Thursday, May 31, 2007


Today I attended the Millard district's Transition Committee meeting. I am staying on the committee as a community member. It will be nice to have this connection to the district; the wonderful team of staff, parents and agencies that comprise this group; and be able to help out with different events the committee puts on throughout the year. This will be the first summer in MANY that I won't be working on the parent resource guide that a couple of teachers and I started MANY years ago for the district. It is full of info and phone numbers for the parents of children with disabilities and has morphed into a very informative document. The fact that the district and the grant that backs this committee provides funding to update it every year keeps it current.

I am tired again today. Last night I fell asleep just fine, but then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for quite some time. I did manage to sleep until 6:00 - but could have gone until 8 I think - had my mind and body let me.

Had a bit of a scare this morning. My oncologist's office called about one of my chemo drugs (Avastin), saying it might not be covered by our insurance and inquired about our income, stating if it were below a certain amount we could qualify for a free drug program. Well, we weren't below that amount. My heart dropped to my toes, as this drug costs over $17,000 each time. I had already had three treatments with this drug!!!!!! Well, Mark went online and saw that the insurance company had indeed paid for the first infusion, so we assume that I am good to go on the rest. Whew! I wish that person who called had done a little more research before she called and scared the holy 'you know what' out of me!

I got my licence plate light fixed (I didn't realize my plate had a light until it was dragging on the ground), but otherwise nothing else too news worthy today.

Tomorrow I have Peg's funeral and Patty's visitation. Patty's funeral is Saturday. It will be good to get both done - the waiting is hard.


Melanie D. said...

Being sad, but waiting to be really sad. I know what you mean. It's hard.

I will talk to you Friday.

Gina Maisano said...

Jacque, I just wanted to say hello.

I have just discovered that if I click on your name when you post a message that YOU have a blog. I really am not up to date with computers here!

You have done a wonderful job.

I wanted you to know that I have gotten calls like you got- sometimes at the insurance companies the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

Hang in there!


Annette said...

Oh, Jacque...
I don't know how you can deal with these huge losses. I don't understand how 3 wonderful teachers at the same school can all be sick with this horrible disease. I don't know what to say except that I am so sorry for all of the kids that have loss teachers who make a difference. I feel in my heart, though, that you will keep fighting like crazy and will be back helping kids, in some way shape or form. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. You continue to be in my daily thoughts and prayers. I hate it when people say things like, "Hang tough," or "stay strong" because you/we are already doing that and then some. I guess I just want to say, much love to my "sister."


Jenster said...

I had a couple insurance scares like that when I was going through chemo, also. The cost of some drugs absolutely boggles the mind! You know it can't cost anywhere near that to make that one dose.

I'm glad it's covered for you. What do people with no insurance do??