Friday, August 31, 2007


I spent yesterday afternoon making 4 dozen cupcakes. Some went to Mark's work, but most went with me to Millard South this afternoon. I visited my old classroom and shared the cupcakes. What a huge class! I met all the new freshman - who were all very sweet and so happy to see me, even if they didn't know me. It was wonderful seeing my old students, Melanie, and the new teacher, Abby. Melanie asked me to share my 'ghost stories' from when I was a kid (my brothers and I think we lived in a haunted house) as they were reading a book in their class that had a mysterious being in it. I asked if it would frighten any of the students to hear such a story, and two students chose to go to the middle room to play a game and not listen to the story. It was fun reliving the tale - hopefully none of the kids will have nightmares!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Linda, Donna, Martha
Jacque, Diane, Mary

I met up with 5 PEO sisters for dinner last night. The picture above is actually from the Luis Palau luncheon - but it was the same group of women. We took our friend Martha out to thank her for providing tickets for us to the LP luncheon. We ate at Spezia's - which is a wonderful Italian restaurant. The meal was delicious - and the company even better. Oh, and these were the same gals that put on the fabulous PEO tea last Sunday!

I had a lovely brunch today at La Peeps with my friend and neighbor, Carol. We are both going to be 'mothers of the grooms' next summer, so we had much to visit about. Carol has been doing a lot more research than I have and had some good tips. I was quite impressed with my meal - chicken crepes. I would highly recommend it! The portion was huge - and now I have breakfast or lunch for tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

2nd Blog Today - The Eyes Have It

I forgot to tell what I learned at my opthamology appointment yesterday. The good news is, there is no evidence of cancer or macular degeneration. My problems (dryness and poor vision) are being caused by extreme dry eyes due to the chemo.

What I have found out about tears and lubricating eyes is interesting. Our eyes do not only produce tears, but also a lubricating agent - an oily like substance. Drugs can diminish or stop the production of this lubricant. Without the lubricant, the eye becomes sticky and vision decreases. There are cases of people who have excessive tearing - which can also be a part of the dry eye syndrome - because the eye is producing tears, but no lubrication.
The doc said mine was a fairly severe case, and has put me on 4x a day steroid drops and liquid tears every two hours. Basically, I need to put something in my eye almost every hour. I am HORRIBLE at remembering to take medicines, etc, so this should be interesting. His plan is to get my eyes back in working condition and then putting me on a different drug - Restatsis. I look forward to that as it is just used twice a day - a bit more doable than the regime I am on right now. However, I already notice a difference with my vision, so it seems to be working!

The Graduate

Sandy - Exercise Physiologist, Elaine - Rehab Nurse, me, Karen - Rehab Nurse & George & Jill.

I am finished with Cardio Rehab and received my 'diploma'! I can't believe that I am finally done! Two people who started the class back when I began, Jill and George, came for my graduation. Wasn't that sweet? To thank the wonderful staff I brought up a rose in a vase and a Kahlua cake along with a poster I made on the computer that said:

Eat healthy!
Lower your stress!
Everything in moderation!
But always remember….. Life is short.
So don’t forget to smell the roses …
And eat cake!
I also have another picture to share with you - my blogger buddies! Stacey had this posted on her blog, so thought I would share it. This pic was taken at our brunch on Sunday. Nikki and I both decided to blink right when the pic was taken, but that's OK - we'll get another pic next time!

Stacey, Melanie, Nikki, Me

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today is going to be filled with appointments (eye doc and dentist) so thought I would blog early. I am hoping the opthomologist will be able to provide me with something to counteract the dryness caused by the chemo. Many times when I blink, my eye lid gets stuck and I end up having this weird sensation of lids that don't reopen at the same time. I worry that someone will think I am winking at them!

Did you see the moon last night? I was hugenormous! I had stopped at Shadow Lake Towne Center last night around 8:00 to run in a store quickly to grab something. As I pulled onto 72nd street the moon was hanging just above the field across the street. I swear it was the largest moon I had ever seen. It almost looked like you could have reached out and touched it. I had heard on the radio earlier in the day that there was going to be a complete eclipse of the moon - so perhaps this had something to do with how close it was to the earth, etc. Wow, was it beautiful. I wish I would have had my camera!

Last night I met Diane and her friend Denise for dinner at LaMesa. Diane and Denise met while doing chemo - they both are breast cancer survivors - and have continued their friendship, meeting every so often to catch up with each other. Denise wanted to meet me, so last night was the night! Her daughter is getting married in April, so we had more in common than just our similar health histories. It was a fun evening and it was great getting to know her.

Tomorrow is my last cardiac rehab day! I have to say I am a bit excited for it to be over. The only problem is, now I have to continue making sure I get a consistent cardio vascular workout on my own.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Brunch, Tea and Trophy

I had a fun, busy day yesterday! It started at brunch at Mimi's Cafe, where I finally met two of my blogger buddies face to face - along with my friend Melanie. These wonderful young women are cousin's of Melanie, and were also enticed into blogging by her - just like me! We have shared our ups and downs over the last months through our blog pages - so it was great to actually meet them in person.

After putting my feet up for a few minutes I headed over to the Oak Hills Country Club for the PEO tea that my chapter was hosting for Pam - a member of our chapter that is the new state PEO president. There was a big crowd that attended and the tea committee did an amazing job. The whole affair was beautiful and the committee made some delicious desserts - that were as good looking as they were tasty. One of our chapter members, Linda, who was on the tea committee, made a large portion of the goodies - and you would have thought a master pastry chef had made them. She had frosted brownies she cut into circles and decorated with frosting daisies, frosted star sugar cookies in white with a fairy dusting of eatable glitter, and strawberries dipped in white chocolate. I kid you not - absolutely perfect. I suggested to her she missed her calling (she is a fabulous teacher) but she said, no, that no one could afford her as she was too slow and too much of a perfectionist. She is amazing - but then I think all of that committee is pretty amazing. Another member, Mary, wrote a cute skit where she read about Pam's life while Diane held up products that coincided with some of the words (example: Pam 'pledged' to be true to PEO and a can of Pledge was held up). It was very cute, but the topper was when at the end of the skit our entire chapter held up old fashioned fans with Pam's picture on it (that Mary had made) in front of our faces when Mary said 'We are Pam's biggest fans'. That Mary - she is always coming up with unique and clever ideas. I am so proud of those gals - they did a great job!

When I got home from the tea, I was excited to find a trophy sitting on the kitchen counter! Mark's car received best of show MOPAR at the Millard Days Car Show! Pretty cool.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Leapin' Lizards!

Just a quick post in case you are interested in having a good belly laugh. This video on youtube just cracked me up - and notice, the host is former Omaha anchorman Michael Scott! Click here.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Muscle Car Parade

It is absolutely gorgeous out today. The sun is shining and it is on the cooler side. Mmmm.

Mark and I got up early and took the Roadrunner out to breakfast. Then we came back home and Mark shined 'her' up and took off for the Millard Car Show. He met Steve where they thought the show was, couldn't find anyone else and drove around Millard looking for it. The Millard Days Parade was going on, and they finally asked someone at the parade start where the car show was - and, you guessed it - it is tomorrow. I can just envision the two of them driving around Millard - they had their own little parade with their two muscle cars.

Greg and I are going to go do some 'back to school' shopping today. His classes start Monday. I haven't talked to Matt yet, but know we will hear from him this weekend about how his first few days of law school went.

Tomorrow is a busy day - my blogger brunch in the morning and the PEO tea in the afternoon - so I am not sure if I will have the time or energy to blog. If not, I will be sure to post on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Unexpected Lunch Out

I went to Cardio Rehab this morning (my last day is next Wednesday, now) and came home prepared to just nestle in at home and do a few household chores. Instead, my friend Diane called to see if I wanted to go out for lunch. Well, of course I did! We went to Paradise Bakery and had their yummy roasted garlic tomato soup and then poked around a couple of shops at Regency. We then decided to go to Dillards to see if there were any good bargains on their clearance sale. It was a nice way to spend part of the day.

When I got home I called my friend Melanie to visit, since she was home with a sick kid. I got caught up on how things were going in her classroom (my old classroom) and got all our teacher talk out of the way. 'Out of the way?' you might query? Well, on Sunday morning, Melanie and I are going to meet two of her cousins, Stacey and Nikki, at Mimi's for brunch. We have become blogger buddies, and since Stacey is home from Florida we decided to meet in person! It will be fun putting living persona's in my mind instead of just pictures from their blogs.

It looks like we are going to get a break from the weather this weekend. Go enjoy the sunshine! (Or at least the clouds with no rain! :-)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rain, Rain and More Rain

The weather in Omaha has been like a good share of the midwest as of late - rainy, rainy, rainy. I know all the vegetation is loving the rain, along with the nitrogen forming lightening, but I have to say I am getting just a bit tired of it. So far I have only spent one evening down in the basement waiting out a tornado warning, and other than high winds and downed trees that caused problems elsewhere in the city, we were spared. We had thought we might go to the last Jazz on the Green down at the Joslin tonight, but more storms are predicted, so we have opted to stay home.

I spoke with Matt and he said they had been having mega rain in Minneapolis. His first official day of law school is today. He has had to go other days this week, but for orientations, etc. He sounded excited to start. Courtney's first week of her new job has gone smoothly, other than she has a bad cold. Not a nice way to have to start!
Greg has been working at Interiors Construction (where Mark works) this summer as a laborer. Mark told me that Greg had to get his first stitches yesterday. He was throwing something into a dumpster and caught his arm on a piece of metal. Yikes! I guess he had 6 - 8 stitches. At least he only has a couple of days of work left before college starts up again.
My day has been uneventful. I cleaned out my computer area and got it all organized. It didn't take me long and it makes me wonder why I hadn't done it before. It looks SO much better. I need to go down and go through some boxes that I brought home from school, too. Maybe I will get to that yet this afternoon. I also got the balance sheet all ready for my old classroom account. I am certainly glad I didn't have to be an accountant - I am not very good at it! But it did feel good to get everything balanced and organized.
Now, I will end with the upside of being bald:
you don't wake up with bed head
rain, wind, humidity - no problem!
save money on haircuts/hair products
cool in the summer
never a bad hair day

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2nd Post Today

Had to share this fun site. See what song was a hit the day you were born!

Former Students

People with special needs can be so endearing. I went to visit some of my former students today who have moved to our district's Young Adult Program. This program is designed to provide age appropriate skills to students who are 18 thru 21, rather than continuing to serve them at the high school level. It leans heavily towards honing work skills and general life skills - it is a truly outstanding program. Anyway, I went there to have lunch with the students. There are many other students there from the other high schools, too - some I know their names, some I just know faces from the dances sponsored by the board I sit on.

After we ate, I continued to visit with one of my former students as she and another young man were working on stuffing a form in the front of a booklet. This young man was very talkative and friendly, and I remembered him from the dances. He said he remembered me too, but he said 'I thought I recognized you, but you must have got a haircut since I last saw you.' So sweet. I explained that the reason I had on the scarf was because I was having chemotherapy and had no hair. He asked what that was, so I explained as simply as I could that I had cancer and the chemotherapy drugs were put in my body to fight the cancer, but unfortunately it also fought my hair! He just smiled and said 'Oh'. I just wanted to hug him.

One of the things I love about working with this level student is how genuinely kind and friendly most of them are. They just want you to like them and are so eager to learn - even when it is difficult for them.

Once I left the Young Adult Program I decided to run to WalMart to get various and sundry things. As I stepped out of my car I noticed how dark the sky had become. I considered getting back in my car and heading home, since severe thunderstorms were predicted for this afternoon, but decided to go on in. About half way through the store there was a HUGE clap of thunder and the rain let loose. The noise of the rain on the tin roof was deafening. I don't know how the employees can stand it! Of course, I hadn't thought to grab my umbrella out of the trunk of my car, so I got to sprint through the downpour, throw my groceries in the back seat, put the cart away and then jump in my car soaked to the skin. Nice. I had a couple more stops to make before I could get home and change into something warm and dry. Brrrrrrr.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tech Support

Went with my sister in law, Liz, to help her pick out furniture last night. Turns out she and Al selected a couch over the weekend, but she had other pieces she wanted to purchase. She bought a pretty entertainment center and a big overstuffed recliner that I am sure Al will totally enjoy. She special ordered everything, so it will be a couple of months before they come in, but it will be fun to see them once they arrive!

I have had a very productive morning! My former coworker, Melanie, had asked me to balance the classroom checkbook and get it prepared for the yearly audit. I was happy to do it, but just hadn't had the desire to tackle it until today. So, I have everything balanced and pretty much accounted for. Now all I need to do is an excel sheet to show the ebb and flow of the monies (now mind you - our little account rarely sees $300 in it, so this isn't high finance). Anyway, my new laptop doesn't have Microsoft Word - just Works, so many people's computers aren't compatible with it. This just drives me nuts whenever I want to share something - or even open old files from my old computer. I went online to look into purchasing the Word software and found out it has a $30.00 rebate right now - AND - I found out that Best Buy does in store rebates so I can purchase it for $30.00 off today and not have to wait for 15 weeks for the refund to come!!!!!! I think that is FANTASTIC! So, once I have this installed I can finish up my audit report for Melanie.

I managed to eek out enough energy to scrub the masterbath - it always feels good to get at least one major cleaning project done a day.

I also went online with HP tech support to have them fix a problem I have been having with my printer. I will install it, then a week or so later it has disappeared and won't work. I reinstall - and again - is gone in short order. VERY irritating. I did not want to call their tech support as I have found it beyond irritating (you get some person in India or some such place with poor English who doesn't understand your problem and keeps calling you 'mam' over and over and over.... ) So, I go online - and guess what? From the speech pattern I observed in their responses - I was back in India. It took over an hour to get the problem resolved and not without a little impatience on my part. The following is an excerpt from my second session I had online with a tech.

Myra: Welcome to HP Total Care for All-in-One Products. My name is Myra. How may I assist you today?
Jacque Nielsen: I have reinstalled my printer. I think there is a next step - all the info disappeared before I could make sure. (I provided her with my session number)
Myra: Could you please provide me couple of minutes to go through your previous chat session.
Jacque Nielsen: Yes
Myra: Thank you. (Seven minutes went by)
Myra: Jacque, thank you for being online.
Jacque Nielsen: Ok
Jacque Nielsen: Do I need to do anything else?
Myra: Have you resintalled the software after restarting the computer?
Jacque Nielsen: As I stated above - yes (can you hear me getting a bit pissy?)
Myra: Are you able to view the printer icon?
Jacque Nielsen: Yes
Myra: Good.
Jacque Nielsen: But I always can once i have installed it. Then in a week or two it is gone
Jacque Nielsen: I am hoping to avoid this.
Myra: I will help you in fixing this for ever.
Jacque Nielsen: Good - I have already done the initial fix. Is there anything else I need to do?
Myra: Please, follow the steps that i am providing you now.
Myra: 1) Click on the "Start Menu" icon on the bottom left corner of the screen , type .....
Nielsen: I HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacque Nielsen: You were suppose to have been reviewing my last session. You would have known this. What were you doing for the seven minutes I sat and waited for you?
Myra, of course, totally ignored my crabbiness and told me what to do next - nicely of course. Hopefully the problem has been fixed - I will see in a week or two if my printer remains installed. I can't wait for my survey of services to come on my email - it won't be pretty.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Things have perked up for me. I made it to cardiac rehab, and while I didn't go full force, I managed to finish all my exercises (albeit not at the normal intensity). I only have five more times there, and I have to admit I am looking forward to being done. I plan on trying out a new gym, Wellbound, designed for baby boomers and seniors that have expertise in working with people with heart and health issues. From the brochure I think I will be the cute chick the guys look at - pretty sad.

After my work out I came home and got some little chores done that I had been putting off and managed to sneak in a tiny nap. This afternoon I headed out to get my makeup and try on undergarments. I didn't find any u.g. that I liked, but did manage to purchase four v neck t-shirts to wear with my pj bottoms. I was just going to get two, but found out they were clearanced for under $5.00 each! Excellent!

Tonight, if the weather holds out (we are under a tornado watch) I will be going to Nebraska Furniture Mart with my sister-in-law, Liz. She and Al have just purchased a house and they want a new sofa. I always enjoy going to NFM - but I am sure Mark will be nervous thinking about me entering the doors.

Has anyone else noticed an increase in allergies lately? I never know if my extremely runny nose is from allergies, the chemo, not having nose hairs (it does make a difference - nothing to stop the flow) or what. I have been sneezing and my eyes have been dryer and stickier than they usually are. I have an opthomologist appointment next week to see if I can get some relief for my dry eyes and deteriorating vision because of the dryness. Maybe he can address my allergy question.

Stay cool and dry. It is going to be a wet week in Omaha!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Another Lazy Day

Went to church this morning. A 'small-group' of lay people provided the service as Pastor Doug was out of town. They did a wonderful job and I thought they had a good message - get involved with a small-group at the church! With churches getting bigger and bigger, these small groups minister to individuals and makes one feel like they truly belong and have a voice.

I have, again, been rather lazy today. My intent was to do some shopping this afternoon, but a little nap sounded better. I know the chemo is what makes me crave these naps, but they certainly cramp my style. I guess I should look at the bright side - I definitely save money napping instead of shopping! I need makeup - and all I have to do is run into the store that sells it and purchase it - so that is not so time consuming. However, I also need to go foundation shopping - new bras - (sorry guys - a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do) but this I know will take some time. Diane told me about a new shop at the new Shadow Lake Mall that has a wide selection so I hope to give it a try one of these days when shopping sounds better than napping.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Taste & Jazz

I seemed to rally yesterday afternoon, and while I didn't feel 100% normal (or at least what is my new normal) I felt OK. Mark and I went to dinner at Taste and then to the Rockbrook Village free outdoor concert. Steve Raybine, a local jazz musician with national recognition, was playing. Our friends, Chris and Bonnie, met us at the concert. Unfortunately, what started as a few scattered raindrops quickly became a steady rain. Even with umbrellas we were getting soaked. We finally opted out and walked over to the Garden Cafe for dessert.

Have you ever eaten at Taste? It is locally owned and is really quite good. There is the one at Rockbrook and another one that opened on 132nd & Dodge. It has retro decor and serves very unusual, but good, food. Last night Mark had the swordfish on rice with a mango salsa. I had the beef tenderloin kabobs on porcini pasta. Both were excellent. The portions are smaller(actually normal - but restaurants usually over size things), but the price is very affordable. Each of our meals was only $12.00. My appetite is not all that big these days so Mark was able to get full by eating his plus half of my meal. Actually, a guy might do well to order a double portion of the meat as the price is so reasonable it would still be in line with other restaurants. We also had the sweet potato fries with their aioli sauce as an appetizer. In all, it was a very good meal. Oh - it is on the Passport card, too - which means you get one meal free! If you eat out a lot, a Passport card can save you money - it is well worth it's price.

We don't have any huge plans today. Hopefully I can make myself go ride my exercise bike (OK, I WILL go ride my bike) and get a few things done around the house. I should probably run to the grocery store, too. So, with that in mind, I had best get busy. Have a great day!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Better Day

I am feeling better today. Not perfect, but better. I didn't go to cardiac rehab - just too tired. However, I did manage to do some ironing, ride my exercise bike and do a few things around the house. I find I have to push myself on days like today - and then I feel better. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Nothing to report today of interest. I am feeling rather 'blech' and tired so have basically slept, read and sat. I am running a low grade fever and will probably call my doc tomorrow to get some antibiotics. I hope you are having a better day.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Frisk the 15th

I am going to try to remember to add this to my blog each month. This is a reminder to do your self breast examination - someone picked the 15th of each month - and I think that is a great idea. If you are over due for your mammogram - please schedule it tomorrow. Thanks!


Today is the spiral down. Went to cardiac rehab and had to quit exercising the last 10 minutes as I got dizzy. Came home and spent the rest of the morning running to the bathroom. I now just feel tired and weary. My eyes burn, my body aches. This too shall pass.

It looks like it could rain any minute, and the temperature tomorrow is suppose to be in the 80s with a lot less humidity. I am looking forward to that.

If you like ribs, the Ribfest is over in Council Bluffs this weekend. If you go, be sure to try the ribs at Johnson's and Rasta Joe's. Yum!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Post

This is my second post today. Wanted to share my pics of ideas for future hairstyles for when (if?) I ever get to stop chemo and grow hair again. I did this on ivillage - it was fun and made me giggle - quite a bit. Not only can you 'try on' new hair styles, but also makeup, glasses, headbands and hats. Thanks, Stacey, for putting this collage together for me!


Feeling pretty normal today - although I did not sleep well last night. Our PEO meeting ran later than usual - lots to discuss - so didn't get home until 10:30. I read in bed for an hour or so and then willed myself to sleep. Woke up this morning around 4:15 so read and then finally got up and made myself pancakes and an egg. I was hungry! I had eaten rather lightly yesterday, so I am sure that didn't help my sleep patterns either (along with the nap during chemo and the steroids they gave me).

Here are the hints that were shared at last night's meeting. Hope you find some that you can use!

Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners - lines crock-pot and keeps it clean. Store the box in your crock-pot so you remember to use it!

Daby - nail hardener. Works like a wonder. Get it on Ebay - around $8.00 - no shipping!!!! I use this product and have nice long nails - paint over the entire nail after polishing (not just on tips as directions say)

Folex - carpet stain remover - purchase at Lowes - takes up even old stains

Press and Seal - forms seal on dish when storing.

Tide to Go - takes stains off your clothes when you are away from home - works like magic!
Keep in your purse and one in your desk.

Cover Girl lipstick (not sure of the name) stays on all day

Greased Lightning - stain remover - great on grass stains and dirt stains.

Jewelry Cleaner - 1 cup warm water, 1 T ammonia, 2-3 drops Ivory Soap. Soak jewelry then use soft brush, rinse

Put rinds of watermelons/cantaloupe put in sack in freezer until garbage pick up day

Fels-Naphtha Bar - pre- treating stains on clothes. Purchase at grocery store

Bees Wax Furniture Polish - Cleaning Mart - 84th & Center

Use Shout to clean off door of refrigerator’s pebble finish

Soak casseroles with Cascade and it takes the baked on food off

Plastic food scrapers to take off baked on food on pots, pans and casseroles. Can be purchased at Bed Bath Beyond and most stores with kitchen supply areas. (Old time hint. Before you could purchase these we would make them from plastic milk cartons - cut a three inch square and round off the corners - works in a pinch)

Window Cleaner - Few drops of Dawn in water, rub with rag on glass and use a squeegee (purchased at Cleaning Mart) - to have streak free windows

Painting - use a garbage liner bag around tray and pour paint in. When done, dispose of the roller by grabbing it with liner to keep your hands clean. Put the roller in the pan and turn the bag inside out. Tie knot in the bag and throw all away.

Use a dryer sheet to ward off mosquitoes. Used dryer sheets can be used as a dusting cloth on TVs, Computer screens, etc.

To remove stains off of counters make paste with baking powder & lemon, put on stain, leave then wipe up. Stain is gone.

Sliders for moving furniture - put under legs and furniture even heavy furniture is easy to move. Can get at Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.

Leave fabric softener sheets in car to keep it fresh

Strawberries - Use a straw to push up from the bottom to the top and it hulls the strawberry.

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers - great for cleaning the uncleanable. Counter tops, bath tubs, metal chairs, patio furniture, painted walls (not flat paint though)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Chemo #8

Chemo number 8 has been infused into my body. As normal, I feel fine today. The effects don't usually start hitting until Wednesday. Dr. S said if my side effects continue to worsen I may have to switch to getting chemo every week instead of every three weeks. He said that some people find that having a smaller dose lessens overall side effects. He stated we will reevaluate at my next infusion appointment (Sept. 4). I just don't want to be so tired all the time that all I want to do is sleep in my comfy chair - but then I also want to be able to walk (I had more muscle weakness after the last chemo) - so I guess I won't borrow trouble and just wait to see what transpires. One of the things I appreciate about Dr. S is how on top of things he is. When he mentioned the possibility of going to every week I told him I had wondered about that, as I had read about other ladies whose docs told them that every week was 30 to 44% more effective than the every three week regime I was getting. He said, yes, there had been one study that had reported that, but now it was generally felt that the lower dose once weekly was tolerated better and that all of the regimes were fairly equal as far as effectiveness.

Dr. S said he would order scans for me the end of September. He said he is happy with how I look and feels confident that we are on the right track. I request a copy of my blood work at each appointment and am happy to report that some things that you want the numbers to go down - have, and that others are stable. In fact one particular one is one point away from normal and it had been double what it should have been in March! Yea! By the way - Dr.
S was wearing his prosthesis today and appeared to be handling it quite well. After watching Mom learn to walk on hers I know how hard it is to reteach your mind to make it cooperate. Go Dr. S!

After thinking about Mom's problems with her surgeon, she will probably seek out a different doc. Who wants to go to someone that has 'pimped' her around like this doc? It is really disgusting if you get right down to it. I would LOVE it if she could find someone who would be able to go in, do a repair on it, and fill her up with antibiotics rather than what the other doc was going to do - which was to cut out the entire broken knee replacement and leave it out for 3 or more months to get rid of the infection, then go back in with a new knee replacement.

I have PEO tonight, and Joan is going to pick me up - which I really appreciate. I have to take my laptop along to take notes for tonight's program which is our own version of 'Hints from Heloise'. I will be sure to post all the hints that we receive. This should be fun!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

2nd Post on Sunday

Hi! My friend Melanie asked me post the recipe for the Peach Praline Shortcake. Unfortunately, she won't be able to try it as it has nuts in it and she is allergic! Sorry Mel! Anyway - it is a good recipe - especially at this time of year when the peaches are so outstanding. Maybe you (Melanie) could make a small shortcake for yourself using brown sugar and just leave the nuts out and then make the regular praline version for everyone else?

Peach Praline Shortcake
Make peaches and sauce early in the day to allow peaches to form juice and sugar in sauce to dissolve. Take out of fridge one or two hours before serving to bring to room temperature.

4 cups sliced peaches - sweetened
(Hint: to peel peaches, drop one by one in boiling water for a few seconds. Skin will skim right off. )

1 cup sour cream
½ cup brown sugar packed
Blend together - remember to do this earlier in the day so sugar dissolves.

1 ½ cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp baking soda
½ cup brown sugar (packed)
1/3 cup shortening
½ cup coarsely chopped pecans
1 egg
¾ cup milk

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Grease round layer pan, 8x½”
Measure flour, baking powder, salt and soda into bowl. Cut in brown sugar and shortening thoroughly until mixture looks like meal. Stir in pecans. Combine egg and milk; stir into flour mixture just until blended. Pat into pan.
Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Split shortcake while warm. Fill and top with peaches. Top with sauce.

Relaxing Day

Not much to report today. Went to church this morning, grocery store this afternoon and that is pretty much it. The heat is oppressive - and it is hard for me to breathe outside. So, I have stayed inside - reading, sleeping computering (new word?), etc. Hope you have had a relaxing day, too.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Part of the charm of reading people's blogs is being able to legally peer into the lives of others. Since I have started this blog I have added many blogs to my list that I check daily. I have quit putting links to them on my blog because they have become too numerous. I think what is particularly interesting are the different things that people eat or restaurants they go to. For instance, I now know that a bierock is similar to a runza, PeiWie's is an oriental restaurant and a fluffernutter is a sandwich made with peanut butter and marshmallow creme! So interesting - at least to me - but then I like reality shows like Little People Big World, or What Not To Wear, too (however, I DON'T like reality shows like Survivor or the Bachelor).

So far, it has been a pretty low key day. I have done a few things around the house - but not too much. I also went to the grocery store, read a few pages in a book and did some computer surfing for a future trip. I tried to go out and dead head the roses, but the heat chased me back in. I think this is just a resting day. Tonight we are going out to supper with our friends the Brabecs and O'Connors - and that is pretty much it for today.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Last night I got to experience A Fib once again. We were in Lincoln at the Ribfest in the sweltering heat. I am pretty sure I just over taxed my system. Everyone else was dripping sweat and I looked cool as a cucumber = not a good thing I realize now. The A Fib only lasted a few hours, with the help of my meds, so that is good. The Ribfest was great - even with the heat and heart problems. Every year we attend with my brother, Bert, and his wife, Janet. It is 'tradition!' (tradition!). As is also our tradition, Janet and I bought lotto tickets. I don't usually gamble, not because of any convictions, just because I am cheap. Anyway - I bought $10.00 worth of tickets, won $7.00 back plus got a spin on the prize wheel and won a rucksack - kind of a glorified duffle bag. All in all it was a successful trip.

My day has been non-descript. I went to Cardio rehab, came home and visited my blog friends and discussion board and kicked back for just a bit. This afternoon I tackled the kitchen and eating area's floor. I like to clean the floors on my hands and knees - it is just SO much cleaner that way. It took me a little longer than normal, but I managed to get it done. I did a quick vacuum of the living room and hallway and I feel like I have accomplished something today!

My friend, Lynne, is stopping by in a bit to drop off some paperbacks and to look through my stack of books to see if she wants to read any of them. Monday is my 8th chemo (yuck) so I need some good reading materials for my week of recovery. I am hoping that after my 9th chemo Dr. Silverberg will order more scans to make sure my chemo is still working. I feel like it is, but it is always nice to have that reassurance. Plus, if the scan shows improvement, it gives me hope that one of these months (years?) I can get off this harsh chemo and move on to something less toxic. If you are wanting a specific prayer for me - heading towards a long remission would be awesome!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Quick Blog

Just a quick blog to let you know all is well. I have had a busy day and am also busy this evening.

Mary, Diane and I went to Greenwood today to pick up Bakers candies for our PEO tea - which is the end of the month. One of our members, Pam, is going to be the state president. Quite an honor and quite a big job! Anyway, after Greenwood we went to Ashland to eat lunch and visit some of their cute shops. My favorite shop in Ashland is Willow Point, which is Nebraska artist Gene Roncka's art gallery. He is Mark's favorite artist - and one of mine. We own lots of his prints (can't afford the originals).

Oreo, our cat, has the runs, again. I called the vet's office and a tech suggested I try giving her a teaspoon of Peptobismol before getting an antibiotic prescription again. So off I trotted to the store to purchase the pink yucky stuff and an eye dropper. Guess what? Oreo didn't much care for the Pepto - and the scratches on my hand prove it. I barely got 1/4 a teaspoon into her when she escaped and shook pink Pepto all over my kitchen. Nice. I will be getting antibiotics for her tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chemo Brain

OK, I now know I officially have chemo brain. I was at school today to pick some things up from my old classroom and stopped over in the Sped office to say hi to my colleagues. One of them asked what street I lived on in my development and I replied 'Meadow Drive'. She looked confused and I thought - that doesn't sound right. Now, let me explain. I haven't lived on Meadow Drive since Mark and I were first married 27 years ago! Yes, we lived there 7 years, but that is still 20 years since I lived there! Sheese! Up until this moment I hadn't felt like my treatments were bothering my memory too much. Now I know better.

As I said, I went to school to grab a few things I had left there (to get them out of Melanie's way). It was great seeing Melanie and I got to meet her new co-teacher and two new paras. I also got to see a number of the sped staff and to view my dept. head, Michelle's, wedding pictures (she was a beautiful bride). It felt funny waltzing in and out without worrying about all the normal beginning of the year stuff.

My mom had been waiting to hear from her orthopedic surgeon's assistant to set up her knee operation. The assistant had been on vacation the last week. She called Mom today to tell her the doctor has decided to not do her operation..... Say, What? I called the assistant to hear it for myself. She said the doctor didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery because of all her many health issues. Again - Say, What? He had her prepped and ready for surgery two months ago but backed out because of the skin infection. Her health hasn't changed in these two months. I asked what she was suppose to do - she was in pain, she had an infection..... I asked to have the doctor call me, and she said she would give him the message, but she didn't think he would call me. WHAT? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She suggested I write a letter to him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So now, we are back to square one, and Mom thinks no one else here will touch her if this doc won't (he is suppose to be 'the best' in this area). Sigh.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Getting Organized

Hmmmmm - another Tuesday with nothing I have to do. So nice. I spent the morning putzing around, cleaning out drawers and cupboards in our bedroom. It had gotten to the point I was having trouble closing one of the built in cupboard doors, so thought it was time. Carolyn's cat, Maggie, has discovered my overflow of scarves from the basket I store them in and it is now her favorite place to catnap. While mucking out the cupboards I found a crocheted square that Carolyn had made for our now deceased cat, Puff, to sleep on, so laid that on the dresser where the scarves were so she had someplace to nap (and shed) besides my scarves. :-) She is one happy kitty.

I discovered all kinds of treasures during my straightening spree. It is amazing what one shoves in drawers to get them out of the way. Books, head sets, an old cell phone and all it's equipment, my lost number 6 Harry Potter book and a dust jacket to another. I even found a PEO item I have been looking for (yes, Diane, I found it), along with an old camera, many mismatched socks, adapters to who knows what - the list goes on. Needless to say, I have one large plastic garbage liner ready for the trash and another ready for the good will.

My friend Melanie has inspired me on her blog to plan out some meals for the week instead of all the sudden thinking 'Oh, it's four o'clock - what should I make for dinner?', then running to the grocery store. Hopefully I can even think ahead to next week for after treatment when I REALLY don't feel like cooking or shopping and have a plan for that, too. So, with that in mind, I bid you adieu. I need to make my meal plan and grocery list!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Exercise, lunch & shopping!

I have 9 more cardiac rehab days! This will put me a little over three more weeks if I don't miss any classes. I know I need to find something else to give me a cardio workout. It is time to start looking at all my options.

Went to lunch today with Lori and Diane. We had a nice meal at Mimi's Cafe. I hadn't seen Lori in a few months so it was good catching up with her. How is it that time flys by so quickly? Lori's hubby has a classic car, too, so I am sure it won't be long until the three of us will be car show widows as the guys traipse off to classic car events. :-)

Diane and I did a little shopping after lunch at Village Point and then Von Maur. We looked at possible 'Mother of the Groom' dresses just for fun. There was actually one that might work, but I want Courtney's opinion, if possible, and since my chemo treatments could change at any time, I hate to purchase this early with the possibility of my weight fluctuating. But it was fun to look!

Greg's girlfriend, Jaime, came home this evening from Korea. If her plane was on time, she arrived 15 minutes ago! Greg stopped by the house to pick something up this afternoon and I asked that once she is rested, and has her pictures developed, to stop by so she could tell us all about her trip. I am sure she will need a few days to recover even though she is young. I know I would need a week or two to feel like myself again!

Matt emailed Mark and said they had been spotting all kinds of wildlife around their house in Minneapolis - deer, a turkey 'family' and more. Sounds so peaceful!

The past few days have been so busy. I am ready for a down day. Tomorrow I plan on staying close to home to putz and rest. That sounds wonderful.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Relatives and Cars

It has been a busy, fun day. I saw all but one set of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side. We all met in Lincoln at my brother Bert's house. His wife, Janet, hosted the day even though Bert was away on business. That was SO nice of her! We had a great visit and had lots of food and desserts. I still find it hard to believe that my aunts and uncles are all 75 or older - They really don't look their age! Heck - the baby 75 year old still rides in barrel races at rodeos and wins! It was nice to hear that they all keep track of me on this blog - so - Hello every body! Missed you Aunt Dora and Uncle Don!

Mark entered his first car show today. It was in Ralston (a little town within Omaha). As you remember, Mark stores his car at Steve's house. Diane called this morning after they left her house laughing at how cute Steve and Mark looked rumbling down the street in their cars. I am sure they both had big smiles on their faces. Mark's car took Best MoPar - he got a little plaque and everything! Oh, and I hear I gave the wrong make of Mark's car on the blog. It is a PLYMOUTH Roadrunner, not a Dodge. Shows you how much I know about cars.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Long Day

It is a little after 10:00 and I am SO ready for bed. However, I have a busy day tomorrow and may not get to my blog, so decided to write tonight so as not to worry anyone.

Started my day with housework - laundry and cleaning the master bath - and then got ready to go to a luncheon. The luncheon was the Susan G Komen breast cancer survivor luncheon. Diane and I sat with our breast cancer sisters, Ricki and Kathie, who are both from York. I met Ricki through our mutual friend, Donna, and Ricki introduced us to Kathie at last year's luncheon. The meal was OK, the speaker - eh - but I am glad I went as a gal who works tireless for breast cancer fund raising received a well deserved award. It was also nice to catch up with Ricki and Kathie.

After the luncheon I had to go to Sam's Club and HyVee to get food for tomorrow. Seven of my aunts and uncles - along with my brothers and their wives, and a couple of my nieces - will be at Bert and Janet's house in Lincoln for an informal get-together. My awesome sister in law is going above and beyond the call of duty by hosting this gathering of Anderson's while her husband, my brother, is out of town on business! I will be driving to Lincoln on my own for the first time since all my health issues started. It is only an hours drive from my door to theirs - but it is still a milestone. Wish me luck!

Mark stores his muscle car in our friend, Steve's, garage. He was going to go over to Steve's house tonight to spiff the car up for a show tomorrow in Ralston. Dear Diane invited us to come over for supper since Mark was going to come over anyway. It was SO nice to not have to cook - and it is always nice to visit with our good friends! Their daughter, Kaitlin, was home, so it was good to catch up with her, too.

Matt is officially moved in to his new house in Minneapolis. Tonight as we drove home from Steve and Diane's, Mark kept saying 'Matt's starting his new life', 'Matt's gone for good - he is starting his new life'. It does seem so odd to think that he won't be home for any extended periods of time again. I can't think about it too much - or I will get teary.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bright Future

Matt is headed for Minneapolis by way of DesMoines. We met Greg downtown at Jazz Kitchen and had supper as a family one last time before the big move. Matt drove separately and had his car loaded and ready and is now on I-80, headed into his bright future. Mark will head to DesMoines in the morning with the bigger items he is taking, and then he, Courtney and her parents will take the last leg up to Minnesota. I am happy for him, but sad at the same time. Few will be the visits home now that his law school is about to begin. It will seem odd having him six hours away instead of just two. Ah well, time marches on.....

I managed to deliver Greg's cookies to him tonight. There was only one ziplock bag instead of two, but that is what he gets for not coming over to grab them. Matt went home with only one bag, too, as he and Mark demolished his second one. Last night I decided to try to make some semi-healthy cookies for myself since chocolate doesn't agree with me. I used a light, heart healthy margarine and half egg beaters, half eggs. When I had it all whipped up I had batter instead of dough, so ended up making bars. They aren't too bad - but definitely not chocolate chip cookies!

My sister-in-law Janet, my nephew Ryan, and niece Tory came for a visit today. I wasn't expecting Ryan to come as he and his brother, Eric, were suppose to be at camp, so he surprised me! But what REALLY surprised me is how much he has grown since I last saw him in April! He is going into the 7th grade and is 6'2"!!! He has slimmed way down and I think I would have walked past him with out recognizing him if I'd met him on the street. Tory has grown a bunch, too, but not as drastically as Ryan! They are two good looking kids, that is for sure.

Matt joined us for lunch at Red Robin at Shadow Lake and then he headed home to pack while the rest of us shopped. On the trip to the restaurant Tory asked to ride with Matt in his car and she talked his leg off (she is going into the third grade). Matt isn't use to little kids, but I am sure he was flattered that Tory took a liking to him.

It is almost bedtime and I am tired. It has been a busy day and I have a busy weekend ahead. Good night everyone.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tiny Increments

I have decided that Dr. T is a bit of a pessimist. He looked at my xrays and said there was no change. I looked at my xrays and saw improvement. When I questioned him, he said, 'Well, yes, I guess the area is smaller.' Hmmmm - isn't that an improvement? Then I did the breathing test. My air diffusion went from 47% to 51%, to which he said 'no improvement'. I know it isn't huge, but I'll take 4% better! So, while I am not drastically improved from three months ago, everything is going up and not down, so I am happy.

In case you are a daily reader of my blog, I posted earlier today, too.

Have a great day!

Tuesdays & Thursdays

I like Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are the days I don't HAVE to get up at 6:10 in order to get ready for my cardio class. They are the mornings I can leave my PJ's on as long as I'd like while I putter around. These are the mornings I can enjoy a cup of decaf coffee or decaf tea while checking my email, discussion board and blogs. I do like Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Speaking of tea, Matt's fiance, Courtney, gave me a tea mug and diffuser. Matt had one and I asked about it, so she brought me one with some tea from her favorite tea shop in Des Moines, Gong Fu Tea. The mug has a diffuser with a ceramic holder that fits neatly in the mug and a lid that you can set the diffuser on when you are done. It is very cool. Here is a picture of it from off the web.

Courtney gave me the white one, which is perfect, as my dishes are white. Thanks, Courtney!

Matt was lamenting the fact that he and Courtney had just begun to settle in to Des Moines and had found favorite places, like Gung Fu Tea, and a bakery that makes great focacia bread, the Farmers Market, and a fun, inexpensive after work hangout- and now they are starting over in Minneapolis/St. Paul. I know he is excited about the move, but there are always things you hate to leave behind. He leaves tomorrow for Des Moines and Mark will follow on Saturday with his things he has here at home. Courtney's parents will haul all the items from Des Moines to Minneapolis in a UHaul. This will save Mark from having to drive the 6 hours up and back. Thanks Faith and Tracy!

Carolyn baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for Greg a few days ago, and he keeps forgetting to stop by and pick them up. Mark and Matt have been attacking them, so if he doesn't get here soon they will be gone! She now has also baked a batch for Matt to take with him, but they are hard for the guys to resist - so I am not sure how many will actually make it to Des Moines!

Greg's girlfriend, Jaimie, is in Korea. She left last Sunday. Hopefully she is enjoying the convention and seeing the land of her ancestors. This is quite an adventure for a twenty year old!

I have an appointment with Dr. Thommi, my pulmonologist, this afternoon. It is just a check up, but I am anxious to hear what he has to say. I will post again later, after my appointment.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bouncing Back

Today has been a fairly productive day. Went to cardiac rehab and found out I have 11 more visits before I 'graduate'. Part of me says 'hooray!' since exercising isn't my first choice of past time, while the other part of me is nervous that I will back slide and lose the strength, etc. I have gained. I am going to have to come up with some type of routine that will keep me at it - good luck with that (I say to myself).

I came home and had an over two hour conversation with my friend, Melanie over the phone. A lot of it was about starting the school year, and some of it was about fun things (like Harry Potter and Whoopie Goldberg hosting The View). Melanie has quite a challenging year in front of her, so I wish her well!

Next I plowed through some paperwork I had been putting off and wrote a thank you note to my friend Ricki, who sent me a beautiful book called 'What Cancer Can Not Do'. Intriguing title, don't you think?

A couple of phone calls to my friend Diane, a few emails, a trip to the grocery store and it is now 4:15. Where did the day go?

I had my kazillionth bladder infection start yesterday (probably why I was having trouble bouncing back), but feel better today after a couple doses of antibiotics. Thank the Lord for antibiotics. I couldn't imagine having to just grin and bear - as it is unbearable!