Monday, February 26, 2007


Well, all was well this morning. I went down for a heart ultra sound and a chest X-ray. The tech said as far as she could see the heart looked fine. My cardio doc, Dr. Gangahar, came in and said she thought I was doing fine and she was fine with my going home if Dr. Thommi, the pulmonologist said it was alright. A little while after she left I was sitting in bed and I felt my heart start to race and go into A fib. They hooked me up to a monitor and called Dr. G., who had them administer a pulse slowing shot. Next, Dr. Thommi, came in and looked at the X-ray. He saw that I still have a liter of fluid on my lung (the ultra sound lady was right with her estimate of 2 liters). He said he would wait until Friday to drain it in his office (unless I need it done before that). If the lung refills, then he will put a temporary drain in. Doesn't sound like fun, but better than the procedure he did last month. That was NOT fun. He was OK with me going home today, but now we have to wait for Dr. Gangahar to decide if I get to go home. Talking is again a chore for me - not sure why, but seems to irritate the lung and the heart. Sigh.
Good news! The nurse was able to talk Dr. G into letting me go home! She was going to keep me here one more night, but the nurse told her I was back in rhythm and my pulse was in normal range, so she said OK, I could go home with a med to slow my heart if needed - since I can tell when it happens. Yea!
Dr. T said I should refrain from working this week, since just sitting in bed made my heart go nuts, but at least I won't be sitting in here! I am almost afraid to get up and start packing for fear I will start my heart back up again. But I guess if it is going to happen, I'd rather it did it here - so here goes. Say a prayer and wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful example of strength,courage and positive attitude!! Jeff & I pray together daily for your complete recovery.
Lori Nielsen

Diane Muir said...

I'm glad you are (going?) home. It's such a wonderful place - even if you can't venture out to the school. Yea!

joanie skar said...

Hi Jacque:
You are probably home by now-Yeah!!Hang in there-we are with you. Love and Prayers
Al and Joanie