Friday, February 9, 2007

I Made It!

I made through a full day of work today! It actually went very well. The only time I got the yawns was during my plan period - no one to stimulate my mind I suppose, since creating lesson plans and rearranging meetings isn't too exciting. I even had the energy to get to the grocery store after school and then to get supper together. Of course, all I had to do was chop a tomato and some lettuce, because we are having chicken enchiladas that were in my freezer, made by Jody, my coworker (thanks Jody). I am sure bedtime will be early tonight, though - so no 10:30 phone calls, please, Greg :-).
Last night's sleep was heavenly. No beeping monitor. I haven't been able to sleep on my side since I started wearing it, as every time I tried, the silly thing would start beeping (it couldn't get a signal when I laid that way). Last night I went to sleep on my side and woke up on my side. I don't know if I stayed that way all night, but it was certainly nice. It's the small things......

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

You did great this week! I'm so glad you're back...especially for the week coming up! Thanks for all of your helping, when we should be the ones helping you...

It really is so nice to have you (and all of your knowledge, experience, wisdom) back!