Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Two Days Down

I made it through my second day of work! Yea! It went pretty well. I went in the afternoon when I have my plan period and one class. The class was reading and it went smoothly. I have the best students in the world. I really love the mixture of students that I get to work with. They are all, for the most part, eager to learn, eager to please, and just down right nice young people. There are a few challenges thrown in every now and then - but the majority make up for the few. I finished the day with enough energy to make some parent calls and shop for groceries. I am now in the process of cooking dinner (although I did cheat on the meat and purchased ribs at the grocery store), and don't feel any worse for the wear.
Last night was a better sleep night. It was lights out close to 9:00 and I drifted off quickly. I awoke at 2:00 to the beeping - and then was awake for two hours trying to will myself back to sleep. Mark didn't realize I was going to work in the afternoon, so woke me from a sound sleep at 5:50 to say didn't I need to get up. I groaned - 'No, I am going in this afternoon...'. The cat heard me speak, so jumped up on the bed and started to meow. Mark grabbed her and took her in the bathroom as he got ready, but he kept the door open a crack, so she came running out and made a running leap square onto my belly. Needless to say - I didn't get back to sleep. But I got 5 solid hours of straight sleep, and then another 2 hours straight, so I am not going to complain.
I did call my cardiologists office and asked if I could just not wear the monitor at night - and of course the answer was no. I then called the monitoring company and begged them to do something to stop the beeping at night. The monitoring person said she thought the techs could somehow turn off the beep via the phone - but it has beeped all day - so I am not sure if this is possible. I will call again after supper.
Thanks to all who continue to read this and are keeping me in their prayers. I am so appreciative.

1 comment:

Patty Stone said...

I'm really glad you're doing ok so far. I have to admit that I've been a little apprehensive about your coming back, fearing that you would push yourself too much. I guess we will just have to watch you and make you take it easy. So far, so good!