Saturday, August 11, 2007


Part of the charm of reading people's blogs is being able to legally peer into the lives of others. Since I have started this blog I have added many blogs to my list that I check daily. I have quit putting links to them on my blog because they have become too numerous. I think what is particularly interesting are the different things that people eat or restaurants they go to. For instance, I now know that a bierock is similar to a runza, PeiWie's is an oriental restaurant and a fluffernutter is a sandwich made with peanut butter and marshmallow creme! So interesting - at least to me - but then I like reality shows like Little People Big World, or What Not To Wear, too (however, I DON'T like reality shows like Survivor or the Bachelor).

So far, it has been a pretty low key day. I have done a few things around the house - but not too much. I also went to the grocery store, read a few pages in a book and did some computer surfing for a future trip. I tried to go out and dead head the roses, but the heat chased me back in. I think this is just a resting day. Tonight we are going out to supper with our friends the Brabecs and O'Connors - and that is pretty much it for today.


Melanie D. said...

Do you use Google Reader? If not, you should. You load all of the sites to that one place and can see if they've updated from there. I remember telling you about it, but can't remember if you've done it. It saves me a TON of time!

I hope you have a lovely dinner. You'll have to write about where you've gone, since I like to be a totally legal voyeur too!

Midwest Beach Girl said...

I love it too! And thanks for adding me as one of your links!

Did you get your "style poster" made? Let me know if you need more help!

Rosebud said...

Stay out of the's bad here in Michigan too..rosebud