a manual transmission to the monitoring company. A quick check of my blood pressure showed I was in full hypertension with my heart racing up past the 120s. Drat! I went back to bed and when I finally crawled out of bed around 8:00 (yes, I said 8:00!) it was still going to town - going upwards to 140 bpm. By 9:00 I was in atrial fib. Again - drat! Fortunately, it settled down, and by 11:30 a.m. all was calm.
I am not sure what caused this episode. My best guesses: I had a glass of wine I nursed all last night when we went out to eat with our good friends the Brabecs and the OConnors - and even though I am allowed a wine a night - which I don't normally do - in my case it might have been one too many; as of Friday I am down to only one steroid a day - so the inflammation of my lung may be increasing; I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday (tired, with achy skin - weird but true); there was just a smidgen of chocolate in our dessert we had at the Brabecs (cherry pie with turtle ice cream - a great combination); or all of the above - or none of the above. Who knows. I am just happy it resolved itself!
This is my busy week at school, with two evenings of conferences on top of a full day of work. I am going to see how I am feeling tonight to decide if school is a good idea tomorrow. I certainly hope so.....I like being there!
Snow is forecasted for Tuesday - anywhere from 3 to 10" depending on who you listen to. This could really foul up advisement conferences! However, a day to rest sounds good, too. The only problem is, it would probably just move the conferences to Valentines Day - and that wouldn't be good either! Since I have no control over this, I guess I just won't worry about it.
I again ask for prayers, dear friends. Prayers for healing, for stamina, for wisdom, for patience. Thank you....
Last night I awoke at 3:30 - to my heart racing. I got up, rehooked up my monitor and sent a manual transmission to the monitoring company. A quick check of my blood pressure showed I was in full hypertension with my heart racing up past the 120s. Drat! I went back to bed and when I finally crawled out of bed around 8:00 (yes, I said 8:00!) it was still going to town - going upwards to 140 bpm. By 9:00 I was in atrial fib. Again - drat! Fortunately, it settled down, and by 11:30 a.m. all was calm.
I am not sure what caused this episode. My best guesses: I had a glass of wine I nursed all last night when we went out to eat with our good friends the Brabecs and the OConnors - and even though I am allowed a wine a night - which I don't normally do - in my case it might have been one too many; as of Friday I am down to only one steroid a day - so the inflammation of my lung may be increasing; I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday (tired, with achy skin - weird but true); there was just a smidgen of chocolate in our dessert we had at the Brabecs (cherry pie with turtle ice cream - a great combination); or all of the above - or none of the above. Who knows. I am just happy it resolved itself!
This is my busy week at school, with two evenings of conferences on top of a full day of work. I am going to see how I am feeling tonight to decide if school is a good idea tomorrow. I certainly hope so.....I like being there!
Snow is forecasted for Tuesday - anywhere from 3 to 10" depending on who you listen to. This could really foul up advisement conferences! However, a day to rest sounds good, too. The only problem is, it would probably just move the conferences to Valentines Day - and that wouldn't be good either! Since I have no control over this, I guess I just won't worry about it.
I again ask for prayers, dear friends. Prayers for healing, for stamina, for wisdom, for patience. Thank you....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I awoke last night at 3:00 - something that is now normal for me. As I lay there, reflecting on all that had happened to me, tears started sliding down my face. Unlike a month ago, when my tears were of the unknown and despair, these were of gratitude. How often do we go through life taking everything for granted? For me - it was daily.
In just the last week Mark and I have had so many acts of kindness given to us by our friends and coworkers. Last night, friends stopped by to deliver a gift certificate for a house cleaning service that will last through this school year. Another is treating me to a day at the spa, while others have given gift certificates for food. Mark continues to not have to shovel snow as it mysteriously disappears off our walks and drive. Add to this coworkers who worry and fuss over me, and friends who do the same - a loving immediate and extended family - I could go on and on. To top it all off, I continue to gain strength. So many blessings. So many good and caring people in the world.
I pray that I will not forget all the kindnesses of the last two months, or ever take life for granted. We can't predict what tomorrow will bring - but we can live each day with gratefulness and joy.
In just the last week Mark and I have had so many acts of kindness given to us by our friends and coworkers. Last night, friends stopped by to deliver a gift certificate for a house cleaning service that will last through this school year. Another is treating me to a day at the spa, while others have given gift certificates for food. Mark continues to not have to shovel snow as it mysteriously disappears off our walks and drive. Add to this coworkers who worry and fuss over me, and friends who do the same - a loving immediate and extended family - I could go on and on. To top it all off, I continue to gain strength. So many blessings. So many good and caring people in the world.
I pray that I will not forget all the kindnesses of the last two months, or ever take life for granted. We can't predict what tomorrow will bring - but we can live each day with gratefulness and joy.
Friday, February 9, 2007
I Made It!
I made through a full day of work today! It actually went very well. The only time I got the yawns was during my plan period - no one to stimulate my mind I suppose, since creating lesson plans and rearranging meetings isn't too exciting. I even had the energy to get to the grocery store after school and then to get supper together. Of course, all I had to do was chop a tomato and some lettuce, because we are having chicken enchiladas that were in my freezer, made by Jody, my coworker (thanks Jody). I am sure bedtime will be early tonight, though - so no 10:30 phone calls, please, Greg :-).
Last night's sleep was heavenly. No beeping monitor. I haven't been able to sleep on my side since I started wearing it, as every time I tried, the silly thing would start beeping (it couldn't get a signal when I laid that way). Last night I went to sleep on my side and woke up on my side. I don't know if I stayed that way all night, but it was certainly nice. It's the small things......
Last night's sleep was heavenly. No beeping monitor. I haven't been able to sleep on my side since I started wearing it, as every time I tried, the silly thing would start beeping (it couldn't get a signal when I laid that way). Last night I went to sleep on my side and woke up on my side. I don't know if I stayed that way all night, but it was certainly nice. It's the small things......
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Almost Friday
How sad. I have only worked half days this week and I am already looking forward to Friday. I was a bit tired during school this afternoon. I suppose my body is just complaining because I am pushing more than it has been pushed in two months. However, the one class I taught (the other period was my plan period), which was Reading, was awesome. I have 5 young men in this class - one is out with a fever - and they are such good people. They are really into the novel we are reading and we had such a good discussion about it.
Today was Kathy Keasling, my substitute teacher's last day. Thank you, thank you, Kathy. I know I have said this to you many times - but words cannot express what a blessing you were for my class, our staff and for me.
My friend Paula came last night, brought us each a great salad from Outback, we drank wine and had a wonderful visit. Thanks, Paula. What we would do without friends?
GOOD NEWS! My cardiologist's nurse called today and gave me permission to NOT wear my monitor at night while I sleep (do the circle dance). It makes me want to go to bed right now! I have to keep the monitor close by in case I have any 'symptoms' - but I really don't notice symptoms while I sleep - in fact, I haven't felt any symptoms for quite some time.
Snow is predicted tonight. I have heard everything from flurries to 2 to 4 inches. I vote for the latter - complete with a snow day. Ok, I am dreaming - but a girl's gotta dream.
I now feel like I am taking two to three steps forward a day and just one half or one step back. I am gaining on this 'thing' that has invaded my life so completely. I am still far from healthy - but I again feel blessed to have come this far.
Today was Kathy Keasling, my substitute teacher's last day. Thank you, thank you, Kathy. I know I have said this to you many times - but words cannot express what a blessing you were for my class, our staff and for me.
My friend Paula came last night, brought us each a great salad from Outback, we drank wine and had a wonderful visit. Thanks, Paula. What we would do without friends?
GOOD NEWS! My cardiologist's nurse called today and gave me permission to NOT wear my monitor at night while I sleep (do the circle dance). It makes me want to go to bed right now! I have to keep the monitor close by in case I have any 'symptoms' - but I really don't notice symptoms while I sleep - in fact, I haven't felt any symptoms for quite some time.
Snow is predicted tonight. I have heard everything from flurries to 2 to 4 inches. I vote for the latter - complete with a snow day. Ok, I am dreaming - but a girl's gotta dream.
I now feel like I am taking two to three steps forward a day and just one half or one step back. I am gaining on this 'thing' that has invaded my life so completely. I am still far from healthy - but I again feel blessed to have come this far.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Snowy Day
The weather report predicted flurries today, but I know I had to clear off at least an inch off my car when I left school, and I can see what looks like at least 2 inches covering my deck. So much for the weather report!
I had a great morning at school, today - taught English and Work Introduction Network. The students worked hard and the morning flew by. One more half day (tomorrow afternoon), and then I work a full day on Friday. Unless something unforeseen happens, I should do just fine. Next week will be interesting as I plan to go back full time, and wouldn't you know that next week is advisement conferences, which means two days where I teach all day then stay at school until 8:30 for conferences. I will just have to pace myself during the day so I don't deplete all my energy units!
Mark is off to the Creighton basketball game tonight at the Qwest Center with a couple of buddies. My friend Paula is going to pick up supper for the two of us at a restaurant then come over for a visit. It will be fun to catch up. We work in the same building, but we are both so busy we never have a chance to visit.
I did some changing last night with my transmitter and monitor (where it was located - how it was attached to me) - it helped a bit - it only beeped a couple of times - but it still woke me up and I missed a few hours sleep. I have two more weeks of this blasted thing - I am SO ready to have it gone!
Each day brings further healing and return of my stamina. I am thankful for each improvement and praise God for His goodness.
I had a great morning at school, today - taught English and Work Introduction Network. The students worked hard and the morning flew by. One more half day (tomorrow afternoon), and then I work a full day on Friday. Unless something unforeseen happens, I should do just fine. Next week will be interesting as I plan to go back full time, and wouldn't you know that next week is advisement conferences, which means two days where I teach all day then stay at school until 8:30 for conferences. I will just have to pace myself during the day so I don't deplete all my energy units!
Mark is off to the Creighton basketball game tonight at the Qwest Center with a couple of buddies. My friend Paula is going to pick up supper for the two of us at a restaurant then come over for a visit. It will be fun to catch up. We work in the same building, but we are both so busy we never have a chance to visit.
I did some changing last night with my transmitter and monitor (where it was located - how it was attached to me) - it helped a bit - it only beeped a couple of times - but it still woke me up and I missed a few hours sleep. I have two more weeks of this blasted thing - I am SO ready to have it gone!
Each day brings further healing and return of my stamina. I am thankful for each improvement and praise God for His goodness.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Two Days Down
I made it through my second day of work! Yea! It went pretty well. I went in the afternoon when I have my plan period and one class. The class was reading and it went smoothly. I have the best students in the world. I really love the mixture of students that I get to work with. They are all, for the most part, eager to learn, eager to please, and just down right nice young people. There are a few challenges thrown in every now and then - but the majority make up for the few. I finished the day with enough energy to make some parent calls and shop for groceries. I am now in the process of cooking dinner (although I did cheat on the meat and purchased ribs at the grocery store), and don't feel any worse for the wear.
Last night was a better sleep night. It was lights out close to 9:00 and I drifted off quickly. I awoke at 2:00 to the beeping - and then was awake for two hours trying to will myself back to sleep. Mark didn't realize I was going to work in the afternoon, so woke me from a sound sleep at 5:50 to say didn't I need to get up. I groaned - 'No, I am going in this afternoon...'. The cat heard me speak, so jumped up on the bed and started to meow. Mark grabbed her and took her in the bathroom as he got ready, but he kept the door open a crack, so she came running out and made a running leap square onto my belly. Needless to say - I didn't get back to sleep. But I got 5 solid hours of straight sleep, and then another 2 hours straight, so I am not going to complain.
I did call my cardiologists office and asked if I could just not wear the monitor at night - and of course the answer was no. I then called the monitoring company and begged them to do something to stop the beeping at night. The monitoring person said she thought the techs could somehow turn off the beep via the phone - but it has beeped all day - so I am not sure if this is possible. I will call again after supper.
Thanks to all who continue to read this and are keeping me in their prayers. I am so appreciative.
Last night was a better sleep night. It was lights out close to 9:00 and I drifted off quickly. I awoke at 2:00 to the beeping - and then was awake for two hours trying to will myself back to sleep. Mark didn't realize I was going to work in the afternoon, so woke me from a sound sleep at 5:50 to say didn't I need to get up. I groaned - 'No, I am going in this afternoon...'. The cat heard me speak, so jumped up on the bed and started to meow. Mark grabbed her and took her in the bathroom as he got ready, but he kept the door open a crack, so she came running out and made a running leap square onto my belly. Needless to say - I didn't get back to sleep. But I got 5 solid hours of straight sleep, and then another 2 hours straight, so I am not going to complain.
I did call my cardiologists office and asked if I could just not wear the monitor at night - and of course the answer was no. I then called the monitoring company and begged them to do something to stop the beeping at night. The monitoring person said she thought the techs could somehow turn off the beep via the phone - but it has beeped all day - so I am not sure if this is possible. I will call again after supper.
Thanks to all who continue to read this and are keeping me in their prayers. I am so appreciative.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Back to Work
What a day! It felt odd this morning getting up at 5:30 to get ready for school. There were many (actually most) mornings during my convalescence that I have been awake at this time - just not taking a shower, putting on makeup and doing my hair.
I am an early bird at school, usually one of the first in our department (and building) to arrive. I have an office right off of my classroom, and I found that my door had been decorated to look like a big pink package (in case you don't know, pink is the official color denoting breast cancer). Inside there were streamers making a canopy on the ceiling and pink grass spread on my desk. My chairs even had pink crepe paper bows on the arm. Pink balloons decorated the room along with a message of welcome on the board from my co-workers. So nice.
Then I was off to our Monday morning department PLC meeting, where I was greeted by all my department coworkers in pink - even the guys! In the Sped office, everyone had brought pink treats. Wasn't that nice?
Now fast forward a few hours, and my immediate coworkers (co-teacher, sub and paras) had made a lovely brunch to serve to our department! Do you think there is any way I couldn't have felt special - and honored - and blessed?
It was great to see all my students and to catch up a little on what has been happening in their lives. They were so happy to see me, but were sad when they realized my sub's last day would be Thursday. She has done such an amazing job. One boy wondered why we couldn't just keep teaching together like we did today. Wouldn't THAT be nice!
I only taught a half of a day this morning, but I still feel a nap coming on. I don't think it was the teaching that made me so tired so much as the incessant beeping of my heart monitor all night long. I think I am going to ask very soon to unhook at night - I don't think I have had any 'episodes' lately while I sleep, so I am hopeful my cardiologist will agree. I need some good solid sleep!
I am going to go pull out one of the marvelous meals in my freezer for tonight's supper, sit in my comfy chair, and take a nap. Have a great rest of the day!
I am an early bird at school, usually one of the first in our department (and building) to arrive. I have an office right off of my classroom, and I found that my door had been decorated to look like a big pink package (in case you don't know, pink is the official color denoting breast cancer). Inside there were streamers making a canopy on the ceiling and pink grass spread on my desk. My chairs even had pink crepe paper bows on the arm. Pink balloons decorated the room along with a message of welcome on the board from my co-workers. So nice.
Then I was off to our Monday morning department PLC meeting, where I was greeted by all my department coworkers in pink - even the guys! In the Sped office, everyone had brought pink treats. Wasn't that nice?
Now fast forward a few hours, and my immediate coworkers (co-teacher, sub and paras) had made a lovely brunch to serve to our department! Do you think there is any way I couldn't have felt special - and honored - and blessed?
It was great to see all my students and to catch up a little on what has been happening in their lives. They were so happy to see me, but were sad when they realized my sub's last day would be Thursday. She has done such an amazing job. One boy wondered why we couldn't just keep teaching together like we did today. Wouldn't THAT be nice!
I only taught a half of a day this morning, but I still feel a nap coming on. I don't think it was the teaching that made me so tired so much as the incessant beeping of my heart monitor all night long. I think I am going to ask very soon to unhook at night - I don't think I have had any 'episodes' lately while I sleep, so I am hopeful my cardiologist will agree. I need some good solid sleep!
I am going to go pull out one of the marvelous meals in my freezer for tonight's supper, sit in my comfy chair, and take a nap. Have a great rest of the day!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Super Bowl Day
Mark and I got up this morning and went to church. It was so nice to see all the familiar faces, along with the smiles and waves from the choir loft. I wish I could be up there with them! I sang along with some of the hymns - still a little breathless to do much. I stopped by Bob's and Bev's prayer station during communion. They said a beautiful prayer for healing on my behalf - it made me cry.
Mark, Matt, Courtney and I headed out for lunch and some shopping this afternoon. Believe it or not, Matt and Mark were the biggest purchasers today - and I didn't buy a thing!
Right now the kids are getting ready to head back to DesMoines. I spoke with Greg this morning, and he and his fraternity brothers were on their way home from Wisconsin. He sounded tired, but said it had been a good weekend. All are trying to get to their perspective homes in time for the Super Bowl this afternoon.
Tomorrow is the big day - back to work for half a day. My sub, Kathy, and I are going to do a transition day together - where she will be with me so we can go over all she has done in the last month and a half. I still have a little trepidation about my being able to do this - just the jitters I think. I know I can back off at any point, so this helps.
Enjoy the game this afternoon - or, if you are like me - the commercials! :-)
Mark, Matt, Courtney and I headed out for lunch and some shopping this afternoon. Believe it or not, Matt and Mark were the biggest purchasers today - and I didn't buy a thing!
Right now the kids are getting ready to head back to DesMoines. I spoke with Greg this morning, and he and his fraternity brothers were on their way home from Wisconsin. He sounded tired, but said it had been a good weekend. All are trying to get to their perspective homes in time for the Super Bowl this afternoon.
Tomorrow is the big day - back to work for half a day. My sub, Kathy, and I are going to do a transition day together - where she will be with me so we can go over all she has done in the last month and a half. I still have a little trepidation about my being able to do this - just the jitters I think. I know I can back off at any point, so this helps.
Enjoy the game this afternoon - or, if you are like me - the commercials! :-)
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Mark, Matt, Courtney and I headed to Lincoln this afternoon to see my mom. I hadn't seen her since Christmas Eve, so it was good for both of us to get together. She is doing well - she reminds me of the energizer bunny - she just keeps going and going.
Tonight, the four of us are going out to eat with our friends, Steve and Diane, and their daughter (our God daughter) Courtney. We are going to Firebirds - a great grill restaurant that has one of the best, and leanest, prime ribs I have tasted. If I can stay awake we may even head over to Cheeseburger in Paradise to listen to a little music.
No word from Greg, so we pray that he made it to Wisconsin safely. He is of the age where he thinks it is ridiculous that Mark and I say "Drive safely", "No drinking and Driving", etc. He doesn't realize that it is part of our parental duty - and that we feel so much better having said it. Hopefully he is learning a lot at his leadership conference - and having fun......but not too much! :-)
I am still feeling well and my heart has been behaving itself. My right lung is still not great - but I am getting stronger and able to do more each day, so I know it, too, must be improving.
Have a nice evening!
Tonight, the four of us are going out to eat with our friends, Steve and Diane, and their daughter (our God daughter) Courtney. We are going to Firebirds - a great grill restaurant that has one of the best, and leanest, prime ribs I have tasted. If I can stay awake we may even head over to Cheeseburger in Paradise to listen to a little music.
No word from Greg, so we pray that he made it to Wisconsin safely. He is of the age where he thinks it is ridiculous that Mark and I say "Drive safely", "No drinking and Driving", etc. He doesn't realize that it is part of our parental duty - and that we feel so much better having said it. Hopefully he is learning a lot at his leadership conference - and having fun......but not too much! :-)
I am still feeling well and my heart has been behaving itself. My right lung is still not great - but I am getting stronger and able to do more each day, so I know it, too, must be improving.
Have a nice evening!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Now I really can't say TGIF in the same way you can, if you have worked all week, but I am looking forward to this weekend - and have enjoyed my day.
I went to school this morning to visit with my students and to see my coworkers. It was wonderful seeing them! Today was a shortened day for the students, so once they left the building, my substitute teacher, Kathy, co-teacher, Melanie, and I went to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch. If you haven't been there, they have the absolute best fresh salad bar.
I had to make a quick stop at the doctors office (bladder infection - darn), then on to the grocery store to have my prescription filled. I had to walk quite a ways from the parking lot to the store, but managed fairly well - and don't seem too worse for the wear. I have been approved for a temporary handicapped sticker, but it won't come for 7 to 10 business days so probably won't need it by then. But I guess I will have it just in case something unforeseen happens.
I still am waiting to hear from my cardiologist about the pictures of my heart taken on Wednesday. I guess I will just assume no news is good news.
It is now almost 5:00, and our friends Al and Joanie are due in a half hour. They are bringing supper and will stay and eat with us.
Matt and Courtney are due in around 8:00, so I have had another full day. It has been great!
I went to school this morning to visit with my students and to see my coworkers. It was wonderful seeing them! Today was a shortened day for the students, so once they left the building, my substitute teacher, Kathy, co-teacher, Melanie, and I went to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch. If you haven't been there, they have the absolute best fresh salad bar.
I had to make a quick stop at the doctors office (bladder infection - darn), then on to the grocery store to have my prescription filled. I had to walk quite a ways from the parking lot to the store, but managed fairly well - and don't seem too worse for the wear. I have been approved for a temporary handicapped sticker, but it won't come for 7 to 10 business days so probably won't need it by then. But I guess I will have it just in case something unforeseen happens.
I still am waiting to hear from my cardiologist about the pictures of my heart taken on Wednesday. I guess I will just assume no news is good news.
It is now almost 5:00, and our friends Al and Joanie are due in a half hour. They are bringing supper and will stay and eat with us.
Matt and Courtney are due in around 8:00, so I have had another full day. It has been great!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
It's a Beautiful Day!
It's a beautiful day in Omaha, Nebraska - and it has been a great day for me!
It started out with the arrival of a cleaning lady first thing this morning - thanks to my district teaching counterparts and administration. Thanks everyone! What a treat!
Then my friend and former department head, Lynne Elwood, picked me up for a wonderful lunch at Wheatfields (yum!). It was nice catching up on all the people we know between us - discussing our jobs, etc. Lynn works for the NSEA now, so she was also able to point me in the right direction to get questions answered about having such an unexpected extended leave from work. Thanks Lynne! Maybe you can write our lunch off since we talked so much business!
Coming home from lunch I walked into a fresh smelling, dirt and dust free house. Wonderful!
This afternoon I plan on going to the grocery store and then to the dentist's office for my 6 month check up. I plan on resting between each of these activities, but it is nice to know I can really be so active!
I haven't heard anything else about yesterday's heart stress test results. I hope to hear today or tomorrow - and that there is nothing wrong! Prayers please!
I called my pulmonologist and requested he send the paperwork in for me to start half days next week. I found out today, through Lynne, that I can actually go back and try to work for a couple weeks without messing up my eligibility for long term disability - if- Heaven forbid- it should come to that. This puts me so much more at ease about returning to work!
It IS a beautiful day! :-)
It started out with the arrival of a cleaning lady first thing this morning - thanks to my district teaching counterparts and administration. Thanks everyone! What a treat!
Then my friend and former department head, Lynne Elwood, picked me up for a wonderful lunch at Wheatfields (yum!). It was nice catching up on all the people we know between us - discussing our jobs, etc. Lynn works for the NSEA now, so she was also able to point me in the right direction to get questions answered about having such an unexpected extended leave from work. Thanks Lynne! Maybe you can write our lunch off since we talked so much business!
Coming home from lunch I walked into a fresh smelling, dirt and dust free house. Wonderful!
This afternoon I plan on going to the grocery store and then to the dentist's office for my 6 month check up. I plan on resting between each of these activities, but it is nice to know I can really be so active!
I haven't heard anything else about yesterday's heart stress test results. I hope to hear today or tomorrow - and that there is nothing wrong! Prayers please!
I called my pulmonologist and requested he send the paperwork in for me to start half days next week. I found out today, through Lynne, that I can actually go back and try to work for a couple weeks without messing up my eligibility for long term disability - if- Heaven forbid- it should come to that. This puts me so much more at ease about returning to work!
It IS a beautiful day! :-)
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