Sunday, August 19, 2007

Another Lazy Day

Went to church this morning. A 'small-group' of lay people provided the service as Pastor Doug was out of town. They did a wonderful job and I thought they had a good message - get involved with a small-group at the church! With churches getting bigger and bigger, these small groups minister to individuals and makes one feel like they truly belong and have a voice.

I have, again, been rather lazy today. My intent was to do some shopping this afternoon, but a little nap sounded better. I know the chemo is what makes me crave these naps, but they certainly cramp my style. I guess I should look at the bright side - I definitely save money napping instead of shopping! I need makeup - and all I have to do is run into the store that sells it and purchase it - so that is not so time consuming. However, I also need to go foundation shopping - new bras - (sorry guys - a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do) but this I know will take some time. Diane told me about a new shop at the new Shadow Lake Mall that has a wide selection so I hope to give it a try one of these days when shopping sounds better than napping.


nikkis30by30 said...

Naps always sound better to me too and I am not even taking chemo!! LOL! Just think of it as catching up on all those hours of sleep you lost when your boys were little. ;)

Melanie D. said...

Did you ever try Lane Bryant? They have a wide selection of sizes and when they are on sale, that are buy 2 get 2. They are my favorite I've ever owned. Good luck - and you'll have to share about how the new shop you try goes!

Like I always say - don't fight it, nap on sister!