Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Snow Dance Worked

My wish was granted - we have a snow day - and tonight's conference has been postponed until next week. So far I have gotten caught up with my correspondence, done some laundry, a little computer work for school, and baked a coffee cake. What I haven't done is gotten out of my p.j.s or taken my shower. I LOVE vegging in my pajamas. I don't know why, but it is a fact. Again, the joys of the little things.


Unknown said...

Yeah for snow days, how I miss them. If you read this before I get a chance to call after work I was hoping you could send me the recipe for the filet roast. It seems to have gotten lost somewhere in the two moves since I made it last. Enjoy your day off!

joanie skar said...

Hi Jacque:
Glad to hear you are feeling better. You really had a lot of energy today. I also had a snow day since I work for the church. Hope your mom is feeling better. We will keep her in our prayers and please take care of yourself as you are very special to us.
You and Mark have a great Valentines Day and we love you. God Bless, Al and Joanie

Melanie D. said...

It's 4:00 and I'm STILL in my p.j.'s. It's a lazy day at the Dostal house. Laundry, yes. Baking, no. I will see you tomorrow!

Krista said...

Ah, the joys of teaching....snow days! Glad you had such a productive day in your jammies. I was with ya, sister! Only, I didn't get anything done!
Happy Valentine's Day today. I know how much your heart means to you this year since it has kept you awake. It has been drawing attention to the love inside!
Have a happy day!